文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is long past time to recognize that China is the mastermind behind ICAN.

2023年10月11日 09時43分31秒 | 全般

Considering that the essence of China is a system of abysmal evil and plausible lies, combined with the sin of a communist one-party dictatorship, the time has come for the people of Japan and the world to realize that there is no deterrent to the ambitions of this evil empire except for Japan to become nuclear-armed. 
The time has long come for the world to learn that peace will never come to Southeast Asia unless Japan becomes nuclear-armed and confronts China not only as an economic superpower but also as a nuclear superpower.
The United States has policies that can change from one president to another. 
De Gaulle said that France would not be a country that would be foolish enough to entrust its security to such a country. 
De Gaulle went nuclear and obtained the absolute war deterrent humankind has ever had: deterrence against the Soviet threat = atomic deterrence. 
There was no way that the Soviet Union (now Russia) would attack France or China would take any action, leading to continuous threats against Japan.
China has taken advantage of the fact that Japan has been ruled by forces determined to protect the Constitution created by GHQ to weaken Japan for all time.
Propaganda is the art of making all kinds of maneuverings.
China constantly attacks Japan by threatening, sweet-talking, pulling back, and pushing.
It is also apparent that they are trying to divide the Western nations by using "hypocrisy," such as pseudo-moralism and political correctness prevailing in the developed countries.
Hypocrisy is synonymous with weakness or softness.
I have often mentioned that it is as easy for a propaganda state to manipulate a developed nation as twisting a baby's hand.
It is even easier for China to gain control over the UN, whose existence is based on hypocrisy.
Most of the people who make their living at the UN are people who can be easily entrapped with money.
There are countless examples of people who have been entrapped by the Chinese and elevated to the top of their respective departments or entrapped by the Chinese.
It is also an obvious fact that China has also entrapped most of the NGOs in various countries that claim to have a voice in the UN.
IMDAR, which this column was the first to inform the world of, is nothing more than an organization of anti-Japanese activists, and it is a clear fact that IMDAR is an offshoot of China and the Korean Peninsula, the only two anti-Japanese nations in the world.
As soon as this column reported the reality of their situation to the world, they deleted the "Directors" section of their official website.
In other words, they had proven themselves to be the "king of nakedness.
They were proving themselves to be antisocial figures and undesirable to Japan and the world.
For example, if a Japanese company hides its list of directors, it is only when there are representatives of antisocial organizations, such as gangsters.

The main objective of ICAN for the abolition of nuclear weapons is to get Japan to sign a document stating that it will not possess nuclear weapons.
The parent organizations of ICAN are far-left extremist movements in the West and the Japanese Peace Boat.
Peace Boat is an organization Japanese public security authorities have identified as an affiliate of North Korea.
It is long past time to recognize that China is the mastermind behind ICAN.

Why is China's propaganda war so thorough?
It is no exaggeration to say that a one-party dictatorship of the Communist Party is built on propaganda, and for them, propaganda is a philosophy and a raison d'etre.
Propaganda is to succeed in their nefarious ambitions at all costs, even if it means creating lies.
It is evident that China, whose persistence is also part of its national character, has quickly gained control of the United Nations.
In Japan, China has already taken control (influence) of most of the media, including the Asahi Shimbun and NHK, through a mixture of hard and soft tactics.
It is no exaggeration to say that most of the people who control the news departments of Asahi Shimbun and NHK, as well as other major media outlets, are people who have fallen for Chinese honey traps and money traps.
China is such a country.
China is a country where propaganda is the essence and nothing else,
It is a country of abysmal evil and plausible lies.
The time has come for Japan and the rest of the world to realize that this has been the essence of this country's system since the beginning of time.
We should know that nothing in this world is as intolerable as the Chinese rulers.
There is no culture, no civilization, no art.
There is only belief in power and lies.

