文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

To begin with, in a foreign country to visit that there is an important errand,

2015年09月03日 17時33分12秒 | 日記

It was writing a preceding chapter and I noticed that the Asahi and Park Geun were consubstantiality almost.

In other words, it doesn't notice that Merkel is not a human being like them at all, too, and it is....

To begin with, in a foreign country to visit that there is an important errand, politicians such as performing a behavior to criticize the prime minister of the country,

The Asahi also did not notice that there are only about Park Geun and Chinese officials.

In other words, they have the homogeneous brain structure with Korea and China.

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2015年09月03日 17時18分45秒 | 日記






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Japan and the world must be known in this chapter to that never again making dominate Japan by

2015年09月03日 16時59分17秒 | 日記

But Merkel is not a kindergarten, she respond only a little in the intention of the Asahi, it is as you know.

How are we good to Asahi newspaper if we do?

In fabricated article of comfort women issue, the recovery of damages and honor that the Asahi gave to Japan, this because there is room to be able to recover such as to issue an opinion advertising around the world by the Asahi itself, whatever it sets aside, makes execute immediately.

But it cannot be making pay possibly the 1,400 trillion yen them to Japan that is an economical large loss that was effected by them.

Therefore, it dismantles them promptly and Japan and the world must be known in this chapter to that never again making dominate Japan by the Asahi is a problem in pressing Japan now.

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I wrote to assert clearly that Japan there is no need to participate in AIIB,

2015年09月03日 16時39分36秒 | 日記

I wrote to assert clearly that Japan there is no need to participate in AIIB, which China began, approximately, that it is the first Japanese, the reader's as you know.

Since last August, I was stopped to subscribe AERA and weekly Asahi, and I began to subscribe to the monthly magazine that until it came to the little read.

It does not know you've subscribed to the Asahi, the real truth is, is written in these monthly magazine. by the article among them, in fact, the essence of AIIB is to be the financing of China, I noticed.
In other words, China's economic situation is to be down considerably.

As for the Europe which suffers from the sole winning of Germany, it didn't understand such a thing, too, and it leaped but the world knows a result now.
However, only Merkel in Germany knew this thing earlier than the world.
Because, took part in anti-Japanese propaganda in China and entered mass production of the car in China.

As compared to after her tenure in China, which was also carried out 7 degrees, it is not an exaggeration to say that it has not visited, Japan, is referred to as the meeting of the G7, it was to visit, it is too inclined to China, she noticed in that it was too much to neglect the relationship with Japan is the second super-economy in the world even now substantially, it is the visited in order to repair the relationship.

However, the Asahi which doesn't understand the level of such a kindergartner, too, organized a lecture by becoming desperate to make Merkel criticize Abe administration.

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Japan was the benefactor of the life for Mao Tse-tung and Zhou En-lai, in other words for

2015年09月03日 16時12分15秒 | 日記

When did Germany begin an advance in China like now?

Needless to say, it is the opportunity that the anti-Japanese education which Jiang Zemin began to evade national eyes from Tiananmen Square incident.

Japan was the benefactor of the life for Mao Tse-tung and Zhou En-lai, in other words for China.
In other words, the Great Leap Forward, and had a large misgovernment in the Cultural Revolution and the rapid succession, Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, in other words for China, but the Japanese was a lifesaver.

Therefore, since Japan-China friendship treaty then the Japan-China relations was was a real honeymoon.
The city in various parts of Japan and the city in China became a friendship town.

Germany of Volkswagen didn't lose the opportunity for China to have leaned on the anti-Japanese thought.

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Germany, it goes without saying that it is also impossible compared to Japan.

2015年09月03日 15時57分52秒 | 日記

After the war, Japan gave China the maximum financial support of the human history and have let it avoid from the poor state and transforms into the modern nationhood in the end.

That Germany doesn't have the relationship at all, other than human in the Asahi that have the brain of only blessed kindergarten level, but anyone of adults in the world can understand the fact.

China learned thoroughly from Japan in the process of going, being transformed into the modern nationhood.

I knew in unexpectedly the example of the thing by the Tianjin large explosion case in the recentness.

In other words, China will promote the encouragement of new industry as a national commitment, in various places, has been constructed a large-scale industrial park similar to the Tianjin.

180 more than Japanese companies group in Tianjin, Japan, as well, in various parts of China, and to determine the world's largest foray, it is the greatest contribution to the national policy of Chinese government.

