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Much of Ukraine aid stolen – French party leader

2024-05-14 10:30:19 | 翻訳記事 Translation


The Bizarre Gymnastics Of The Gaza Aid Pier

The US war machine views Palestinians as an inconvenient obstacle to its military agendas in the middle east, in the same way it views the local flora and fauna as an inconvenient obstacle when it’s constructing a new military base, or how it sees whales as an inconvenient obstacle because of public concern about navy sonar testing damaging their hearing and killing them. Palestinians are just viewed as an annoying indigenous animal that gets in the way of the imperial war machinery, and they’d be more than happy for that nuisance to be eliminated completely.

I’ve had multiple Biden supporters seriously tell me that January 6 was worse than backing a genocide in Gaza in order to argue that Trump was worse than Biden. The mainstream liberal worldview will twist you up so bad inside that you can’t even see Palestinians as human beings.

Everything Americans were warned would happen under Trump has happened under Biden. The only retort Democrats have to this is “oh yeah well this all woulda been way worse under Trump,” a claim which is (A) based on literally nothing and (B) completely unfalsifiable.

As I’ve said before, the lesson here is not that Trump is better than Biden or that you should support Republicans. The lesson is that no matter who you vote for you get surging authoritarianism at home and war, military expansionism and brinkmanship abroad, and that this system has got to go. 

To look at what’s happening and make it about who you should vote for is to completely miss the lesson of what’s happening: that it doesn’t matter who you vote for, because the system is rigged to only let you vote for murderous tyrannical imperialists who serve the interests of plutocrats and empire managers instead of normal human beings. That bickering about where your votes should go is exactly what those plutocrats and empire managers want you to do, because it keeps you trapped within the framework of status quo politics and prevents you from looking at measures that could actually bring about real change like direct action, general strikes, the fomenting of revolutionary ideas, and the emergence of a powerful revolutionary faction.


Will election observers from around the world come to the US?

That is needed in Japan as well.

It is not a fair election if the voting process goes postal or one faction kicks the other out of the voting booth.

Depending on the number of votes cast, will it not be decided on the first ballot, and will there be a runoff?

If someone does not want to vote for either the Democrats or the Republicans, who can they vote for?

Will accusations of fraud make them like the Boeing engineers?


"It Was Brutal": 2nd Boeing-Linked Whistleblower Dies

Much of Ukraine aid stolen – French party leader


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Nicole Shanahan

Cornel West Melina Abdullah

Donald Trump TBA

Joe Biden Kamala Harris










ウクライナ援助の多くが盗まれている – フランス野党党首 (05/06)











「習近平国家主席の欧州外遊! セルビア、ハンガリーは、中露の橋頭堡となるのか? フランスは米中どちらに与するのか!?」

<IWJ取材報告 1>「市民を戦争体制に動員する法改悪が、国会に出されている!」「憲法を逸脱し、自衛隊員を戦争で犠牲にすることを米国と約束してよいと、いつ岸田首相に委任したのか!?」~5.3 武力で平和はつくれない!とりもどそう憲法いかす政治を~2024 憲法大集会

<IWJ取材報告 2>ガザ停戦の申し入れ書をイスラエル大使館に渡す予定が、警察に阻まれ果たせず!「なぜイスラエル大使館に忖度するのか?」~5.1反戦メーデー・イスラエル大使館前行動

<IWJ取材報告 3>日本平和委員会が憲法記念日の5月3日に、渋谷・ハチ公前広場と、大阪、愛知で、若者100人を対象に憲法アンケートを実施! IWJの独自取材に「憲法は権力者や公務員が守るもの」と正しく答えた若者はゼロ!~「5・3若者100人に聞く憲法アンケート」の取材




1. ロッキード・マーティン(米国)/449億2000万ドル
2. ボーイング(米国)/269億3000万ドル
3. レイセオン(米国)/238億7000万ドル
4. BAEシステムズ(英国)/229億4000万ドル
5. ノースロップ・グラマン(米国)/223億7000万ドル
6. ジェネラル・ダイナミクス(米国)/194億6000万ドル
7. エアバス(欧州連合の4カ国)/112億9000万ドル
8. タレス(フランス)/90億ドル
9. レオナルド(イタリア)/88億6000万ドル
10. アルマズ・アンテイ(ロシア)/85億7000万ドル









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