

Sep. 11 (Sat) TV

2004-09-12 | Weblog
Today I went to Wal-Mart and bought a room lamp and TV. I really wanted them so I'm very satisfied.
TV has a function of closed caption. Closed captioning displays text on the screen. I think it helps to improve my listening comprehension ability and increase colloquial expressions. Now I'm watching "IRON CHEFF". As you can easily guess, this program is "料理の鉄人". This program seems to be popular here. Some foreigners told me about it.

After Wal-Mart, I went to an oriental supermarket. I found many Japanese food, new flavors of Pokky and so forth. Mmm I miss Japanese snack.

#view from my room (daytime)


4 コメント

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Unknown (許 清)
2004-09-13 10:42:08
It looks like a great view from you room. Are all those buildings outside located in your campus?

Yah, I know you must be very busy on getting furnitures and checking upon foods at the very beginning. Those are the basic of the life. It reminds me of the first month in Utah. A lot of fun though.

Unknown (Xu Qing)
2004-09-13 10:46:54
It looks like a great view from your room. Are all those buildings outside located in the campus?

I know you must be very busy on getting the furnitures and checking upon foods at very beginning. It reminds me of the first month when I moved to Utah. Don't know a lof of things but a lot of fun though.
Unknown (Yumiko)
2004-09-13 11:08:07
Hi Xu Qing, thank you for your two comments!

The hotels like Sheraton, Hilton are located on campus. Hilton is next to my dorm and Sheraton is across from my dorm.

Well, buying stuffs is kind of tought but fun, too. So far I enjoy my days here. Thanks!
Unknown (Aaron)
2004-09-13 22:28:39
The Japanese in your message was not as easy to read as you said. Maybe I`m not Japanese. The TV will help your English as well as be alot of fun so it was a good thing to buy. You should try American snacks. If you don`t know what is good then buy something that looks good and take a chance by trying it. You will be surprised as I was in Japan how nice things are.
