BBC Health Watcher



2012-01-31 04:05:53 | 日記・情報メモ
00:57 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Student's death after meningitis: Students at Haverfordwest-based Pembrokeshire College are...

04:39 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Bacterial disguise evades vaccine: Some bacteria can evade efforts to vaccinate against the...

17:04 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Poots 'no' to baby deaths inquiry: The father of a baby who died from pseudomonas is told b...

19:42 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Agony of a child protection case: A new social worker's first child protection case

21:52 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Why do some people never get depressed?: Why do some people never get depressed?

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-01-29 04:01:56 | 日記・情報メモ
02:50 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Right-to-die case wins first step: A man who is almost completely paralysed has won the fir...

08:19 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Contaminated drugs given to 40,000: More than 100 people have died in Lahore after t...

09:54 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC 'I used to cry with pain at work': 'The operation that saved me from enduring pain'

14:14 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC NHS 'in peril if shake-up fails': More than 50 GPs involved in new clinical commissioning g...

19:32 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Protest over disability cuts: Activists stage a "daring and disruptive act of civil ...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-01-28 04:05:52 | 日記・情報メモ
01:11 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Soldier's mind-control bionic op: A Tyneside soldier travels to Austria for the firs...

01:49 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: '£6,000 to replace my burst PIP implants': Debbie Lewis had her PIP breast implants ...

02:24 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Rise in Pakistan heart drug deaths: More than 100 people have now died in Lahore aft...

02:58 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC PIP - one woman's story: Medical correspondent Fergus Walsh hears why Debbie Lewis chose implants

09:13 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Baby's brains 'show autism risk': It may be possible to detect autism at a much earlier age...

10:48 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC More men 'have oral cancer virus': Oral human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is more common...

14:35 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Government escapes NHS rebellion: The government appears to have escaped a rebellion by the...

17:35 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Cancer carers missing vital support: More than a million people in the UK who care f...

20:31 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC AUDIO: Carers 'missing out on support': A woman who cares for her husband and son who both ...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-01-27 04:05:09 | 日記・情報メモ
00:41 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Cameron defends NHS reforms: The prime minister has defended the government's NHS re...

07:54 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Pre-dementia 'more common in men': Although dementia is more common in women, it appears me...

09:32 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Bid to stop doctor gagging orders: Doctors are being told they can no longer sign contracts...

10:36 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Fears grow over NHS plans future: A series of talks between ministers and medical leaders h...

17:31 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Call for Vitamin D infant death probe: Experts warn deficiency could be a factor in baby deaths

18:07 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC PIP breast implant boss arrested: The owner of a French breast implant maker at the centre ...

19:14 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Heart attacks deaths 'halved': The death rate from heart attacks in England has halved in t...

19:52 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Alcohol deaths increase slightly: Alcohol related deaths in the UK have increased slight be...

20:29 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Should all skiers wear helmets?: Do helmets keep skiers safer - or make them complacent?

21:06 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Injured soldiers to climb Everest: A group of injured soldiers are training to climb...

23:01 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Abbott quits MPs' abortion group: Shadow health minister Diane Abbott has resigned from a c...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-01-26 04:12:46 | 日記・情報メモ
00:02 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Minister denies health report criticism: Health minister Simon Burns disagreed with ...

00:34 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Idea men feel more pain 'a myth': Women appear to be more sensitive to pain for certain ill...

01:13 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Trust rules out Army medic idea: A proposal to bring in Army medics to cover a shortage of ...

02:47 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Nurses 'face £480 a year pay cut': More than 1,000 nurses and health professionals in Susse...

03:22 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Stem cell treatment hope for eyes: Early results from the world's first human trial ...

03:54 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Taps behind baby infection deaths: Sink taps were the source of an infection which killed t...

04:27 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Stem cell hope for eye treatment: The first results of a trial involving human embry...

09:28 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC 'Fry food in olive oil' heart tip: Eating fried food is not bad for the heart, as long as y...

09:59 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Dogs 'higher Lyme disease risk': Ticks that can transmit Lyme disease may be more prevalent...

17:28 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Hospitals write off foreign debts: Some London hospitals have written off more than 90% of ...

23:33 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Miliband and Cameron clash on NHS: Labour leader Ed Miliband calls for the government's NHS...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-01-25 03:36:20 | 日記・情報メモ
02:02 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Stem cell eye remedy 'seems safe': Early results from the world's first human trial using e...

03:39 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Objections to right-to-die plea: The case of a severely disabled man seeking court permissi...

06:48 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Mind-altering drugs research call: Former government drugs adviser Prof David Nutt says reg...

10:12 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC NHS shake-up a distraction - MPs: The overhaul of the NHS in England is hindering its abili...

16:38 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: MPs voice fears over NHS reforms: The overhaul of the NHS in England is hindering it...

21:37 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Experts review vitamin D advice: The chief medical officer for England, Dame Sally Davies, ...

