BBC Health Watcher



2012-02-29 04:11:04 | 日記・情報メモ
09:22 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Understanding the brain on dance: Researchers at Bangor University have enlisted the...

10:55 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC 'Fit in three minutes' claim tested: Can three minutes of intense exercise a week get you fit?

11:57 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Many drugs are 'non-vegetarian': People who choose not to eat animal products may be unawar...

14:02 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Understanding the brain on dance: Understanding the brain on dance

15:08 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Free HIV treatment for foreigners: Foreign nationals are to be offered free treatment for H...

19:52 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Teen pregnancies at 40-year low: Latest data shows the teen pregnancy rate in England and W...

20:23 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC How toddlers teach troubled teens: Giving teens a taste of what it is like to raise a child

20:54 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC AUDIO: Are sleeping pills dangerous?: BBC Radio 5 live Breakfast spoke to the author of a r...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-02-28 04:08:52 | 日記・情報メモ
03:17 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Women's eggs 'can be increased': It may be possible to one day create "an unlimited source"...

13:40 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC 'Floppy babies' muscle drug hope: A study has suggested it could be possible to reverse the...

14:11 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Bad breath used as stem cell tool: The gas famed for generating the stench in stink bombs, ...

16:12 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Ofsted tightens adoption targets: Local authorities in England will only get an outs...

18:14 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Rewrite NHS bill - Lib Dem peers: Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords launch a new atte...

23:26 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Rewrite NHS bill, Lib Dem peers urge: Liberal Democrat peers launch a new attempt to...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-02-27 04:10:00 | 日記・情報メモ
12:11 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC 'My son disabled by rare disease': 'My son disabled by rare incurable disease'

18:58 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: GP's pension deal unfair, say BMA: The British Medical Association is to hold a ball...

23:38 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC AUDIO: NHS 'will be set back by reforms': A former chief executive of the NHS says the gove...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-02-26 04:06:58 | 日記・情報メモ
00:59 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Farron urges NHS bill concessions: Lib Dem president Tim Farron has urged the government to...

09:22 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Doctors discuss pensions ballot: Doctors' leaders are holding an emergency meeting to consi...

16:37 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Doctors discuss pensions ballot: Doctors' representatives are holding an emergency m...

21:12 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Ministers deny delaying new drugs: Ministers reject claims from the UK's biggest drug firm ...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-02-25 04:10:23 | 日記・情報メモ
00:44 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Lansley 'shocked' by abortion claims: The Department of Health has launched an inqui...

01:46 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: 'GPs do not want this bill' says leader: The chair of the Royal College of GPs claim...

04:50 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Hospital warned over patient care: Patients experience significant delays and wards are und...

12:03 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC GP cancer referrals 'vary widely': Cancer patients in England who are young, female or from...

18:17 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC 'Silver surfers' should be listened to: How the elderly are using the web to have their say

22:58 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Troubled NHS trust boss quits job: The chief executive of an NHS trust being investigated o...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-02-24 04:12:44 | 日記・情報メモ
00:30 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: NHS will be 'Cameron's poll tax': David Cameron and Ed Miliband have clashed in the ...

02:05 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC The myth of the eight-hour sleep: Is it better for us to sleep in four-hour chunks?

02:36 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Baby P duo made 'serious errors': Two of Baby Peter's social workers committed a "serious e...

03:13 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Time link to sudden cardiac death: How the time of day can increase the risk of dying from ...

05:17 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC NHS 'will be Cameron's poll tax': Labour leader Ed Miliband tells David Cameron he risks ma...

11:29 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Skin cancer drug hopes from study: A new treatment for advanced skin cancer almost doubles ...

15:36 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Probe into gender abortion claims: The Department of Health launches an inquiry into claims...

18:44 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Cost-price drink plan criticised: A ban on the sale of alcohol below cost price, due...

19:15 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Care regulator head leaves post: The head of the body which regulates health and social car...

20:17 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC GPs overpaid for 'ghost patients': GPs have been paid for thousands of patients who have mo...

21:17 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Prescription cost rise in England: The cost of NHS prescriptions in England will rise 25p t...

23:42 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Fresh call to scrap health bill: Paediatricians join calls for the Health and Social Care B...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-02-23 04:10:36 | 日記・情報メモ
00:20 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC 'Government not trusted on NHS': Over two-thirds of people do not trust the government's ha...

01:53 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Adele's surgeon: 'Show must go on': Adele's throat surgeon describes her condition -...

11:58 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Heart symptoms 'differ in women': WFewer women than men suffering from a heart attack appea...

17:13 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC PIP implant women meet minister: Scotland's Health Secretary Nicola Sturgeon says women wit...

18:16 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Hollywood 3D is key to piano research: Science of piano playing mapped by Hollywood 3D techniques

20:21 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Fatal fungal probe awarded £5.1m: Aberdeen researchers are awarded £5.1m to lead an investi...

