仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!


2020年02月28日 | ★STARRY★

   Hello happy-shiny people    

It's SUPER FRIDAY time again.   

Did you do anything fun last weekend? I did !! I stayed after church on Saturday and talked late into the night with a few people. On Sunday, I stayed home and read a lot in my Bible. It was really fun !  On my day off Monday, I went out and volunteered helping homeless people. Another person and I are helping one of the homeless men get an apartment and a job soon..I hope. He is trying and I'm so proud of him. 


Did you see the blackboard last Friday and Saturday? Friday 4th grade students wrote funny things about me. Can you seee...Travi ?? Funny HU!? My grandma used to call me Travi but I never let ANYONE, call me Travi. Buuuut, I let my WONDERFUL Friday 4th grade students call me Travi... It's too cutie for me but I don't mind.    

Have a nice weekend...Love you !!


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