Germany, it goes without saying that it is also impossible compared to Japan.

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Il est le mot qui je l'ai décrit pour la première fois au sujet des médias

2015年09月03日 15時51分28秒 | 日記

Il est le mot qui je l'ai décrit pour la première fois sur les médias de masse au Japon, tels que journal Asahi, les honneurs de l'examen étudiant gaspilleur, ce que l'on aura qu'il soit composé de avec le cerveau de?

Si l'écriture chronologiquement, lavage de cerveau complète par les forces d'occupation ... de toute façon, l'Asahi a rencontré le malheur de la cession de Foldup.
(Ceci est, immédiatement après la guerre, dans le Asahi, il y avait l'esprit demeure comme un journal du Japon, que les incidents montrent qu'elle aussi)
Depuis lors, l'Asahi devient le plus grand des honneurs étudiant de la politique de l'armée d'occupation, cette pensée que le Japon est un mauvais pays, les Japonais est stupide et de mauvaises gens, par eux-mêmes, la prédication de tout, pour corriger cela, elle doit être guidée , telle pensée devenir une épine dorsale d'entre eux qui mènent maintenant.

Et leur surface de papier, il ne serait pas exagéré de dire que tout est écrit dans une telle attitude.

Le lavage de cerveau du Komintern est ajouté à cet endroit et, en premier lieu, l'Etat est devenu le désuétude et l'existence inutile.
Pour ainsi dire, ils pensent que la race humaine sont tous frères, et le monde est ce qui devrait être dominé par les travailleurs, si deviner cette façon, il aurait frappé à peu près.

Nous avons besoin de révolution communiste dans le monde, l'idée qui est appliqué par le Komintern, dans la pensée de Marx outre, en d'autres termes, "Das Kapital", est appliquée,

Le premier endroit que le mal d'une grande entreprise, il critique les grandes entreprises de tout,

Depuis journal Asahi a été considéré comme les grandes entreprises et le Parti libéral démocrate étant un corps et âme, attaque sur le Parti libéral-démocrate, est devenu leur raison d'être.

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E 'la parola che ho descritto per la prima volta di mass media

2015年09月03日 15時51分01秒 | 日記

E 'la parola che ho descritto per la prima volta sui mass media in Giappone come il quotidiano Asahi, il massimo dei voti degli esami studente waster, quello che sarà composto con il cervello di?

Se la scrittura in ordine cronologico, completo lavaggio del cervello da parte delle forze di occupazione ... comunque, la Asahi ha incontrato la sfortuna di smaltimento foldup.
(Questo è, subito dopo la guerra, nel Asahi, c'era spirito rimane come un giornale del Giappone, che mostrano anche incidenti)
Da allora, la Asahi diventa il più grande allievo onori della politica dell'esercito di occupazione, tale pensiero che il Giappone è un brutto paese, i giapponesi sono stupidi e cattivi, così se stessi, la predicazione in tutto, per correggere questo, deve essere guidata , tale pensiero diventare una spina dorsale di loro che portano a ora.

E la loro superficie di carta, non è esagerato dire che tutto è scritto in tale atteggiamento.

Il lavaggio del cervello del Comintern viene aggiunto a questo luogo e, in primo luogo, lo Stato è diventato il disuso e inutile esistenza.
Per così dire, pensano che la razza umana sono tutti fratelli, e il mondo è ciò che dovrebbe essere dominato dai lavoratori, se immagino che modo sarebbe più o meno colpito.

Abbiamo bisogno di rivoluzione comunista nel mondo, l'idea che viene applicata dal Comintern, nel pensiero di Marx inoltre, in altre parole, "Das Kapital", viene applicato,

Il primo posto come il male una grande società, che critica le grandi aziende di tutto,

Dal quotidiano Asahi è stato considerato le grandi imprese e il Partito Liberal Democratico essendo uno nel corpo e nell'anima, attacco al Partito Liberal Democratico, divenne il loro ragion d'essere.

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Es la palabra que he descrito por primera vez a

2015年09月03日 15時50分24秒 | 日記

Es la palabra que he descrito por primera vez acerca de los medios de comunicación en Japón como el diario Asahi, la honra examen desperdicio de los estudiantes, lo que uno va a estar compuesto por el cerebro de?

