仙台 長町南 子供英会話スクール ことばわ~るど★STARRY★から情報発信!

Halloween Street Party

2022年10月28日 | ★STARRY★

Halloween party is fun especially celebrated with our friends. Every country has its own special way of celebrating Halloween. Some of them are trick-or-treating in every house, eating Halloween-designed food, Halloween house parties and playing games, Halloween movie night, and the most famous Halloween costume party. In my country, we don`t usually have a costume party back then. Only children wear their costumes. But for some other reason people and time changes. Nowadays partying in costume is a fad. I experienced celebrating Halloween and wearing Halloween costume in Japan when I lived before in Tokyo.

The Halloween costume party was held in the streets of Shibuya. It was really fun that time. People are carefree roaming around the streets wearing their best costumes. You can see some anime costumes, superhero costumes, and some weird and funny costumes that will surely make you laugh.

And yes, that was 2019. Those were the days people don’t wear masks, people looks like they know each other and some of them became friends during that day.  But it suddenly stopped since the pandemic happen. There were no street parties during Halloween because it will cause the spread of the virus. It wasn`t fun anymore because for 2 years there were no parties in the streets of Shibuya Tokyo during October 31st. But from what I`ve heard this year there will be a street party in Shibuya since Japan fully opened its borders for tourists without guided tours. They can now travel to Japan freely. But that party comes with limitations. Of course, wearing a mask is a must, and no more drinking in the street. Well like as I`ve said time changes it`s very different now compared before. Even though we have so many limitations and restrictions. Still, we can find some time to enjoy and party with our friends in times of pandemic. I just hope and pray that this pandemic will be over soon. So, we can have fun, meet, and make more friends in the future.



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