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人生💯倍の励まし😊【聖書】列王記第二20章 そんなつもりはないのに

2022年08月25日 06時40分03秒 | 列王記
20章 ヒゼキヤの病と癒し
1. ヒゼキヤの病と癒し
Chapter 20 Hezekiah's Sickness and Healing
1. Hezekiah's Sickness and Healing
During this period of Assyrian invasion, Hezekiah experienced more miracles from the Lord. Two episodes are depicted. One miracle was that Hezekiah, who was sick and dying, had his life extended by 15 years. And as a sign of healing, Hezekiah asked for the shade of the sundial to return 10 degrees later, and it was miraculously returned. God, who created all things, can easily move people's lives and time. What should be noted is the figure of him who built an unwavering relationship of trust with God. Hezekiah says he "turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord." Hezekiah heard Isaiah's words and turned his heart to God. He had much to do with the Assyrian threat and the rebuilding of Israel. He must have thought that he could not die here. God is moved by Hezekiah's prayers and his tears. It is hope for man that God is moved by the tears of man. God promised, "On the third day you will ascend to the house of the Lord." In other words, Hezekiah is told that he can offer worship to God again. Indeed, what Hezekiah was working on was rebuilding the nation and, at its heart, the worship of God. It was in the formation of a people who worshiped God, putting God first. God approved his will and supported his attitude. God also foretold salvation from Assyria (v. 6).
2. Hezekiah's failure
After that, although Hezekiah served God wholeheartedly, Hezekiah made an unexpected big mistake. He is said to have welcomed the messengers of Babylon, the enemy of Assyria, to visit them, and to show them all the treasury. It can be said that Hezekiah's human weakness was exposed there. So it seemed normal to the allies to show off such a treasure trove of expensive goods. However, while facing the threat of Assyria, he showed a glimpse of his dependence on another powerful country, Babylon.
It can be said that a believer is free from anyone, a human being is by nature only one person, and dependence on others should be guarded against. It is thought that two people can do things that one person cannot do alone, and that teaming up with someone is reassuring, but we should not have excessive expectations. It would be nice if a partner was given. But it is God who produces the results of the cooperation of the cooperators. Cooperation doesn't make dreams come true. It is God who makes all unions bear fruit. Make no mistake about it. We must not waver from the thought that there is only one person to rely on, the Lord.
3. Achievements of Hezekiah
Finally, Hezekiah's great achievements are recorded. A special mention was made of the tunnel construction. As I said yesterday, the water flowing out of the Gihon Fountain was hidden from Sennacherib's use, and a tunnel was dug to bring it into the castle. In 1880, the "Siloam Inscription" carved in ancient Hebrew characters from around the 8th century was discovered on the wall of a tunnel that feeds water into the pond of Siloam, confirming the fact of the construction. Today, there is a fun course for tourists to go through the tunnel, and you can see a replica of the inscription of Siloam where it is said that there was originally an inscription here. It is a place where you can learn from the faith of Hezekiah, who formed one history of Israel. I hope you have a good day today.
<Quiz corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. In Sennacherib's time, what was the official language of the world used for a bond of debts, labels, etc.? ① Arabic, ② Aramaic, ③ Hebrew, the answer was ② Aramaic. Here's today's Bible quiz. Where is the Siloam Inscription today that records Hezekiah's deeds? (1) Israeli Archaeological Museum, (2) British Museum, (3) Turkish Archaeological Museum, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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人生💯倍の励まし😊【聖書】列王記第二19章 気づき

2022年08月24日 07時26分31秒 | 列王記
19章 ヒゼキヤの信仰(2)


