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Tim先生の One-point Lesson #27

2010-09-30 17:30:06 | Weblog
Present unreal conditional
Hi everyone!
Today we will have our second lesson on conditional forms. Last time we learned about the present real conditional. This time, we're going to learn about the present UNREAL conditional.
The present unreal conditional is made by using IF + simple PAST verb..., WOULD + simple present verb.
Note that even though we are using a 'present' tense, the verb that goes with IF in the sentence uses the simple past. Also, it is important to notice that in this form we ALWAYS use IF, never WHEN.
Use the present unreal conditional to talk about what would GENERALLY happen in IMAGINARY situations. Here are some examples. Note the past tense of the verbs.
If I owned a car, I would drive to work. But I don't own a car.
She would travel around the world if she had more money. But she doesn't have much money.
I would read more if I didn't watch so much TV.
Mary would move to Japan if she spoke Japanese.
If they worked harder, they would earn more money.
A: What would you do if you won the lottery?
B: I would buy a house.
A: Where would you live if you moved to the U.S.?
B: I would live in Seattle.
One more thing: In this form, we can replace the word 'would' with 'could'.
> If I owned a car, I could drive to work.
The difference is, 'could' says what you would be ABLE to do in the imaginary situation. 'Would' says what you are LIKELY to do in the imaginary situation.
The most important things to remember about this form are:
1. We use a PAST TENSE verb, but we are talking about THINGS IN GENERAL, just like when we use the present simple tense. We are NOT talking about any specific past or future event.
2. The situations are IMAGINARY. They are things that are not now true, and which we do not expect to become true in the future.
Thanks for reading, and tune in next week for more conditionals!
下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス


2010-09-29 15:35:56 | Weblog


この度、ビートンボックスに“NEW” INSTRUCTORSが仲間入りしました

まず1人目 Rebecca(レベッカ)

ニックネームは「ベッキー」 木曜日メインの先生です

そして2人目 Nora(ノラ)





下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Long time no see

2010-09-28 15:29:17 | Weblog

1週間のご無沙汰でございます・・・ゴメンナサイm(_ _)m

何をしても 真っ暗・・・

それにしても、BBブログをお休みさせていただいたこの約1週間の間に、急に寒くなり 冬になってしまいましたね
皆様 体調を崩されたりしていませんか?

詳しくは 明日ご紹介させていただきます

下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス


2010-09-18 14:03:07 | Weblog




下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Tim先生の One-Point Lesson #26

2010-09-16 14:13:10 | Weblog
If / When, and the present real conditional.

Hello everyone!

Today, as promised, we will start a long series about the many types of conditional sentences that exist in English. Naturally, we will start with the simplest forms first.

So, this time we will think about a form called the 'present real conditional'.

Most conditional forms are named with two words: one for the tense of the sentence (past, present, future), and one to say whether the situation we are talking about is something that REALLY often happens (or happened, or will probably happen), or something we IMAGINE might happen (or would have happened in the past, or might happen in the future).

That gives us 6 different conditionals:
Present real conditional
Present unreal conditional
Past real conditional
Past unreal conditional
Future real conditional
Future unreal conditional

We will learn about all of these in the next few months, but today we will start at the beginning.

The present real conditional is used to talk about real-life situations, that USUALLY happen EVERY TIME something else happens. Lets look at some examples:

If I go to a friend's house for dinner, I usually take a bottle of wine or some flowers.
When I have a day off from work, I often go to the beach.
If the weather is nice, she walks to work.
Jerry helps me with my homework when he has time.
I read if there is nothing on TV.

Notice that the form of this conditional always has two present simple verbs. Try to find them all in the examples above.

In every example, there is also an IF or a WHEN. It is very important WHERE in the sentence that appears. The verb that comes JUST AFTER the if/when is an event that SOMETIMES HAPPENS. The verb that is not connected to the if/when is the event that happens BECAUSE OF, or IN RESPONSE TO, or just RELIABLY COMES AFTER, the first event.

Here is how that happens in two of the above examples:

> When I have a day off from work, I often go to the beach.