22:31 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: 'NHS reforms are creating chaos': The shadow health secretary has accused the govern...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-01-24 03:32:37 | 日記・情報メモ
03:08 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Gene switch 'key to heart health': Scientists may be closer to understanding how genes, and...

10:07 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Call for cosmetic surgery ads ban: Cosmetic surgery advertising should be banned following ...

16:56 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Fifth Stepping Hill death probed: Another death is under investigation as part of the inqui...

17:28 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Call for cosmetic surgery ads ban: Cosmetic surgery advertising should be banned and...

18:31 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Churches attack organ donor plans: Church leaders in Wales criticise "ill-judged" proposals...

22:17 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: New suite helps bereaved parents: A bereavement suite has opened at Milton Keynes Ho...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-01-22 03:30:54 | 日記・情報メモ
00:55 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: Mum thanks life-saving paramedic: A mother from Northamptonshire has met a paramedic...

10:25 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC UK boosts tropical disease fight: Foreign aid for efforts to eradicate parasitic diseases w...

11:10 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC 'I have never been able to eat': The boy whose gut doesn't accept normal food

14:35 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Abortion clinics cleared for TV: Private clinics that charge for pregnancy services includi...

18:53 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: UK 'will do more to fight disease': The British Government has announced it is to si...

21:30 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Deep clean for Belfast baby ward: A deep clean is being carried out at Belfast's Royal Jubi...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-01-21 03:34:58 | 日記・情報メモ
02:47 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Is it too late to stop the NHS overhaul?: Why it could be too late to stop the NHS overhaul

05:46 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Health trust in Army medics plan: A health trust which part-closed an A&E department becaus...

13:30 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Plans to insure cosmetic surgery: The review into the PIP breast implant scandal is looking...

17:27 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC ‘Early growth’ linked to asthma: Babies who grow rapidly in the first three months of life ...

18:09 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Third baby dies after infection: Three babies die at the Royal Maternity Hospital in Belfas...

20:11 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Army A&E medics plan 'worrying': A proposal to bring in Army medics to cover a shortage of ...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-01-20 03:32:07 | 日記・情報メモ
01:03 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Ambulance staff to have hours cut: Ambulance staff in Scotland will have their working week...

02:41 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Doctors say no to pension reforms: Doctors have rejected plans to change their pensions and...

09:46 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Dangerous abortions ‘on the rise’: A rising proportion of abortions worldwide put women's h...

10:49 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Unions toughen stance on NHS bill: The unions representing nurses and midwives join others ...

17:13 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Cuts 'hitting NHS patient safety': Patient safety is being compromised in Welsh hospitals b...

22:14 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC 'Three-parent IVF' moves closer: There is to be a public consultation over a controversial ...

by simon4health on Twitter


2012-01-19 05:35:02 | 日記・情報メモ
01:19 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Nurse training cut 'concerning': A reduction in training places for nurses in London is "de...

01:48 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC MPs query 'carer spotting' scheme: MPs question a government-supported scheme which sees su...

05:40 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Lords welfare defeat headed off: The government averts a House of Lords defeat over its pla...

10:23 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC The pill 'does ease period pain': Oral contraceptives may alleviate painful periods for som...

21:31 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Meningitis jab ‘protection hope’: A vaccine against one of the most common forms of childho...

22:12 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC VIDEO: NHS to fund boy's cancer treatment: The NHS in Northamptonshire has agreed to pay fo...

by simon4health on Twitter

1月17日(火)のつぶやき→「Health news form BBC Contaminat...」

2012-01-18 03:33:01 | 日記・情報メモ
01:50 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Contaminated nasal spray recalled: Batches of saline nasal spray sold in High Street chemis...

02:31 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC AUDIO: Manager compensated in race row: NHS manager Elliot Browne told Radio 5 live that he...

05:29 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC La Nina 'may abet' flu pandemics: Scientists discover indications of a relationship between...

10:52 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC London 2012 'blood delay' fears: The delivery of blood to London hospitals may be impeded b...

10:57 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC 3D face scans for museum visitors: Visitors to London's Science Museum are being invited to...

17:01 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Rise in 'young' knee replacements: Data suggests there has been a big rise in knee replacem...

19:26 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC What is it like to be asexual?: What is it like to be asexual?

20:06 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Indian TB cases 'can't be cured': Tuberculosis which appears to be totally resistant to ant...

by simon4health on Twitter

1月16日(月)のつぶやき→「Health news form BBC Research p...」

2012-01-17 03:33:02 | 日記・情報メモ
03:34 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC Research provides diabetes hope: Scientists say they have uncovered new evidence which it i...

11:47 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC London 2012 'disease spread risk': Mass gatherings, such as the London 2012 Olympics, can b...

17:20 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC 'New lease of life' for hospital: Funding for a £15.8m plan to expand community health serv...

22:08 from twitterfeed
Health news form BBC From marathons to mud running: The search for ever more extreme recreational exercise

by simon4health on Twitter