Chapter 19 Hezekiah's Faith
1. trust in weakness
Assyria, which destroyed the northern kingdom of Israel, was closing in on the southern kingdom of Judah, and the southern kingdom of Judah was also in danger of survival. What will believer Hezekiah do? With everything stripped away and pressured to surrender, one would normally give up and think it's over. But Hezekiah does not give up. People sometimes wonder what will happen if they don't give up and cling to God. Even though we are weakened to the limit and have no hope, we will still persevere and pray for God's mercy. That was his faith. Where did his unwavering faith come from? After all, it should be said that it was the days of thorough obedience to God that "the high places were removed, the stone pillars were broken, the statue of Asherah was cut down, and the bronze serpent made by Moses was broken." "For in his days we may say that he did all that was right in the sight of the Lord, just as his father David did (2 Kings 18:3), and God also acknowledged him.
After all, it is natural for human beings to have a vague relationship with God. It's no wonder. Humans are weak sinners. But even so, if you follow the Lord, there are times in your life when you are told that this is the time to stand on the word of the Lord. God's word that supports such awareness is also given. All good things come from above.
3. Hezekiah's Prayer
What is important is how you pray when you are reminded to stand in faith. Verse 14 says Hezekiah, taking the threatening letter of Rab Shakeh, went up to the house of his Lord and spread it out before the Lord to pray. It's not a big deal. He was frank about his plight. Don't worry, don't lament, just show the facts and admit that you don't even have the power to create God's miracles in hopeless situations. Just like Jacob did, we cling to God, saying that we can't take another step without the Lord's blessing, and we don't let the God of blessing go away.
Four. righteous god, covenant-keeping god
Thus a miracle of God happened. The Assyrian army collapsed overnight. There are various speculations as to what happened, whether it was an epidemic like dysentery or the plague, but no one knows for sure. It was truly a historical event that showed the mercy of the Lord. However, none of this event is recorded in the fragments of Sennacherib's Chronicle in the Louvre Museum.
The Lord is the creator and keeper of all things. The words Sennacherib touted as his own achievements also happened in God's plan and will. The Lord saw every move of Sennacherib (vv. 27, 28), recognized his pride, and determined to bring him back to Assyria. All Hezekiah wanted was for Sennacherib's pressure to be lifted. But the Lord was more concerned with Sennacherib's own pride than with Sennacherib's oppression of Judah. Judah was Judah, Sennacherib was Sennacherib, and the Lord was seen as having something to judge.
In addition, although Judas avoided this crisis, it should be said that everything was stripped away, and the path to rebuilding Judas had a dark future. But the Lord promises to add mercy. The devastated fields will be restored, and the harvest that has been interrupted for some time will resume (v. 29). “It takes root below and bears fruit above” (verse 30). He says that He will give us time to put down roots, and that He will give us the strength to bear fruit. It was God's covenant decision "for my servant David" (v. 34). There are things in life when relatives and friends don't help, and organizations don't. Sometimes people run out of things to do in isolation and helplessness. But don't forget that there is hope in God. Realizing that this is the time to stand in faith and clinging to God's mercy is the beginning of faith growth. I hope you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. When the northern kingdom of Israel fell, which non-biblical source would be depicting Assyria's victory in war? ①Mesha Stele, ②Tiller Prism, ③Siloam Inscription, the answer is ②Tiller Prism. A 38.5-centimeter-high hexagonal stone stele, in which Sennacherib's deeds are recorded in Akkadian. It is called the Tiller prism because it was discovered by British Colonel Taylor in 1830. Here's today's Bible quiz. In Sennacherib's time, what was the official language of the world used for deeds of credit and bills of exchange? ① Arabic, ② Aramaic, ③ Hebrew, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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人生💯倍の祝福😊【聖書】列王記第二17章 絶体絶命

