言の葉ひらひら - Wordy Leaves Dancing

"In the beginning was the Word."


2006-02-05 | 神の葉


まず、聖書辞典で“隣り人”を引いてみました。有名なものではマタイ19:19の「あなたの隣り人をあなた自身のように愛せよ。」でも、隣り人って誰?もう一つはルカ10:29で、「しかし彼は自分の正しさを示そうとしてイエスに言った。『では、私の隣り人とは、誰のことですか。』」おっと、ここにも私と同じ質問をしている人がいるじゃありませんか!しかも、自分を正当化しようとして、この質問をしているらしい。「でも、その隣り人が誰だかわからなきゃしょうがないでしょ。」とでも言いたげな・・・ そこで、イエスは“よきサマリヤ人”のたとえ話をされたのです。(ルカ10:30-37)強盗に襲われた瀕死のユダヤ人の脇を、3人の人が通り過ぎます。彼を助けたのは、同胞のユダヤ人ではなく、彼等に忌み嫌われていたサマリヤ人でした。イエスは先の律法学者に質問を返します。「この3人のなかで誰が、強盗に襲われた者の隣り人になったと思いますか。」(ルカ10:36)


てなわけで、この投稿記事を書き始めたときの題は「隣り人は誰ですか?」だったんだけど、「隣り人になりますか?」に変えました。“Who?” じゃなくて “Be!” なんですよね。

“Would you BE the neighbor?”

2006-02-05 | leaves on GOD
Writing on vertical line and horizontal line of the cross yesterday reminded me of something else. I remembered a Japanese ex-missionary in South America who was one of the presenters at last years' Central Conference saying, "It is our mission to share God's love to the end of the world. But if you go all the way around the earth, 'the end of the world' may be someone right next to you." If so, then who would be my "neighbor" today if I stretch the horizontal line all the way?

(Here I paused from posting and had a good discussion on the "neighborism" with a mature Christian friend nearby.)

First of all, I looked up the word "neighbor" in the concordance. The famous text in Matthew 19:19 says, "Love thy neighbor as thyself." But who is the “neighbor”? Another verse was found in Luke 10:29, "But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, 'And who is my neighbor?'" Hey, here's someone who had asked the same question! Plus, he was asking this question to "justify himself" as if to say, "I can't do anything about it unless I know who the 'neighbor' is!" Well...

Then Jesus presented the story of Good Samaritan. (Luke 10:30 -37) Three men passed by a dying Jew, a victim of mugger attack. It turns out that the one who ended up helping him was not the fellow Jews but the Samaritan who were despised by the Jews. Then Jesus answered the rabbi's question by another question, "What do you think? Which of the three BECAME a neighbor to the man attacked by robbers?" (Luke 10:36)

So my friend commented, "I like this story because it teaches us that a 'neighbor' is something for us to BECOME, not someone for us to find." Absolutely. In this parable, any of those three men could have been "the neighbor", but unless one makes a choice to BECOME one, it does not turn you into one automatically.

So you see, I changed the title for this posting from "WHO is your neighbor?" to "Would you BE the neighbor?" instead. It’s not "Who?" but "Be," right?