文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

That response summed up the hypocrisy of Kensuke Okoshi.

2024年06月10日 09時52分36秒 | 全般
September 23, 2020
It is about discrimination.
On the night Naomi Osaka won the U.S. Open, Okoshi probably had everything to do with commenting on it.
In his usual tone, he said something about discrimination.
Okoshi and the Japanese viewers must read the following with an open mind.
Those who make their living by commenting on discrimination are the ones who discriminate.
Prime Minister Abe spent a long time at Keio Hospital due to a recurrence and worsening of his chronic colorectal disease.
He stayed for three hours at Keio Hospital for a second checkup.
The day before Prime Minister Abe held a press conference announcing his sudden resignation, watch9 broadcast the most insidious and vicious discriminatory report.
The story's heart was probably to force Prime Minister Abe to step down immediately.
No sane Japanese citizen could have reported like that.
They reported that Japan, the most successful country in the world in dealing with the coronavirus problem, was the administration that failed to deal with the issue, of all things, in the developed world.
The full screen showed a graph that was so deliberate as to be almost unbelievable.
Not only did they report that Japan's response was vastly inferior to Germany's, they commented, "The reason for this is that physicists have been working on the problem for years."
He discriminated against Prime Minister Abe, who is not a graduate of Tokyo University, as an uneducated person to whom Merkel could not be compared, saying, "As for the cause, Merkel, who is also a physicist..."
In his column in the latter part of the Weekly Shincho, Masayuki Takayama referred to their words and actions as jealousy.
It is not jealousy but discrimination.
The attacks against Prime Minister Abe by the Asahi Shimbun, opposition politicians, so-called cultural and civic groups, and commercial TV talk shows are nothing but hate speeches.
It is nothing more than hate speech to say that "Prime Minister Abe's character cannot be trusted" is the number one reason for not supporting his administration in the polls frequently conducted by NHK, even though all the leaders of developed countries have praised him as a politician with the most rare character in the postwar era.
Not only are they untrustworthy as Japanese people, but they are not genuine Japanese, and many Chongryon and other Korean residents in Japan infiltrated Japanese broadcasting stations to take advantage of the occupation policy of GHQ immediately after the war.
NHK had the most significant number of them.
They may control NHK's news department.
In other words, they are people whose personalities cannot be trusted.
They have been attacking Prime Minister Abe with the most hate speech ever, saying that his character is untrustworthy.
A weekly magazine once published the contents of a conversation he had at a bar.
The physicist Merkel is probably the result of a conversation with Kang Sang-jung, a Waseda graduate who studied abroad in Germany and somehow became a professor at the University of Tokyo (perhaps Tokyo University has a quota for Korean residents in Japan), and others with whom he frequently dines. -(Perhaps the University of Tokyo has a quota for Korean residents in Japan.
In the first place, the Japanese people must know that the content of the countless polls conducted by NHK during the Abe administration itself was the most vicious discrimination ever.
For Prime Minister Abe, whose character was praised by all the leaders of the industrialized nations, the people who control NHK's news department kept running poll after poll with "the prime minister's character is not trustworthy" as the number one reason for not supporting him.
All of you with discerning eyes know that Okoshi is a buffoon who is incapable of doing anything other than being a Tokyo University graduate.
Fortunately, Mr. Naoki Hyakuta was a member of NHK's management committee when he made the statement in the previous chapter, so the outrageousness of Okoshi's statement was criticized without a moment's pause, and he was demoted.
He was not fired.
After being spared his firing, Okoshi took advantage of being a member of the University of Tokyo's baseball club and went on a tour of Major League Baseball at NHK's expense (essentially taxpayer money) as part of a particular program.
The project was planned to coincide with the All-Star season.
He asked Altuve of the Astros, who was in his prime and smacked of a pseudo-moralist (he is unusually small for a major leaguer), about the secret of his success despite his small size.
Altuve looked at Ogoshi disdainfully and told him that it did not matter how big or small he was.
That response summed up the hypocrisy of Kensuke Okoshi.
Okoshi and those who control NHK's news department discriminated against former Prime Minister Abe, who graduated from Seikei University, not Tokyo University, throughout his term in office.
This is the real reason why NHK continued to be complicit in the Morikake scandal, which was fabricated by the Asahi Shimbun and fomented by the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan.
This article continues.

2024/6/7 in Nagoya