2022年08月23日 08時02分54秒 | 列王記
18章 ヒゼキヤの信仰


Chapter 18 Hezekiah's Faith
1. Fall of Samaria, Hezekiah's reign
The capital city of Samaria fell and the Northern Kingdom of Israel fell. The Bible says, "This is because they have not obeyed the voice of the Lord their God, and have broken his covenant, and have not obeyed and done all that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded ” (verse 12), revealing the cause. A life that does not listen to God will reap destruction in the world and the world's greed.
On the other hand, in the surviving southern kingdom of Judah, Hezekiah became king. Unlike previous kings, he was a king who faced the Lord directly and obeyed the word of God with all his heart. He removed the high places, destroyed the idols, and even smashed the brass serpent made by Moses. The Bible evaluates that he was blessed by the Lord and "was victorious wherever he went" (verse 7). He builds tunnels to protect water sources against the threat of Assyria. It was to hide the water flowing out of the Gibbon Fountain outside the castle so that it would not be used by the Assyrians, and connect it with a tunnel to bring it into the castle. It is clearly stated in the "Inscription of Siloam" discovered in the tunnel in 1880. In this way, Hezekiah strengthened the defense of the country, but Assyria's momentum did not stop.
2. Crisis in the Southern Kingdom of Judah
Assyria invaded Jerusalem. The record is written in detail in Sennacherib's record "Theiler Prism", which is a non-biblical document kept in the British Museum. King Sennacherib, via Phenicia, captured 26 walled towns such as Timnah and Ekron, and countless small villages surrounding them, set up his headquarters at Lachish, about 50 kilometers southwest of Jerusalem, and turned back north from there. and invaded Bethlehem and Jerusalem. His attack on Lachish, Israel's second largest city at the time, is recreated in reliefs carved into the walls of the royal palace at Sennacherib. When I participated in the 7th excavation of Lachish at the Hebrew University, Professor Gunfinkel said, ``Where did they get the stones that made the ramp (slope) to invade the town on a small hill for the capture of Lachish? You know, it's still a riddle. Countless arrowheads and charred remains of walls were excavated.
At any rate, the difference in power between Assyria and the southern kingdom of Judah was obvious, and Hezekiah immediately apologized for having defied Sennacherib and offered a ceasefire (verse 14). He was to pay 300 silver talents (11 tons) and 30 gold talents (1 ton) as war reparations. Although the content is somewhat different from the Assyrian record (Tyler Prism), the southern kingdom of Judah had to strip the gold from the doors and pillars of the main temple of the Lord in order to pay this reparation. According to Tyler Prism, Hezekiah also offered the best antimony, ivory beds and armchairs, elephant skins and tusks, ebony, boxwood, and his daughters, women, and male and female singers. It has been. By the time of Ahaz, the altar of the temple had already been made of stone, and the gold had been stripped from the doors and pillars of the main temple. .
3. Siege of Assyria
Furthermore, Assyria besieged this penniless Jerusalem and demanded Hezekiah's complete surrender. Sennacherib's messenger, Rab Shakeh, warns Hezekiah to look at this very reality and stop the foolishness of relying on an invisible God. However, King Hezekiah, a man of faith, expects God to intervene and orders silence. Indeed, silence would have been the best course of action in this situation. If you ever think that this is the end, keep your mouth shut and just look to the Lord and remember that the God who created the heavens and the earth is in control of this situation as well. Let's see the Lord's solution tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. When the Assyrian Empire was destroyed by Babylon, who was the last country to join hands? ① Egypt, ② Israel, ③ Moab, the answer was ① Egypt. Here's today's Bible quiz. When the northern kingdom of Israel fell, which non-biblical source would be depicting Assyria's victory? (1) Mesha Stele, (2) Tiller Prism, (3) Siloam Inscription, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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人生💯倍の励まし😊【聖書】列王記第二17章 信仰と宗教

