

Star Wars: A Fragile Hope 翻訳

2010-03-29 17:00:00 | フォース・アンリーシュド
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....



It is a period of Civil War.
Rebel spaceships, striking
from a hidden base, have won
their first victory against
the evil Galactic Empire.

During the battle, Rebel
spies managed to steal secret
plans to the Empire's
ultimate weapon, the DEATH
STAR, an armored space
station with enough power to
destroy an entire planet.

Tracking the plans to Tatooine,
the Emperor dispatches
Starkiller, the Sith assassin
who destroyed Darth Vader,
to retrieve them before the
Rebel Alliance can restore
freedom to the galaxy....

The emperor: I sense that you have not succeeded in tracking down your objective, my … apprentice.

Starkiller: No, my master.

The emperor: As I expected. You will proceed to the palace of Jabba the hutt. His spies are the only reliable source of information on that pitiful speck of a planet. He will help you find the droids you seek.

Starkiller: I will not fail you, master.

The emperor: We shall see.

Captain Berrus: My Lord, this is Captain Berrus. The emperor has instructed me to… assist you as needed.

Starkiller: Very well, captain. Proceed.

Captain Berrus: Yes, My Lord. It appears that you’ve already discovered the Jawas. Disgusting creatures.

Protocol Droid: The mighty and benevolent Jabba would like to offer--

Jabba the hutt: I admire your style, Sith scum! I could make a man of your talents very wealthy!

Starkiller: The Empire seeks two droids. Astromech and protocol. You will be compensated for any information that your spies can provide.

Jabba the hutt: There are many droids on tatooine… far too many for even my spies to track.

Protocol Droid: Sir, Garindan has reported seeing two such droids in Mos Eisley.

Jabba the hutt: You fool!

Jabba the hutt: Ho ho ho ho!

Captain Berrus: My lord, were you able to locate the droids?

Starkiller: The droids are in Mos Eisley, captain.

Captain Berrus: Very good, my lord. We shall dispatch a squadron--

Starkiller: You will do no such thing, captain. I will retrieve those droids.

Captain Berrus: Yes. My lord. Of course.

Proxy: Master… is it you, Master?

Starkiller: Proxy…

Proxy: Is it you.

Proxy: I’m sorry, master. I’m afraid my primary circults are still damaged, and I’m in no condition to make an attempt on your life. Also, my legs are missing.

Starkiller: I need a way out of this room, Proxy.

Proxy: Master, perhaps if you could raise me to the scanner’s line of sight… I might have enough power…

Gamorrean Guard(Proxy): You are going to let me in.

Starkiller: …Thank you, Proxy.

Proxy: Certainly, Master. It was Goo--od t--o--w---o---r---k---

Captain Berrus: My lord, we seem to be losing --- again. Someone appears to be jamming --- transmission ----

Boba Fett: Quite a mess you made of the place.

Boba Fett: Your head’s worth a lot of credits.

Boba Fett: So I’ll be bringing it back to Jabba now.

Ben Kenobi: I'm afraid I cannot allow you to do that.

Starkiller: I have waited many years to destroy the real Obi-Wan Kenobi…

Ben Kenobi: Run, Luke, run!

