仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!


2022年10月14日 | ★STARRY★

Autumn is one of the best season to visit in Japan. I live in Miyagi for three years and   I can`t wait to see the city dyed in hues of red, orange and yellow. The humidity and heat of the summer give way to more temperate weather where strolling the streets through the day no longer leaves you feeling like you’ve just hit the gym or stayed in a hot oven.
The weather of autumn is perfect for me. Temperatures finally dropped and settled comfortably in the low 20`C. Unlike many places in the west where the arrival of autumn immediately means long coats, gloves, and thick jackets, in Japan, autumn starts off as sweater weather and stays relatively warm until about mid-November. It’s the perfect weather to explore the city or province on foot, buy some quirky fall clothing and people tends to be more fashionable.

This picture was taken last year in Geibikei gorge. The 2-kilometer gorge is said to offer endless spectacular scenery throughout the year, with or without the sun. Luckily, I was there during one of Geibikei’s most colorful season, Autumn. And yes, from the moment we left the jetty, the skillful skipper paddled gracefully for a 90-minute of slow and gentle cruise along soaring rocky cliffs to take us safely into landing, it turned out to be one of the best time in Japan for me.

I cant wait what this year`s autumn can offer me. Let`s just say can we skip to the good part and go directly where you can smell the peak of autumn and  see the leaves fall. Let`s enjoy this season.