2022年08月22日 06時07分34秒 | 列王記
17章 北イスラエルの最期
これに気づいたアッシリアの王は、サマリアを占領し、イスラエル人を捕虜として捕らえ移し、それと引き換えに、バビロン、クテ、アワ、ハマテ、そしてセファルワイムからの人々を連れて来て、住まわせる政策をとりました。いわゆるBC722 年に起こったアッシリア捕囚でした。それは、預言者ホセアによって預言されていたことの成就でした(ホセア13:16)。聖書の著者は、「こうなったのは、イスラエルの子らが、主に対して罪を犯し」たからである(7節)と明言します。まことの神に背を向け、偶像礼拝を犯した罪が、結果的にイスラエル北王国の滅亡を導いたのだ、と。イスラエルの国の出発点は、彼らの国の祖アブラハムに対する神のご計画、つまり彼らを通して地上の全ての民が祝されるというものでした。しかし、彼らがその使命に立ちえないとしたら、まさにその役割を取り去られることも致し方なし(ルカ14:35)、と言うべきでしょう。

Chapter 17 The End of Northern Israel
1. last king of israel
After King Solomon, Hosea came to the throne as the 19th king of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The assessment of him is, "Though he has done what is evil in the sight of the Lord, he was not like the kings of Israel before him." So Hosea was a bad king, but not as bad as the previous king. Does that mean that Israel, who was in the terminal stages of illness after one evil after another, ended up with some signs of improvement in the end? Probably not. The Northern Kingdom of Israel had already been stripped off by Assyria and was weakened. In other words, he no longer had the power to do spectacular evil like the previous king. It is said that the Northern Kingdom of Israel lost its energy and was in a situation where it had no choice but to be quiet. In fact, what Hosea did was a reckless act without a second thought. While being a slave to Assyria, he is trying to rely on Egypt as well.
Aware of this, the king of Assyria seized Samaria and deported the Israelites as captives, in exchange for which he set up a policy of bringing in people from Babylon, Cute, Awah, Hamath, and Sepharvaim. I was. It was the so-called Assyrian captivity that took place in 722 BC. It was the fulfillment of what had been prophesied by the prophet Hosea (Hosea 13:16). The author of the Bible declares that "it happened because the children of Israel sinned against the Lord" (ver. 7). The sin of turning one's back on the true God and committing idolatry led to the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel. The starting point for the nation of Israel was God's plan for their nation's father, Abraham, through whom all peoples of the earth would be blessed. But if they can't stand up to that mission, they're just as likely to be taken away from that role (Luke 14:35).
2. new inhabitants of Israel
Now, Assyria brought new inhabitants from various regions to the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Assyria adopted a policy of ethnic integration in order to strengthen its control over Israel. The new inhabitants, however, were unafraid of the God of Israel. So God sent a lion to kill it (verse 25). And the Assyrian king says that in order to deal with this situation, he sent back the priests who had been deported from Samaria to teach them "how to worship the Lord." It's like saying that Israel has a God, and that God shouldn't be offended. However, when the priests actually came and taught them various things, they said that although they had created their own gods (ver. 28, 29) and worshiped the God of Israel, they also served their own gods. (ver. 33). In other words, so-called religions were also mixed. You are taught the Bible at church, and while you accept it as such, you also have your own ideas, and in the end, it's like going through life on your own terms. To have faith does not mean that you can believe anything, but to clearly decide what you believe in. It's not that Buddha is good, God of Allah is good, Christ is good, but there is only one person to believe in. In verse 36, the words "fear the Lord alone" and "fear no other gods" are repeated. Even though there are eight million gods in this world, the only one to believe in is the true God who created the heavens and the earth and rules over all things. Fear the God, turn your heart to the God, and fear not the things that need not be feared. But there are some things that people can't do that simple. Let us just fear the Lord and follow the steps of obeying Him. I hope you have a good day today.
<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. What is the capital of Assyria? ① Babylon, ② Nineveh, ③ Damascus, the answer was ② Nineveh. Here's today's Bible quiz. When the Assyrian Empire was destroyed by Babylon, who was the last country to join hands? ①Egypt, ②Israel, ③Moab, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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人生💯倍の励まし😊【聖書】列王記第二16章 高価な代償

