

Oct. 4 (Mon.)

2004-10-05 | Weblog
I worried myself that I was tired, had a slight headache, couldn't concentrate on, and didn't study much the latter half of last week. But today I started study again! Or should I say, I had to study...
I like to study in a library because it's quiet and nothing bothers me. But the bad thing is it's too cold. I even caught a cold because of air-con. Today I found a better place, not cold floor. I sat in a sofa and read for a few hours. It was comfortable.
#a view from a dorm (21st floor)


2 コメント

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Unknown (Aaron)
2004-10-09 22:39:52
You were lucky to find a good study place. I also had a cold this week but I`m OK now. Take care.
Unknown (Yumiko)
2004-10-12 14:04:44
Hi Aaron! Oh, you caught a cold!? Stay warm and sleep a lot.
