

March 12 (Sat.)

2005-03-19 | Weblog
Today we went to the Mormon temple. There are many Mormon in Utah, but I met some Christians and found a church which was located not very far from the temple. I happened to meet a group of Japanese who were taking a short tour, but I could not join them because I did not have time.
I found more than three wedding couples who were taking pictures outside of the temple.
# the Mormon temple

March 11th (Fri.)

2005-03-19 | Weblog
We went to an "all-you-can-eat restaurant" for dinner. There were a lot of steak, salmon, salad, soup, and dessert. It was 10 dollars per person. Very reasonable. There were many big size customers... After that, we went to a cowboy bar. In Utah I saw some people wearing a cowboy hat. Here in the bar I found five people wearing a cowboy hat.
The band was playing country music, but people were dancing a ball dance and square dance.
I joined dancing when they started a line dance. It was fun!