In this example, the verb connected to WHEN is 'have', and so 'have a day off' is the event that sometimes happens. The verb which isn't connected to the 'WHEN' is 'go', so 'go to the beach' is the event that happens BECAUSE of the first event.

Therefore, this conditional means: Sometimes the weather is nice. On those days, I go to the beach. Notice that, because we are using the present simple, we are not talking about TODAY or TOMORROW. We are talking about REGULAR OCCURRENCES, HABITS OR HOBBIES.

> She walks to work if the weather is nice.

Here, the IF comes in the middle, not at the start. That means that the verb connected to the IF is the 'IS' in 'the weather IS nice'. So, 'the weather is nice' is the event that SOMETIMES HAPPENS, and the verb which isn't connected to the 'IS' is 'walks', so 'she walks to work' is what happens IN RESPONSE TO the weather.

So this second example has a very similar meaning to the first example, even though the IF/WHEN clause comes at the end instead of the start. It means: Sometimes the weather is nice. On those days, she walks to work.

One final note: In most conditionals, you can't change between WHEN and IF. There is usually only one correct word. In this present real conditional, we can use either word.

However, there is a slight difference in meaning. WHEN means the first event happens OFTEN. IF means the first event happens RARELY.

When I have a day off from work, I go to the beach.
> I often have a day off

If I have a day off from work, I go to the beach.
> I rarely have a day off

Thanks for reading! Next time we will look at present UNREAL conditionals.


P.S. If you have any questions about any one-point lessons, leave a comment and I might answer it!

下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

An autumn flaver

2010-09-15 15:49:03 | Weblog

さて、「秋」というと 食欲の秋 とか 読書の秋 と言いますが、ビートンボックスインストラクターにとっては両方かも。
よく学びよく食べ です
私の場合 後者だけかもですが・・・

さぁ 「秋」を楽しみましょう~

下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Kyoto and Osaka Bus Tour

2010-09-14 19:24:37 | Weblog

デラックスシート(3列シート)の真ん中の席だったので(窓際だったら良かったかも)バスが揺れる度に体が左右に揺れて ほとんど眠れなかったの。
でもね、京都では 清水寺をはじめ何か所かのお寺に行って、大阪では なんば・道頓堀でお好み焼き、たこ焼き、串揚げを食べて 大満足よ


下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Son`s new Neighbor

2010-09-11 17:03:01 | Weblog

今日は お引越し完了したSonが楽しい隣人話を聞かせてくれました

Sonは、一緒に買物に行ったり 食事をしたり。
先日 一緒に牛丼を食べに行ったそうですが、「甘すぎ」と彼の舌には合わないみたいで残念

こうして周りの人々に助けられながら 1年後には何でもできるようになってるかな???


下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Unagi & Anago

2010-09-10 19:31:18 | Weblog
今日 私が「穴キュー巻」を食べていたら、
「穴キュー巻 大好き。 I love Anago」とTimが覗き込んで声をかけてきました。
えっ Tim 穴キュー巻を知ってるの

「じゃあ 鰻は?」と聞くと、
「I love Unagi too

「では、鰻と穴子の違いはわかるかな~?」 と質問したら、
「鰻は川魚 穴子は海魚」と答えが返ってきました。

その通り 本当によく知っていますね 


ちなみに、Timの今日のディナーは、「てんぷら」でした。 もちろん穴子もありましたよ。
「チャットルームで天ぷらの話しをしていたから 食べたくなったんだ」だそうです

英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Tim先生のOne-Point Lesson #25

2010-09-09 14:35:49 | Weblog
“Preparing for conditionals: the perfect tenses.”
Hello everyone!
Todays one point lesson is again about grammar, and we will be looking at grammar for a while to come.
Later this month, I will start a series of posts about the various CONDITIONALS we use in English. That is one of the more difficult grammar points, and the next several lessons will be focused on them.
Today, in preparation for working with conditionals, we will review how to make the perfect tenses.
There are three basic perfect tenses, Future perfect, present perfect, and past perfect. There are many different uses of these tenses, so we will not extensively cover that today. Instead, I will simply review how to MAKE a perfect tense sentence.
Future perfect: Use 'will have' + past participle.
I will have finished my homework before you arrive.
I will have been to America by this time next year.
Present perfect: Use 'has / have' + past participle.
I have finished my homework.
I have been to America.
Past perfect: Use 'had' + past participle.
I had finished my homework when she arrived.
I had already been to America when my parents went.
Next week, we will start a long exploration of conditional sentences, many of which use these perfect tenses as part of their structure. We'll be taking it slow, so refer back to these examples if you forget how to construct the perfect tenses.
See you next week!
下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Rainy Blue:(