Si escribir cronológicamente, lavado de cerebro completo por las fuerzas de ocupación ... de todos modos, el Asahi encontró con la mala suerte de disposición foldup.
(Esto es, inmediatamente después de la guerra, en el Asahi, no había espíritu permanece como un periódico de Japón, que los incidentes muestran también)
Desde entonces, el Asahi se convierte en el más grande de los honores del estudiante de la política del ejército de ocupación, como pensamiento de que Japón es un mal país, el japonés es la gente estúpida y malos, por sí mismos, la predicación en todo, para corregir esto, debe estar guiada , tal pensamiento se convierten en una cadena principal de ellos que conducen a ahora.

Y su superficie de papel, no es una exageración decir que todo está escrito de tal actitud.

El lavado de cerebro de la Internacional Comunista se añade a este lugar y en el primer lugar, el estado se convirtió en el desuso y la existencia innecesaria.
Por así decirlo, que piensan que la raza humana son todos hermanos, y el mundo es lo que debe ser dominado por los trabajadores, si adivina esa manera habría golpeado rudamente.

Necesitamos una revolución comunista en el mundo, la idea que se aplica por la Internacional Comunista, en el pensamiento de Marx, además, en otras palabras, se aplica "Das Kapital",

El primer lugar como el mal de una gran empresa, que critica las grandes empresas en todo,

Desde el diario Asahi se ha considerado que las grandes empresas y el Partido Liberal Democrático de ser uno en cuerpo y alma, ataque contra el Partido Liberal Democrático, se convirtió en su razón de ser.

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Es ist das Wort, das ich beschrieben zum ersten

2015年09月03日 15時49分46秒 | 日記

Es ist das Wort, das ich zum ersten Mal über die Massenmedien in Japan, wie Asahi Zeitung, die Prüfung ehrt Studenten Verschwendung, was man wird es von mit dem Gehirn zusammengesetzt sein beschrieben?

Wenn das Schreiben in chronologischer Reihenfolge, komplette Gehirnwäsche durch die Besatzungstruppen ... irgendwie, begegnet die Asahi das Unglück des foldup Verfügung.
(Dies ist, unmittelbar nach dem Krieg, in der Asahi, gab es Geist bleibt, wie eine Zeitung von Japan, dass Vorfälle zeigen auch)
Seitdem wird die Asahi die größte Ehre Student der Politik der Besatzungsarmee, wie Gedanken, dass Japan ist ein schlechtes Land, die Japaner dumm und böse Menschen, so dass selbst die Predigt auf alles, um dies zu korrigieren, muss geführt werden , wie Gedanken zu einem Rückgrat von ihnen, die jetzt zu führen.

Und ihre Papieroberfläche, ist es nicht übertrieben zu sagen, dass alle in einer solchen Haltung geschrieben.

Die Gehirnwäsche der Komintern an diesem Ort aufgenommen und in den ersten Platz, wurde der Zustand der Nichtnutzung und unnötige Existenz.
So zu sprechen, denken sie, dass die menschliche Rasse sind alle Brüder, und die Welt ist, was sollte der Arbeitnehmer geprägt sein, wenn vermute, dass, wie es in etwa getroffen hätte.

Wir benötigen kommunistischen Revolution in der Welt, die Idee, die von der Komintern angewendet wird, zusätzlich Marx 'Gedanken, mit anderen Worten, "Das Kapital", angewendet wird,

Der erste Ort, wie ein großes Unternehmen die Bösen, kritisiert er die großen Unternehmen auf alles,

Seit Asahi Zeitung hat auf die großen Unternehmen und die Liberal-Demokratische Partei als einer an Leib und Seele, Angriff auf die Liberal-Demokratische Partei betrachtet worden, wurden ihre raison d'etre.

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É a palavra que eu descrevi pela primeira vez sobre

2015年09月03日 15時48分45秒 | 日記

É a palavra que eu descrevi pela primeira vez sobre os meios de comunicação de massa no Japão, tais como jornal Asahi, o exame honras estudante gastador, o que será que vai ser composto por com o cérebro de?

Se escrever em ordem cronológica, lavagem cerebral completa pelas forças de ocupação ... de qualquer forma, o Asahi encontrou o infortúnio da eliminação foldup.
(Isto é, imediatamente após a guerra, no Asahi, houve espírito permanece como um jornal do Japão, que os incidentes mostram também)
Desde então, a Asahi se torna o maior honras estudante da política do exército de ocupação, tal pensamento que o Japão é um país ruim, os japoneses é que as pessoas estúpidas e más, por isso a si mesmos, pregando em tudo, para corrigir isso, ele deve ser guiada , tal pensado tornar-se-lhes uma cadeia principal de conduzir a que agora.

