廃校利用 山里の美術館「共星の里」


”Nexus”繊維による表現 の作家さんの紹介~Ⅲ☆

2014-04-30 20:50:57 | 3.05~24年の企画展告知&展示
"White Fracture"  Kahfiati Kahdar/インドネシア

””Fancy Jacket"2013 "" Maliaruisa SPONGA/イタリア

From 1965 to 1970 Marialuisa deals with the editorial coordination for the Architecture Book
“Orientamenti Moderni nell’Edilizia” for OVER Publishers of Milan. From 1972 to 1992 she works on
the creation and production of textiles and accessories for interior decorating. Between 1974 and 1979
she collaborates with Di Baio Publishers for the magazine “Casa Oggi”. From 1990 to 1994 Marialuisa
attends courses in artistic weaving held by a former teacher in the Tapestry Department of the Sforzesco
Castle Marina Giannangeli, at the Centro dell’ Immagine e dell’ Espressione (The Centre of Image
and Expression) and then begins a new cycle of experimental works. Following this she attends courses in
natural dye, shibori, felt, paper-machè and wove-paper.Works by Marialuisa are displayed at Public
and Personal Exhibitions among which those of the Centre of Studies and the Archive of Communication
in Parma (Italy), the Toms Pauli Foundation in Lausanne (Switzerland), the Civic Collection in Fiber Art
in Chieri (Turin, Italy), at the Civic Museum Villa Manzoni of Lecco, Italy, at the Museum of Textile Art in
Samugheo (Oristano, Italy) and at the Guttuso Museum of Bagheria (Palermo, Italy). She has exhibited in
many cities in Italy (55th International Art Exhibition Biennale of Venice 2013), France, Spain, Switzerland,
Germany, Belgium, Holland, Austria, England, Sweden, Lithuania, Japan, Korea, China, Mexico, The USA,
Canada and Australia.Marialuisa was born in Milan in 1942. She lives and works in Olgiasca-Colico-Lecco,
Italy. www.sponga.com

"traveling invisible souls"  Marina mai/イタリア

2010-present Independent Arts and Crafts Professional, collaboration.
1999-2010 Professor of Art of Weaving and Textile Decoration and methods of
textile design, at Former Art Institute of Venice, now Art School M.
Guggenheim,Campo dei Carmini, Venice, Italy
2008 Enable ministerial teaching at Secondary School Teaching degree of Lazio
University of Rome 3,Rome, Italy
1998 Degree in Painting at Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, Venice, Italy
2013 Invisible Souls, maj 29th to nov. 24th Venezia.
2012-2013 “Angels”, “Small Size Works. Fiber art from Asia and Europe”
Janina Monkute-Marks Museum Gallery, Kedainiai, Lithuania
2011 Miniartextil 7°édition Art Textile Contemporain “Un jour de bonheur”,
Salons de l’Hotel de Ville, Montrouge, Parigi
”A Textile Experience, a passion for color Miniartextil and Ruth Adler Schnee”
Museum of Palazzo Mocenigo - Center for Studies of textile and costume
history, Venice, Italy

”Globe"  Naoya TAKAHARA/在ローマ
コルニャ宮殿,チッタ デッラ ピエーヴェ
2008 BRECCE gallery、 口‐―マ
201l Tra le volte ga‖ eryt ローマ
2012 色彩美術館、東京
ローマ国立近代美術館、ケルンアート、アトランティス ミドル ギャラリー(ロンドン)、
トリエンナーレ(コペンハーゲン)、アメリカン アカデミー(ローマ)、

"Quam Yin's Vow"  Rob Barton/イギリス

Rob Burton studied Fashion and Textiles at Liverpool Polytechnic (1984-87) progressing to Birmingham
Polytechnic (1987-89) to gain a Masters degree in Textile Design. Rob Burton is currently Head of Design
at Teesside University, leading a vibrant design section including undergraduate and postgraduate
programmesl. across the disciplines of graphic design and interior design. As a textile artist Rob’s practice
explores the visual representation of mythic narrative and personal transformation through symbolic imagery
and materiality. Artworks develop themes and concepts from transcendent narratives and symbolic patterns.
His work appears in the forms of conceptual garment installation, 2d mixed media works, photography and
moving image works creating a dialogue across interdisciplinary forms of expression. The created artifacts
explore man’s relations to the natural through processes that are visual, physical and materia

”5vessel"  Sabine Zeiler/ドイツ

