文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

After the First Sino-Japanese War, many Chinese people came to Japan and learned Japanese and

2018年03月25日 10時41分06秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

How about Korea?

It changed a northern half to the Hangul alphabet to have been given instructions from the Japanese by stopping a kanji of.

As a result, it started a good job of making missiles and nuclear weapons or making counterfeit money.

The traditional South half falls if it builds a bridge, it collapses if building a building, the ship overturns, it advocates a grudge paragraph by lighting a candle each time.

There was a big difference from the north.

The Japanese were different from them.

It got instinct of the poison of kanji when it saw that gold seal.

Then, it did in order that it should give off indeed for 500 years or to do until it invented Man'yōgana which doesn't damage a word and a culture in Japan.

For example, he created a new character ‘杣’ with confidence.

When cutting trees for firewood, plant seedlings.

It is the word which has a kind thought to the environment.

Even if democracy and new concepts came from the West by that method, we could respond instantly.

After the First Sino-Japanese War, many Chinese people came to Japan and learned Japanese and brought back.

This draft continues.
