言の葉ひらひら - Wordy Leaves Dancing

"In the beginning was the Word."


2007-12-24 | 詩の葉



見えない宝を 内に秘め、

それを手たちは 引き裂いた
無実な包みは 裂かれ 捨てられ 
そして役目は 果たされた
手たちを招き 裂かれてまでも 
何かをその手に 届けるために

イエス・キリストも この世にくだり
見えない宝を 内に秘め、

それを手たちは 引き裂いた
無実な体は 裂かれ 捨てられ 
そして役目は 果たされた
手たちを招き 裂かれてまでも 
救いをその手に 届けるために

人の身まとって この世に暮し
見えないイエスを 内に秘め、

あなたの生き様で 手たちを招き
受けた宝を 誰かに渡そう
無残に裂かれた あの主の体が
決して無駄には ならないように

The Christmas Gift

2007-12-24 | leaves on POETRY
I was asked to write a poem for the Christmas Concert at the high school where I'm teaching. So here it comes. The poem itself is a clumsy wrap, but I hope you get the content. Merry Christmas!

The Christmas Gift

A Christmas gift was all wrapped up
Dressed in a paper, a colorful skin
Unseen was the gift inside it, so
The visible wrap spoke, “Come and see.”

Hungry hands ripped the innocent wrap
Thrown on the floor, its role was done
Inviting the hands, only to be torn
So that the gift may be received

So did Christ come down to earth
Dressed in a lowly, human skin
Unseen was the gift inside Him, so
The visible Man spoke, “Come and see.”

Hungry hands ripped the innocent Man
Thrown in the darkness, His role was done
Inviting the hands, only to be torn
So that salvation may be received

Be a Christmas gift yourself
Dressed in a visible, human skin
Unseen is Christ inside you, so
You must speak up, “Come and see.”

Let us share the Christmas gift
Inviting the hands by godly deeds
Share the gift that you have found
So that He wasn't torn in vain