文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Shinzo Abe warned the world of the danger of China.

2022年09月29日 17時20分44秒 | 全般
The following is from Masayuki Takayama's serialized column that marks the end of Weekly Shincho, which was released today.
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but also for people worldwide.
Fifty Years of Nightmares
Xi Jinping said, "The restoration of the great Chinese nation." 
That is too much bluster. 
That is too much big talk. 
There is no such thing as a "noodle shop union," and Xi himself wanted to say "the great Han Chinese nation." 
But Xi knew it would be a lie to say so. 
The Han Chinese were the people living in "Zhongyuan," the capital of the Shang and Tang dynasties.
But they rarely became rulers there. 
In other words, most of their 4,000-year history has been dominated by foreign tribes from outside, and they have spent their time as enslaved people. 
Enslaved people have no dreams.
The only culture they had was foot binding.
Even Chinese characters were created by Qin Shi Huang of the eastern barbarians. 
The Han Chinese have neither greatness nor a culture that can be revived and appreciated anywhere. 
However, because of their upbringing, they are good at lying.
They are exceptionally good at deceiving people. 
Xi Jinping's "The Chinese Nation" is one of the best.
He included all the ethnic groups in Chinese history dynasties that flourished in the Central Plains in the past in the "Chinese nation. 
The Xibis, who founded the Shang and brought bronze culture, and the Genghis Khan, who conquered the Eurasian continent, were also included in the Chinese nation. 
The Manchu people, who founded the Qing Dynasty, are also part of this group, so the Mongols, Uyghurs, Tibetans, and Taiwanese ruled by the Qing Dynasty all belong to the Xi regime. 
It is the so-called "One China" scam. 
The magic word that enabled the Han Chinese, who had been enslaved for so long, to become a superpower, even holding Mount Everest, was this "Chinese nation. 
Fifty years ago, Kakuei restored diplomatic relations with such a country.
Behind this foolish move was the instigation of the Asahi Shimbun, which had teamed up with China. 
First, Midoro Masuichi had his hometown friend Kaheita Okazaki blow the whistle that "Japan did to China what the Nazis did to Europe.
It was the beginning of atonement diplomacy. 
After Midoro, Tomoo Hirooka had Katsuichi Honda write a series of lies about "the Japanese army that behaved like the Nazis. 
Kakuei flew to Beijing in such an eerie atmosphere.
He had no sense of atonement, but as a diplomatic gesture, he said, "I have caused you a great deal of trouble. The interpreter translated it as "添了麻煩.
It meant nothing more than minor mismanagement. 
Zhou Enlai took the bait.
He said, "Millions of Chinese people died during the Japanese invasion, but what is a small thing?" 
Kakuei was annoyed at the Chinese's guts for making a minor mistake in interpretation, but he resisted the urge to kick his seat and leave. 
In fact, Zhou Enlai had visited Japan twice when he was young. 
He took several university entrance examinations but failed them all.
He also failed to get into an easy teacher's college.
In the end, he was admitted only to the Chinese Communist Party, which had no entrance examinations. 
It meant that his Japanese was fluent.
If an interpreter made a mistake in translation, he could laugh and correct it. 
But his slave spirit was ingrained in him.
With this, he was able to take the lead in negotiations.
The "millions of victims" should have been effective. 
And then, he started talking about giving ODA, technical assistance, and even the Senkakus as if they belonged to him. 
Kakuei snickered.
What was he talking about, sacrificing millions of people?
Most of them were done by Chiang Kai-shek and the Chinese Communists.
For example, the Yellow River burst its banks, killing 300,000 people.
Guo Moruo admitted, "Chiang Kai-shek's army did it to stop the pursuit of the Japanese." 
In fact, the Japanese stopped their pursuit and sent out boats of all sizes to save the people affected by the disaster. 
The floods devastated the farmlands of Henan Province, causing a famine that resulted in the starvation of one million people. 
"The Japanese army released food for us. We gladly became Hanjian. We helped the Japanese army and annihilated 300,000 of Chiang's troops," wrote Liu Zhenyun in The Human Condition, 1942.
Chiang and the CPC forces also set fire to the city of Changsha for the same purpose, burning tens of thousands of people to death. 
The Han Chinese had established two dynasties in the past.
However, because they came from enslaved people, they did not know how to reign.
The people were a great misery. 
It is the third Han Chinese administration, but they have already killed 100 million people through the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution.
It is the worst Han Chinese regime. 
Kakuei knew that.
That is why Asahi crushed him. 
Shinzo Abe warned the world of the danger of China.
That is why the initiative of Asahi killed him. 
For fifty years, we spun a friendship with China.
But we don't want the 51st year.
