文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

such as that of the great predecessors, not even in a corner of the head,

2015年09月26日 22時55分30秒 | 日記

In the intention as Kang Sang-jung, South Korea, the Chinese government, and intelligence agencies, Asahi will not be recognized Japan as a major power,

Saying will mediate between the interval of China and the U.S., and so on,

It followed a system in China where a head and a trunk were separated,

In the existence like Korea which thinks that deceptive what was concealing one's talents is strategy, there should be Japan.

Put that kind of angle brackets,

"The new order of the world... follow the United States and China"

The enough of saying that it does a boor really only, too, isn't done,

There is not a character of the feeling of the mettle of the masters who accomplished a rare big revolution at a breath, too, in the human history, too.

Other than the defeat of more than necessary of the second World War, even just once, that has not been conquered by the other countries, since the dawn of history, also rare in world history, and in history,

Came to graduates in myriad, such as that of the great predecessors, not even in a corner of the head,

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while they are in a great quantity, exactly, it would not say that

2015年09月26日 21時56分45秒 | 日記

If it does the condition of the major power by in other words, that never forgive such fool thing like a preceding chapter,

Japan as long as the Asahi is there, and grew up reading the Asahi, such as it referred are human beings scholar that they are gleefully livelihood things such as Uemura and Sakamoto, while they are in a great quantity, exactly, it would not say that Japan is the major powers.

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In other words, China is a major power of the suppression of the human rights.

2015年09月26日 21時53分42秒 | 日記

In other words, the United States, while pay a huge amount of maintenance funds for the United Nations, at the Human Rights Council, such as the livelihood that they slander their own country, such as the NGO, to never or give the right to speak,

Let alone, to slander their own country, such as the livelihood that dropping the foreign credit and values of their own country, not to appoint them such as the jury absolutely.

Write about China, the following points, all of the human beings involved in the United Nations Human Rights Council, must be read with eyes wide open.

China is certainly population 1.3 billion people of the major powers. But, it is also a different superpower.

In other words, China is a major power of the suppression of the human rights.

It is a hard fact that human cannot exist in China, such as in the previous section of Uemura Hideaki and Sakamoto Shigeki.

And if China, the human rights of the human being like Uemura Hideaki and Sakamoto Shigeki don't exist.

If, if they are to be the Chinese, such plight it's impossible to absolutely, but let's assume that it was.

Uemura and Sakamoto is immediately arrested, as treason against the state, that have been sentenced to felony, including the death penalty can be seen to anyone man with a decent intelligence around the world, it can be seen the truth for even the kindergartner.

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However, I was writing a preceding chapter and noticed.

2015年09月26日 21時42分21秒 | 日記

However, I was writing a preceding chapter and noticed.

Saying being the newspaper which represents Japan, it gives in the Asahi, as for flattering, by the New York Times paper, and by the leading newspapers in Germany, Korea nominates a country, and it will be China and so on.

I inform the world that no one all over the world except me notices.

Special Features of Asahi, certainly, while no more stupid newspaper such as the Asahi is present in Japan, the title may be current.

In other words, the United Nations is a very important organization for the world, and if you look at the actual situation that came maintained until this,

The United States and Japan, came to maintain and continue to pay huge amounts of money that was overwhelmingly pull the third-th country,

The correctness of my editorial, again, but it has been proved 100%.

Special Features of Asahi reveals the definition of powerhouse paradoxically.

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taking advantage in this anti-Japanese propaganda that China is going in the same manner

2015年09月26日 21時34分32秒 | 日記

This South Korea, the anti-Japanese propaganda that is carried out using a number of forged reports of Asahi newspaper,

And taking advantage in this anti-Japanese propaganda that China is going in the same manner,

Against Japan, and then forged the history, rather than by using the Asahi newspaper is willing to forge in the next from the next, or, that it brings a very favorable coverage for them,

For dropping the international credit and the value of Japan, and they have created a war, that is the history war, meaning that.

On the other hand, Asahi, has continued, such as if they were pandering to claims of Xi Jinping, the United States and China due to the new world order, chasing, a feature that like.

Of Japan to substantially is the second super-economy in the world even now, which should be a newspaper,

Abnormality of the feature of Asahi, if the owner of the keen insight, you should notice immediately.

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2015年09月26日 20時53分32秒 | 日記




















私の予感は、≪徹底討論≫OBが語る なぜ朝日の偏向報道はやまないのか …『月刊正論』 2008年11月号 

稲垣 武(元「週刊朝日」副編集長)/本郷美則(元朝日新聞研修所長)/聞き手 石川瑞穂(元産経新聞論説委員)




稲垣 社会党の岩垂寿喜男元衆議院議員の弟かな。

本郷 「長野の秀才兄弟」なんて言われていたが、彼の報道は、北朝鮮べったりだった。















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If the information agency of fascism and totalitarian state makes a character-building,

2015年09月26日 15時57分53秒 | 日記

Now, Asahi and Sankei has continued exactly the feature of marked contrast.

