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Captain Ces`s Log #2 [Easter Bunny]

2011-04-08 16:04:12 | Weblog

Ahoy mateys!

Captain Ces is back again with your weekly Captain`s Log!

Today I will introduce the "the Easter Bunny!"

Does anyone know about the Easter holiday, and the Easter bunny?

The Easter holiday was originally a very religious holiday, like Christmas. However, now Easter, just like Christmas and Valentine`s Day, have become very commercialized.

Now, the Easter holiday is centered around the Easter bunny and Easter egg hunting.

During Easter, it is tradition to paint real eggs with many bright colors. After the eggs have been painted, we have "Easter egg hunts" with the children.

Easter Egg Hunt

Adults hide the eggs, and tell the children to find them. Sometimes, we use plastic eggs, and hide candy or money inside.

The adults tell the children that the "Easter Bunny" brings the eggs in his basket!

Easter Bunny

When Easter comes, the super markets and malls are full of chocolate bunnies and chocolate eggs. In the west, we often give our friends and family chocolate bunnies and chocolate eggs as presents!



The most popular Easter treat is the Cadbury Egg. It`s a chocolate egg, and the inside is full of very sweet white and yellow goo.

The inside looks like an egg yolk and egg white!


The TV commercials for the Cadbury egg were very interesting! Here is one from the 1980`s:


And 1990`s:



Next time, I will bring Cadbury eggs for all of the Beat`n Box students to try!


I hope everyone has a Happy Easter!!


 - CeS☆


Today`s Word Box:

Ahoy mateys!  :海賊の挨拶。映画「パイレーツ・オブ・カリビアン」でも よく登場する言葉ですね。「Ahoy」は英語で「Hey!」の  意味。 「matey」は親しい友達、乗組員の意味。

Commercialize  :商品化されること


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