E a sua superfície de papel, não é um exagero dizer que tudo é escrito de tal atitude.

A lavagem cerebral do Comintern é adicionado a este lugar e em primeiro lugar, o Estado tornou-se o desuso e existência desnecessária.
Por assim dizer, eles pensam que a raça humana são todos irmãos, eo mundo é o que deve ser dominado por trabalhadores, se acho que a maneira ele teria mais ou menos atingido.

Nós precisamos de uma revolução comunista no mundo, a ideia de que é aplicado pelo Comintern, no pensamento de Marx disso, em outras palavras, "Das Kapital", é aplicado,

O primeiro lugar como o mal de uma grande empresa, ele critica as grandes empresas em tudo,

Desde jornal Asahi tem sido considerado às grandes empresas e do Partido Liberal Democrático sendo um em corpo e alma, ataque ao Partido Liberal Democrata, tornou-se sua razão de ser.

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2015年09月03日 15時48分14秒 | 日記










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2015年09月03日 15時47分44秒 | 日記










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대중 매체

2015年09月03日 15時47分11秒 | 日記

내가 그런 하나는의 뇌에 구성 될 것입니다 무엇 아사히 신문, 시험 명예 학생 낭비, 일본의 대중 매체에 대한 처음으로 설명하는 단어인가?

연대순으로 기록하는 경우, 점령군에 의해 완전 세뇌는 ... 어쨌든, 아사히는 foldup 처리의 불행가 발생했습니다.
(이것은 아사히에 즉시 전쟁 이후이며, 정신이 사건도 보여 것을, 일본의 신문에 남아 있었다)
그 이후로, 아사히는 직업 군의 정책의 가장 큰 명예 학생, 일본은 나쁜 나라가되도록 생각이, 일본은 모든 것을 설교 바보 나쁜 사람, 스스로 있도록하고,이 문제를 해결하려면, 그것은 인도해야된다 이러한 생각은 지금으로 이어질 이들의 중추가된다.

그리고 자신의 종이 표면, 그것은 모두 같은 태도로 작성해도 과언이 아니다.

코민테른의 세뇌는이 장소에 추가되고 첫 번째 장소에서, 상태는 폐기하고 불필요한 존재가되었다.
말하자면, 그들은 인류 모든 형제라고 생각하고, 세계는이 약 칠 것입니다 그런 식으로 생각하는 경우, 노동자에 의해 지배되어야하는 것이다.

우리가 세상에서 공산 혁명 필요 말해서, 또한 마르크스의 사상에 의해인가 코민테른 아이디어는 "자본론"인가,

큰 회사의 악으로 첫 번째 장소는, 그것은 모든 것을 대기업을 비판

아사히 신문은 대기업과 자유 민주당은 몸과 마음, 자민당에 공격 한 것으로 간주 되었기 때문에, 자신의 존재 이유가되었다.

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Это слово,

2015年09月03日 15時46分42秒 | 日記

Это слово, которое я описал в первый раз о средствах массовой информации в Японии, таких как газеты Asahi, экзамен отличием студентов расточитель, то, что один он будет состоять из с мозгом?

Если писать в хронологическом порядке, в комплекте промывания мозгов оккупационными силами ... так или иначе, сталкивались Асахи несчастье распоряжении foldup.
(Это, сразу после войны, в Asahi, было дух остается в газете Японии, что инциденты показать и)
С тех пор, Асахи становится крупнейшим отличием студент политики оккупационной армии, такая мысль, что Япония является плохой стране, японский глупые и плохие люди, так себя, проповедуя на все, чтобы исправить это, необходимо руководствоваться , такая мысль стать основой них, что теперь приведет.

И их поверхности бумаги, это не будет преувеличением сказать, что все написано в таком отношении.

Brainwash Коминтерна добавляется к этому месту и, в первую очередь, государство стало употребления и ненужным существование.
Так что говорить, что они думают, что человеческая раса все братья, и мир это то, что должно быть во власти рабочих, если предположить, что, как он бы примерно удар.

Мы должны коммунистическую революцию в мире, идея, что применяется Коминтерна, в мыслях того Маркса, другими словами, "Капитал", применяется,

Первое место, как зло большой компании, то критикует крупные компании во всем,

Так газета Асахи считалась крупных компаний и Либерально-демократическая партия является одной душой и телом, нападения на Либерально-демократической партии, стал их смысл.

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