22:57 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: 'Anorexia must be treated sooner': After Melanie Spooner died from anorexia, her fam...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-02-22 04:08:21 | 日記・情報メモ
00:38 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Mother's tears at death inquiry: The mother of one of five children whose deaths are being ...

01:09 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC 'Promising' pancreas cancer drug: Scientists report promising results for an experimental p...

01:40 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Hospital hold-ups delay ambulances: A BBC investigation has shown that ambulances of...

04:06 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: PM to 'push ahead' with NHS reform: David Cameron has said there "are a few myths we...

05:38 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Protester's fears for future of NHS: Health Secretary Andrew Lansley has been heckle...

14:47 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Diabetes patients miss key tests: More than 1.3 million diabetes patients could be missing ...

15:50 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Can you teach nurses compassion?: Charlotte Ashton visits NHS staff in Colchester, E...

18:34 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Nano discs 'may pose health risk': A study at Edinburgh University finds people involved in...

22:45 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Manager resigns amid staff strike: A manager at Swindon's Great Western Hospital resigns pr...

23:16 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Treadmill burns accidents warning: Parents warned of risk of children suffering burns on ho...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-02-21 04:22:26 | 日記・情報メモ
10:01 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Doctors warn over alcohol deaths: Failure to reform alcohol laws could lead to 210,000 prev...

10:34 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Meeting the nation's secret alcoholics: Alastair Campbell on drink and the middle classes

11:05 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC 'Final push' on polio: Fergus Walsh on how polio is being fought in India

12:07 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC PM to host NHS overhaul meeting: The prime minister is calling a meeting of healthcare prof...

18:52 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Twin brothers lose sight: Twin brothers Michael and Daniel Smith have an extremely r...

20:24 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC NHS changes: The picture now: How the NHS shake-up is already underway

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-02-19 04:05:26 | 日記・情報メモ
02:17 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC AUDIO: 'Without lipo mum would be here': Colin Hendry's daughter is calling for tighter cos...

08:33 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Bird flu data 'to remain secret': Experts have delayed a decision on whether controv...

15:18 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Alzheimer's cells made in the lab: Will new developements in research lead to a breakthrough?

22:20 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Concerns raised about care guide: Concerns have been raised about a new website that lets p...

23:22 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC 'No critics' at PM's NHS meeting: Some of the fiercest critics of planned NHS reforms say t...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-02-18 04:07:41 | 日記・情報メモ
01:24 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Children's ward nurses suspended: Four nurses and a support worker at a hospital in Scuntho...

05:38 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC 'Pharmacy on a chip' gets closer: US scientists say they have taken a step towards microchi...

10:40 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Delay call over NHS 111 phoneline: Doctors' leaders say they have 'serious concerns' about ...

11:12 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Body clock 'alters' immune system: The time of the day could be an important factor in the ...

20:02 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Over 2,800 PIP patients go to NHS: Over 2,800 women with privately-fitted PIP breast implan...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-02-17 04:08:36 | 日記・情報メモ
05:13 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Cameron: Alcohol a national issue: David Cameron has said that more must be done to ...

12:03 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Slow walking 'predicts dementia': It may be possible to use the speed someone walks to pred...

20:46 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Botched surgery blamed for deaths: A fatal accident inquiry criticises substandard levels o...

21:17 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Regional gap in pregnant smokers: More women in the north of England smoke while pregnant c...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-02-16 04:16:19 | 日記・情報メモ
00:55 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Crowds greet duchess at hospital: The Duchess of Cambridge takes her first public walkabout...

02:41 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Changes urged after toddler death: An independent report into the role of social work and h...

03:13 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Pledge to cut car whiplash claims: As he hosts insurance industry officials at No 10, David...

09:27 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Bone gives 'some' heart healing: Bone marrow stem cell therapy offers "moderate improvement...

12:03 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Cameron pledge on binge drinking: Prime Minister David Cameron is set to take on the "scand...

16:16 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: PM urges responsible drinking: Prime Minister David Cameron is calling for bars, sup...

17:18 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: How to make the healthiest cuppa: Tea expert Dr Tim Bond tests cups that have been b...

23:10 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Ex-players on fighting depression: Two former Norwich City footballers revealed the ...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-02-15 04:14:43 | 日記・情報メモ
08:54 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: BMA wants new organ donation debate: Doctors are calling for more to be done to impr...

10:27 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Cells 'heal' heart attack scars: Damage caused by a heart attack has been healed using stem...

13:05 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Europe credit ratings revised: US credit agency Moody's has updated the credit ratin...

17:16 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC 'Nutrition tsar' calls dismissed: Wales' top doctor dismisses calls for a "food tsar" but s...

23:20 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Kate visits children's hospital: The Duchess of Cambridge is making her second public engag...

by simon4health on Twitter