文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It is because there is such a ground that fake news overflows.

2019年06月22日 07時36分26秒 | 日記

The following is from the article of Mr. Nakanishi Terumasa published in the monthly magazine Sound Argument.
Beginning of corruption of human civilization
In the background of the easy compromise of the Western countries, especially in the United States, to China after the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, it is of course also impossible to resist the "attractive" market of China with its vast population.
However, it is here that the United States and Japan took the initiative at this time and broke the principle of emphasizing freedom, democracy, and human rights, making today's "challenge for world hegemony" of China a reality. So we need to dig deeper and argue again.
I have pointed out that the world order in the 21st century governed by "enthusiasm" and "corruption" (see "Meeting with Different Cultures" Kyoto University Academic Press, 1998, Nakakan Terumasa " Post-Cold War International Order.
"Enthusiasm" is, for example, radical Islamic fundamentalism or globalism as a "new world order" that the United States has promoted as the only champion.
"Corruption" merely is monetary desire and Mammonism.
Individuals and nations are also increasingly driven by money power compared to the 19th and 20th centuries and are becoming a world covered by Mammonism.
It is nothing but the corruption of the entire human civilization.
It brought about by the emergence of the global economy, but the sense of values supported by the spirit of justice of the 20th century world such as the democracy, liberty and esteem of the human rights that does the suffusion honestly recedes and can say a historic tide of the world in 21st century which the money power is encroaching on.
One of the reasons is that the ideology that swept the world in the 19th and 20th centuries is no longer attractive.
It is the Marxism ideology that aims at the exploration of the labor and the release from the dehumanization at the one that is serious and clear in retrospect, and that is why the branch has also run into the madness of fascism.
If such ideologies and values weaken as motives for human behavior, it is self-evident that monetary greed and material greed enter the void of the spirit and replace it.
The second reason for the spread of Mammonism will be the advancement of IT technology.
With the individualized advanced technology of SNS (membership exchange site), it is becoming a world where everything is moving in the pseudo-reality of "advertising."
"Advertising," that is, Propaganda Universal's "post-true" psychological space, we live in modern times planted every day.
It is because there is such a ground that fake news overflows.
About the democracy of a presupposition, repeating the argument ripened, conforming to a fact, is already hollow from inside.
It has pointed out that it is the China Communist Party's global strategy that takes the lead and uses and practices such as the corruption of human civilization.
Stephen Harper, University of Cambridge Magdalene College Fellow (which later became a temporary topic in the Trump administration's "Russian suspicion" issue), wrote "Beijing Consensus-Chinese style moves the world" (2011, Iwanami Shoten) We analyze in, but
Stephen Harper, University of Cambridge Magdalene College Fellow (which later made a temporary topic in the Trump administration's "Russian suspicion" issue), wrote, "Beijing Consensus-Chinese style moves the world" (2011, Iwanami Shoten), analyses.
But according to the book, it is positive for economic growth to exclude 'universal values' for Western countries such as democracy and human rights in economic activity, and they think that they are even an impediment to system stability, it is said to be a 'Chinese economic model.'
Harper warns that such an extreme "Economic growth universals" Chinese model is rapidly expanding in Asia, Africa, and Latin America and is gradually covering the world.
This manuscript continues.


