

Sep. 8 (Wed) bagle

2004-09-09 | Weblog

Today's breakfast was WONDERFUL! One of my seniors recommended bagles in some shop. They are baked in a shop around the time it opens, 6:30am. This morning I happened to wake up before 6:30 so went to a shop and bought two bagles. One is sandwich and the other is not sandwich. They are FRESHLY baked so they are very soft and tasty!
The shape was not round but square to make & eat sandwich easier I guess. But they still have a small hole in a center! It's kind of cute. The square bagle is called "squagle" in the shop. When you visit me, I definately take you there!


2 コメント

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hold on!! (tomoko from jaf who is 21)
2004-09-11 19:32:58
hey hold on!! where is that!!!??? I wanna know if i know. is that on 40th street?? I went there once. oh philly, I wanna go right now....!!! I wanna have a babble tea... I drank that every day! and also a huge and rich american pizza... and also food trucks!! oh by the way, did you have a crape???
Unknown (Yumiko)
2004-09-12 11:46:07
Cozi is near from my dorm. So it's between 36 and 37.(?) You should come back here NOW! I haven't tried a crape you told me. Because I know I gained weight eating American cookies! But I will try soon.