Special Features of Sankei newspaper is a feature titled "history war".

Ri Seung-man who appeared in the confusion after the war used anti-Japanese propaganda, in order to cover his own career was overshadowed compared to Kim Il Sung.

In other words, they aim to their legitimacy, inflame hatred against other countries and others in order to divert the public's eye, it is Nazism itself, they began anti-Japanese education.

Until recently, Japanese culture had been prohibited.

Even now, freely like ordinary various countries, it is not the status as Japan is told.

The human being who grew up with this anti-Japanese education becomes the nucleus of the various fields in Korea in now.

Moreover, North Korea continued character-building carefully to Korea from a certain time.

North Korea's character-building is excellently realized and the Korean as the result has a multitude now in the legal circles in Korea.

Therefore, the wild trial that the international law and the peace with Japan which themselves concluded ignored everything is done.

If the information agency of fascism and totalitarian state makes a character-building, and that put the eye first and foremost to intellectuals, they are scholars and legal professionals, and in addition to the human beings who are in the mass media,

Now I'm sure that Japan is the most indifferent in the world against this common sense.

At the same time, I really have been horrified.

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In other words, they aim to their legitimacy, inflame hatred against other countries and others

2015年09月26日 15時46分00秒 | 日記

Now, Asahi and Sankei has continued exactly the feature of marked contrast.

Special Features of Sankei newspaper is a feature titled "history war".

Ri Seung-man who appeared in the confusion after the war used anti-Japanese propaganda, in order to cover his own career was overshadowed compared to Kim Il Sung.

In other words, they aim to their legitimacy, inflame hatred against other countries and others in order to divert the public's eye, it is Nazism itself, they began anti-Japanese education.

Until recently, Japanese culture had been prohibited.

Even now, freely like ordinary various countries, it is not the status as Japan is told.

The human being who grew up with this anti-Japanese education becomes the nucleus of the various fields in Korea in now.

Moreover, North Korea continued character-building carefully to Korea from a certain time.

North Korea's character-building is excellently realized and the Korean as the result has a multitude now in the legal circles in Korea.

Therefore, the wild trial that the international law and the peace with Japan which themselves concluded ignored everything is done.

If the information agency of fascism and totalitarian state makes a character-building, and that put the eye first and foremost to intellectuals, they are scholars and legal professionals, and in addition to the human beings who are in the mass media,

Now I'm sure that Japan is the most indifferent in the world against this common sense.

At the same time, I really have been horrified.

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Nəticə ağır San Francisco Konqresi

2015年09月26日 15時40分41秒 | 日記

Mən əhalisi hoodlum 2% olan bütün ölkələrə edilir.

Çində 1,3 milyard insanların bu tətbiq, bu, bir adi ölkəyə bərabərdir.

Bu, onların dövlət mahiyyəti aydınlıq və buna belə Universiteti manipulyasiya tənqid Yaponiyada bir highbrow etmək təbiidir böyüklər kimi hətta mind yoxdur harada Asahi tənqid olunmalıdır nöqtəsi kimi Tokyo.

keçmiş Yaponiya vəziyyəti və "inandırıcı yalan" "alt məlum deyil pis" ölkədə ənənə ilə tamamilə gücsüz idi.

Əksinə, Asahi belə bir hərbi rahatlıq qadın problemi adlanır və quraşdırma hesabat etdi və onlara uyğun hücum material verdi.

Anti-Yapon təbliğat Koreya üçün istifadə etmək üçün onların öz səhv idarə etməsinə milli gözləri qaçmaq və anti-Yapon təhsil adlanır adı nasizm etməyə davam əlavə bir rəhbərliyi qorumaq üçün 2000-ci ildə ilk Çində asılılıq idi və tək partiya diktatorluğu Çin Kommunist Partiyasının olan.

nəticə ağır San Francisco Konqresi iman ki, bir vəziyyətdir.

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Is é an toradh a plight go deacair

2015年09月26日 15時40分13秒 | 日記

Thagair mé do na tíortha go léir a bheith de 2% den daonra hoodlum sin.

Más rud é a chur i bhfeidhm seo go 1.3 billiún duine sa tSín, tá sé comhionann leis gnáth tír amháin.

Shoiléirigh sé an croílár na n-stáit agus mar do phointe a chaithfear a cháineadh, an Asahi agus mar sin i gcás nach bhfuil fiú aigne mar an duine fásta i gcás ina bhfuil sé nádúrtha a dhéanamh a cháineadh ionramháil ar highbrow sa tSeapáin, mar shampla an Ollscoil Tokyo.

Ba é an coinníoll de iar tSeapáin powerless go hiomlán leis an traidisiún sa tír ar "an olc nach bhfuil ar eolas i bun" agus "an bréag sochreidte".

Ina ionad sin, rinne an Asahi an tuarascáil monaraithe a dtugtar fadhb bean chompord míleata agus mar sin de agus thug siad ábhar ionsaí oiriúnach.