2010-09-08 15:07:52 | Weblog

Tyhoon has come, and, heavy rain

福井県の方々は今大変なようですね 早く激しい雨はやんで欲しいものです

話は変わりますが、昨夜の日本VSグアテマラ サッカー戦、 先日のパラグアイ戦にひきつづき勝ちましたね


下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

K & S are on the move

2010-09-04 16:50:59 | Weblog

新学期が始まって 「気分も新たに新居にお引越し」 ってとこかしら

さ~て、次は 誰が引っ越すのかな?

下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Okinawa Foods

2010-09-03 16:23:48 | Weblog
・・・相変わらず 猛暑が続いております・・・

以前から何度も言ってますが、BBインストラクター達は とっても食いしん坊

今日は 沖縄料理の話題で大盛り上がり~~~

Miekeは、昨年 沖縄に行ったらしく、沖縄料理は大好きだそうです。
一つ一つ写真を見ながら 説明しました。
ただ、みんなの意見が一致したのは、豚足や鼻 は ・・・食べられない・・・ってことでした
コラーゲンたっぷりで お肌にはとっても良いので、チャレンジしてみたいとは思いますが、、、、、、、、
皆様は いかがですか?

下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Tim先生の One-Point Lesson #24

2010-09-02 14:42:19 | Weblog

Hi everyone!

The last (for now) in our series of commonly overused words is the word 'enjoy'.

This is a word that most people learn very early on in their English studies, and it also features very strongly in Japanese English. By learning to say the same idea without using 'enjoy' all the time, we can make our English sound much more natural.

The first thing to understand is when 'enjoy' is not appropriate:

'Enjoy' is usually not used for activities in the past or future tenses. For example, we do NOT say: 'Tomorrow I will enjoy drinking', 'Lets enjoy chatting', 'Last week I enjoyed skiing'.

Here are some ways to rephrase those sentences without using 'enjoy':

'Tomorrow I will enjoy drinking' -> 'Tomorrow I'm going out for a drink, at a nice bar I know' (a little extra detail on sentences like this is very natural)
'Lets enjoy chatting' -> 'Lets sit down and have a chat for a while.'
'Last week I enjoyed skiing'. -> 'I went skiing last week. It was great'.

Also, 'enjoy' is rarely used in present simple questions (questions about what you USUALLY do), but is permissible in past simple questions about specific events:

WRONG -> 'Do you enjoy parties?' (this should be simply 'Do you like parties?')
OKAY -> 'Did you enjoy the party last night?'

Now, when is 'enjoy' appropriate?

- in the present simple tense, with activities, to talk about hobbies and pastimes, BUT NOT every time. Here's an example of a person describing hobbies, which OVERUSES 'enjoy':

"What do you like to do with your free time?"
"Oh, I enjoy going out with friends on a Saturday night, and I enjoy listening to classical music when I'm relaxing. I enjoy walking and mountain climbing, and I enjoy going to the movies once a month."

Compare that with the next example, which says the same thing in a much more natural way, using 'enjoy' only once:

"What do you like to do with your free time?"
"Oh, I like to go out with friends on a Saturday night, and I love listening to classical music when I'm relaxing. I enjoy walking and mountain climbing, and I go to the movies once a month."

REMEMBER: Try to avoid using 'enjoy' for past or future sentences, and don't use it too much when you're describing your hobbies in the present simple.

See you next week, when we'll review some basic grammar.

下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス


2010-09-01 14:33:19 | Weblog

ここ、ビートンボックスにはオーストラリアからの先生が3人います 今日から夏が終わる9月に入った日本とは正反対に、オーストラリアではもうすぐ春がやってくるんですね




下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス