English Collection


That's that

2010年10月23日 | 英語学習
少年向けの物語 "Sea Pup" からです。 Clintの父親がかかってきた電話にでて話をしている場面:
Dad was speaking again.
"He did? That's too bad. We'll get them some new ones."
Clint's heart sank, and it was a struggle for him to look up when his father came back from the phone.
"That's that!" Dad said.
"What happened?" Mom asked. "What did he do this time?"
上に出てくる "He/he" はClintのペットのアザラシを指しています。
"That's that!" は中学一年で習う単語・文型での表現ですが、この様な言い方はどんな時に使われるのでしょうか? 会話の教本に出ていそうな台詞で、この手の慣用句的な表現を辞書で調べるのは結構難しいのですが、幸い次ぎの三つの例が簡単に見つかりました。
・Cambridge Advanced Learner's English Dictionary: an expression that shows that something has ended; I won't agree to it and that's that (= I won't discuss it any longer).
・Wiktionary: (idiomatic) There is nothing more to say or to do concerning the matter.; It is quite simple. You're grounded for a week and that's that!
・Dictionary.com: Informal. there is no more to be said or done; that is finished: I'm not going, and that's that!
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