文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

At the foot of the same Alborz there is a city called Qazvin.

2017年09月23日 12時05分57秒 | 日記

The following is also from the famous column serialized by Takayama Masayuki, who is the one and only journalist in the postwar world, in the last stage of the weekly Shincho.

Chionanthus retusus

130 km west of Tehran.

At the foot of the same Alborz there is a city called Qazvin.

Honda's motorcycle factory has advanced, but this is why it is also called homosexual city.

When migratory birds fly over this town, the hidden ass was hidden with one wing, or when the airborne troops exercised descent, the men in the city laid a futon and were waiting naked.

Of course it is a joke.

"Mobara in Chiba is home to homosexual", it is the same way as it said.

It is the citizen of Lesbos Island that suffered damages more than this Qazvin rumor.

It lived here in the 6th century BC Safo, a girl’s poet, Greek.

She opened a woman’s school and sang a singular sensual pleasure with young students.

That's why ladies' homosexuals came to be called lesbian women on Lesbos Island.

Citizens were in trouble when they became famous.

The lesbian notation meaning from this island brought about unnecessary misunderstanding.

In 2008, a lawsuit filed by the Athens District Court "a lesbian in the sense of gay homosexuals" was ended by the islanders' defeat.

This island lies only 13 kilometers from the coast of Turkey.

So Iranians and Syrians came over here with a rubber boat.

If you land, there is Greece.

In other words, it will be warmly welcomed as refugees who have entered the corner of the EU.

The European Union is perplexed by over a million refugees and now the name of Lesbos became the name of the island the Europeans do not want to hear most.

The name of the island the Europeans do not want to hear is Lampedusa Island.

It was an island that boasted for Italy.

Transparent sea. White sand. The yacht in a quiet bay appears as if it is floating in the sky.

This magnificent tour was a price of 250,000 yen from I-week trip from Japan, but also here "100 km from the northern coast of Africa" went havoc.

Economic refugees from Libya and Mali were sent in by hand snakeheads there and from there they ran into the EU in rows. 

European countries misunderstood as "the work of Gaddafi", the NATO army dispose him.

However, refugees have increased contrarily, now a massive flood of refugees is visiting this island.

This draft continues.