2022年08月21日 08時20分05秒 | 列王記
16章 アハズの時代


Chapter 16 The Age of Ahaz
1. Characteristics of the Ahaz Faith: Reliance
Chapter 16 is the record of King Ahaz. First of all, the evaluation of Ahaz is more severe than any king so far. The author describes Ahaz as the first example of abandoning the tradition of the southern kingdom of Judah since King David and following the apostasy of the northern kingdom of Israel (verse 3). 
At that time, Assyria in the north advanced to Gaza, which is close to Egypt, and was conducting a military expedition. In other words, Israel lost its interest in the seaside highway (Sea Road) that connected Assyria and Egypt.
That time. The Northern Kingdom of Israel had already become a tribute to Assyria, but they formed an anti-Assyrian alliance with the Kingdom of Aram, turned against Assyria, and started a rebellion. And he also attacked the southern kingdom of Judah, which did not join this rebellion. The situation at that time is described in detail in Chapter 28 of 2 Chronicles, but the southern kingdom of Judah suffered great damage from this attack. Many prisoners were taken to Damascus and looted.
When Ahaz was barricaded in Jerusalem and was depressed, the prophet Isaiah sent by God appeared and encouraged him (Isaiah 7:4). And it is at times like these that we tell God to trust God and rule with His Lord. However, Ahaz did not listen to Isaiah's advice, but rather asked Tiglath-pileser, king of Assyria, for help in overcoming the threat before him. The Assyrian king complied with this request and killed Rezin, king of Aram, and captured Damascus. He did what Ahaz expected. But it was a big miscalculation. For the southern kingdom of Judah, although it was temporarily rescued, had to pay a great price.
2. Fallen Southern Kingdom of Judah
Verse 10 says that Ahaz went to Damascus to meet Tiglath-pileser, king of Assyria. The situation at that time seems to be detailed in the inscription excavated as a non-biblical material. The southern kingdom of Judah, which became a tribute state, gathered at Damascus to pay tribute, along with other vassal princes such as Ammon, Moab, Edom, and Gaza.
King Ahaz then sent the plan and model of the altar he saw there to the priest Uriah and ordered the renovation of the temple. The original bronze altar was pushed aside and a new altar was erected under the guise of an altar dedicated to the king, saying, "I will make an inquiry." Other furnishings will be dismantled and moved, and the temple will undergo major renovations. Some say that King Ahaz, lamenting the powerlessness of the God of Israel, came to honor the God of Damascus, and remodeled the temple into an Assyrian style to worship. But it's not. Verse 18 says, "For the king of Assyria." In other words, Ahaz had already given the Assyrians the gold and silver that were in his Lord's house and treasury, and he could no longer offer tribute but the bronze ornaments that had been left in the temple. In fact, it is believed that the altar modeled after the Damascus altar was a stone altar. He failed to win the respect of his people as king and was not buried in a royal tomb after his death (2 Chronicles 28:27).
Ahaz turned to the Assyrian king for help, resulting in the stripping of all his possessions. The period of Solomon's glory was gone, and now the southern kingdom of Judah has fallen to the point where it is forced to dismantle the temple itself, which is the life of Israel. This was the result and the price of seeking the wrong alliance, the wrong helper. If he could have truly remembered the true God who is the Creator, Sovereign, and Sustainer of all things, he would have overcome this crisis differently. And for relying on Assyria, he would not have paid a high price in exchange for the gold and silver that were in the house of his Lord. We need to break free from the vicious cycle of fearing and relying on others. Let's keep in mind the Scriptures that encourage us to trust in the Lord. I hope you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday's quiz. Who were the prophets active in the days of Pekah, Rezin, and Ahaz? ① Elijah, ② Isaiah, ③ Jeremiah, the answer was ② Isaiah. Here's today's Bible quiz. What is the capital of Assyria? (1) Babylon, (2) Nineveh, (3) Damascus, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.

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