仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!


2024年08月02日 | ★STARRY★

Summer is on. Cold desserts are everywhere—ice creams, snow cones, ice pops, sherbets, etc. However, one of the desserts I miss the most is the Halo-halo from the Philippines. Halo-halo is a famous dessert in the Philippines. During the summer season, every corner of the street sells its own version of halo-halo. The more ingredients and mouth-watering the better.

Halo-halo is a unique dessert. To put it simply, it is shaved ice with a variety of toppings. This is nothing new. Americans eat snow cones. Shaved ice isn’t revolutionary.

What sets Halo-halo apart is the sheer amount of ingredients. Each place serves it a little differently, so no two halo halos will ever be the same, you heard it right. It depends on your preferred ingredients and taste. My halo-halo included shaved ice, vanilla ice cream, red beans, CORN, cornflakes (replacement for popped rice), shaved fresh coconut meat, nata-de-coco, and a variety of colored jelly cubes.

The key to eating Halo-halo is in the name. It literally translates to ‘mix, mix’. While the tower of ingredients might look pretty, you’ll want to take the time to mix everything up and eat all the ingredients together.

I found that the more ingredients I had in each bite, the better the dessert tasted. Each ingredient seemed to play a role. The ice cream and condensed milk gave sweetness. The jellies added texture. The cornflakes gave a bit of crunch. The corn added a bit of saltiness. Everything combined to make a symphony of deliciousness in my mouth.


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