Maidir leis an propaganda frith-Seapánach a úsáid le haghaidh an Chóiré a bhí ar dtús spleáchas sa tSín i 2000 bliain a imghabháil súile náisiúnta as a n-drochriaracháin féin agus a choimeád ar bun riarachán chomh maith le leanúint ar aghaidh ag déanamh Nazism an t-ainm ar a dtugtar oideachas frith-Seapánach , agus an deachtóireacht aon-pháirtí a an Pháirtí Cumannach na Síne.

Is é an toradh a plight go deacair a chreidiúint an Chomhdháil San Francisco.

Leanann an tAirteagal seo

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il est le savant aussi loin que la Chine depuis les temps

2015年09月26日 15時37分09秒 | 日記

Je l'ai écrit que l'Université de Tokyo en cas d'être une université très sensible à la Chine et la Corée.

Mr.Ko Bunyu est Tiwanese mais il est le savant aussi loin que la Chine depuis les temps anciens jusqu'à aujourd'hui, personne est un match pour lui, il est donc un Taiwanais, il ne peut pas être un professeur de l'Université de Tokyo en permanence.

Son érudition, il est pas un endroit pour étendre, comme Kang Sang-jung est, pour une personne d'une grande perspicacité, il est un fait évident.

Quel sera cependant, par exemple le soin qui est représenté par cette Université de Tokyo ont causé sur la relation entre le Japon et la Chine, le Japon et la Corée?

Sera elle a contribué à l'amitié inter-état?

La réponse sera NON.

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egli è il savant fino in Cina dai tempi antichi

2015年09月26日 15時36分41秒 | 日記

Ho scritto che l'Università di Tokyo in caso di essere una università molto sensibile a Cina e Corea.

Mr.Ko BunYU è Tiwanese ma è il savant fino in Cina dai tempi antichi ad oggi, nessuno è alla sua altezza, quindi è una di Taiwan, non può essere un professore dell 'Università di Tokyo in modo permanente.

La sua erudizione, non è un luogo di estendere, come Kang Sang-jung è, per una persona di grande intuizione, è un fatto evidente.

Quale sarà invece, per esempio la cura che è rappresentato da questa Università di Tokyo hanno causato circa la relazione tra il Giappone e la Cina, il Giappone e la Corea?

Intende ha contribuito alla amicizia inter-statale?

La risposta sarà NO.

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él es el sabio hasta China desde los tiempos antiguos

2015年09月26日 15時36分12秒 | 日記

Escribí que la Universidad de Tokio, en caso de ser una universidad muy sensible a China y Corea.

Mr.Ko BunYU es Tiwanese pero él es el sabio hasta China desde los tiempos antiguos hasta ahora, nadie es un rival para él, por lo tanto es un taiwanés, no puede ser un profesor de la Universidad de Tokio de forma permanente.

Su erudición, no es un lugar para extender, como Kang Sang-jung es, para una persona de gran penetración, es un hecho evidente.

¿Cuál será, sin embargo, por ejemplo, el cuidado que está representado por esta Universidad de Tokio han causado sobre la relación entre Japón y China, Japón y Corea?

¿Se ha contribuido a la amistad entre los Estados?

La respuesta será NO.

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er die Gelehrten bis nach China von den alten Zeiten bis jetzt ist niemand ein Spiel für ihn,

2015年09月26日 15時35分41秒 | 日記

Ich schrieb, dass die Universität von Tokio im Falle des Seins ein sehr sensibles Universität, China und Korea.

Mr.Ko BunYU ist Tiwanese aber er ist der Gelehrte bis nach China von den alten Zeiten bis jetzt ist niemand ein Spiel für ihn, also ist es ein Taiwanese, kann er nicht ein Professor der Universität Tokio dauerhaft sein.

Seine Belesenheit, es ist nicht ein Ort, um zu verlängern, wie Kang Sang-jung ist, für eine Person von großer Einsicht, es ist eine offensichtliche Tatsache.

Was wird aber z die Pflege, die von dieser Universität Tokio vertreten haben, über die Beziehung zwischen Japan China, Japan und Korea verursacht, und?

Wird es auf die zwischenstaatliche Freundschaft beigetragen?

Wird die Antwort NEIN sein.

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ele é o savant até a China desde os tempos antigos

2015年09月26日 15時35分11秒 | 日記

Eu escrevi que a Universidade de Tóquio, no caso de ser uma universidade muito sensível para a China e Coréia.

Mr.Ko BunYU é Tiwanese mas ele é o savant até a China desde os tempos antigos até agora, ninguém é páreo para ele, portanto, é um taiwanês, ele não pode ser um professor da Universidade de Tóquio permanentemente.

Sua erudição, não é um lugar para estender, como Kang Sang-jung é, para uma pessoa de grande visão, é um fato óbvio.

O que será, no entanto, por exemplo, o cuidado que é representado por esta Universidade de Tóquio ter causado sobre a relação entre Japão e China, Japão e Coréia?

Será que tem contribuído para a amizade inter-estatal?

A resposta será não.

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