文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

You are responsible for prosecuting and severely punishing this persistent crime

2023年04月21日 14時54分55秒 | 全般

Dear Google Inc.
My "Turntable of Civilization" is the one and only blog in the postwar world.
In May 2011, I was hospitalized at Kitano Hospital in Osaka with a severe illness that doctors declared I had a "25% chance of living".
On June 1, 2011, I announced on my blog that my book was to be published on December 1, 2011, by Bungeisha.
Until then, the number of searches for my Japanese language, "the turntable of civilization," was enormous, and the search page continued.
The number of searches for "the turntable of civilization" in English was over 20 million, and each chapter in each language I published had about 70 pages.
However, as soon as I made the above announcement, this criminal rattled off search pages for my "文明のターンテーブル" and "the turntable of civilization" by creating hundreds of blogs on various blog sites and posting only one of my chapters there search page.
In 2012, after fully recovering and being discharged from the hospital, I filed a criminal complaint with the Yodogawa Police Station.
The man above confessed that he did all these things.
I did this independently, without hiring a law firm, so it took me about three years to get to the Osaka District Public Prosecutors Office.
Then, no charges were filed.
Taking this as a good thing, this criminal continues to falsify search results.
I have repeatedly reported this to Google through feedback and other means and asked them to rectify the situation.
Since there was no solution, I gave up on Chrome, which I had used for many years.
The other day, the crime from the man mentioned above became more intense again.
I thought if I searched for "turntable of civilization," I would find a rattling search result, though in a different manner than before.
Notice that the search results for "Turntable of Civilization," the one and only blog in the postwar world that I have been sending out almost every day since July 2010, cannot possibly be this, well, well, unexplainable.
Even as an amateur, I am convinced these criminals' tactics are doorway pages, SQL injection, XSS (cross-site scripting), etc.
Your company would know that these tactics are used to interfere with searches.
Please stop this man's crimes ASAP.
Please restore the search page.
You are responsible for prosecuting and severely punishing this persistent offender in a criminal case.


