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Washington Has Initiated Military Conflict With Russia

2017-09-30 23:06:16 | 翻訳記事 Translation
Kent Wong's Solidarity Message to the People of Okinawa

American citizens take this seriously and only judge calmly.

The protests by black pro-football players by refusing to stand for the national anthem has come at an unfortunate time.

Did he criticize him including this senior government official?

He seems to be a blood-hungry vampire.

September 25, 2017 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | Print This Article Print This Article
Washington Has Initiated Military Conflict With Russia

Paul Craig Roberts

Russia has provided evidence that Washington is collaborating with ISIS in attacks on Russian forces.

In one Washington-directed attack, ISIS tried to capture 29 Russian military policemen. However, Russian special forces entered the fray, and the result was spectacular losses for ISIS.

In another attack Washington-directed attack, Russian General Valery Asapov and two Russian colonels were killed in an attack that violated agreements.

Sooner or later it will dawn on the Russian government that Washington is not a rational government with which diplomacy can be practiced, peace pursued, and agreements reached. Sooner or later it will dawn on the Russian government that far from being rational, Washington is a criminally insane collection of psychopaths in thrall to the military/security complex which, in turn, is in thrall to its massive profits.

In other words, for the powerful interest groups that control the US government, war is a profit center. No amount of Russian diplomacy can do anything about this fact.

It is unfortunate that the Russian government did not realize what it was dealing with. If the Russian government had not projected its own rationality on Washington, the war in Syria would have been over a couple of years ago. Instead, hoping for a settlement, the Russians were stop-go/stop-go, which gave Washington time to recover from the shock of Russian intervention and put in place plans to partition Syria in order to keep the conflict alive forever. Having dallied in hopes of a settlement, the danger of which The Saker warns us is real.

The protests by black pro-football players by refusing to stand for the national anthem has come at an unfortunate time. It is playing into the hands of the military/security complex which is using President Trump’s loud voice challenging the “anti-americanism” to whip up patriotic fervor. It is amazing how people fall for it every time. The military/security complex and their presstitutes are creating public anger at those “attacking our country.” This anger will be turned from black football players to Russia.

With the public in its pocket, the military/security complex will increase its reckless provocations of Russia until we are all dead.


Paul Craig Roberts






ロシア政府が、一体何を相手にしているのか分かっていないのは不幸なことだ。もしロシア政府が、自分たちの合理性を、ワシントンに投影していなければ、シリアでの戦争は何年も前に終わっていたはずだ。そうではなく、合意がまとまるのを期待して、ロシアは停止・前進/停止策を繰り返し、ロシア介入の衝撃から回復し、紛争を永久に続けるためのシリア分割計画を整える時間を、ワシントンに与えてしまったのだ。合意を期待して無為に過ごした結果、The Sakerが警告している危険が現実となっている。 日本語翻訳



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