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Tim先生の One-Point Lesson #7

2010-04-30 17:29:40 | Weblog
Hi there everyone!

Today we're reviewing something that most of you probably already know something about - adjectives that end in '-ed' or '-ing'.

Many verbs can be turned into adjectives by adding either '-ed' or '-ing' to the end of the word. In fact, most words like this can use EITHER '-ed' or '-ing', but the meaning is very different depending on which one you use.

Confusing! Confused?

As you can see, I've used both '-ed' and '-ing' at the end of the verb 'confuse'. But what do the two new words mean? Remember:

'-ing' adjectives are descriptions of people or things.
'-ed' adjectives say how a person feels.

The lesson was confusing. (Describing something, in this case 'the lesson')
I am confused. (Telling how someone feels, in this case 'I')

It's a bit more difficult when you use '-ing' to describe how one person makes ANOTHER person feel. Try remembering this pair of sentences:

The monster is frightening.
The child is frightened.

In that example, it's quite easy to see that the monster is CAUSING fear, and the child FEELS fear. It works the same way for less obvious examples, such as 'He is interesting. I am interested'. There, 'he' is CAUSING interest, and 'I' FEEL interest.

I hope this lesson was interestING. I hope you were interestED.

See you next week!

下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス


2010-04-28 17:02:58 | Weblog






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Golden Week

2010-04-27 17:54:46 | Weblog

皆さん ご予定はお決まりですか?
最近の空模様を見ていると、お天気が心配ですが・・・ 。


下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Tim先生の One-point Lesson #6

2010-04-22 16:16:43 | Weblog
Hello everyone!
Today we are going to think about another common grammar problem that Japanese speakers of English often have. That is, using the PRESENT SIMPLE too much.
The present simple is used MOSTLY for describing things that are ALWAYS true, or that happen REGULARLY. So, hobbies, habits, and very regular events can use this tense.
Here are some examples of the present perfect used in this way:
I play tennis. (regularly, as a hobby)
I eat sushi every day. (regularly, as a habit)
Do you play tennis? (this question is asking, 'is tennis your hobby?', NOT asking about a future plan)
The world is round. (always)
I like sushi. (always)
Unlike in Japanese, the present simple is ALMOST never used to describe future plans. Future plans use the future simple tense, or sometimes the present continuous tense. Like this:
Future simple tense:     I will eat sushi tonight. (NOT 'I eat sushi tonight')
Present continuous tense:   I am playing tennis tomorrow (NOT 'I play tennis tomorrow')
Present continuous tense:   I'm going shopping later (NOT 'I go shopping later')
There is an exception to this rule. SOMETIMES the present simple is used for future plans, but ALMOST ALWAYS when we are talking specifically about TRANSPORT plans, and ALWAYS using a specific time word. For example:
The train leaves at 8.00.
My plane leaves on Tuesday.
Just remember: except for a few special cases, the present simple is only for things that REGULARLY HAPPEN or are ALWAYS TRUE.
Thanks for reading, and see you next week!
- Tim
 下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

English books

2010-04-21 18:25:47 | Weblog






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When will spring come?

2010-04-17 18:46:45 | Weblog
この季節に雪が降るのは 41年ぶりだそうです。
今日いらした生徒さん達も 合言葉のように「寒いですね~ 雪がふるなんて~」
午後からは 晴れ間も見えて 一安心

I hope the real spring will come soon.

下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Lisa   (in America)

2010-04-16 12:27:17 | Weblog
今日は AmericaにいるLisa から皆さんへのメッセージをお届けいたします

Hello everyone! It's me, Lisa.
Sorry I couldn't write sooner, but I have been really busy these last 2 weeks!
I just want to let everyone know that I made it safely back to America.
I am really enjoying being back home, but, at the same time, I really miss Japan.
I bet the cherry blossoms were beautiful this year, I wish I could have been in Tokyo long enough to see them one last time.
But, when I arrived in America, the first thing I saw when I walked out of the airport was ... a CHERRY TREE in full bloom! Imagine my surprise!
I will write another update again soon. In the meantime, be looking for my comments on the blog. And I look forward to reading your comments as well!

Take care,

下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Tim先生の One-point Lesson #5

2010-04-15 17:51:56 | Weblog
Hello everyone!

Today we are going to talk about a common mistake that learners of English make. That is, the use of the word "almost".

"Most", "all" and "almost" are words that seem very similar, but are really very different. "All" and "most" are words that say "how much / how many". So, if I ask you "how many people in Japan like sushi?", you could say "most people like sushi" (= about 90%), or "all people like sushi" (= everyone).

BUT "almost" is not the same at all. "Almost" means "nearly", and it DOESN'T say "how many".

XXX So, "almost people like sushi" is NOT CORRECT. XXX

That can be very confusing, because you can often hear something like this: "Almost all people like sushi". "Almost all" here is the same as saying "nearly all".

Just remember: "all" and "most" are 'how much / how many' words, but "almost" is different, and it means "nearly".

See you next week!

下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Take care of yourself

2010-04-13 16:22:06 | Weblog
皆様 こんにちは
こんな日は 気持ちがいいです


ニュースで見ましたが 今春は 風邪の患者さんがとても多いようです。

「Are you OK?」て聞くと
「I`m O-K-」と満面の笑顔で答えてくれます

皆様も どうぞ体調には気をつけてくださいね


下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス


2010-04-10 18:10:45 | Weblog




さっそく教材を見せてもらうと、日本語がぎっしり しかしKevinは「Challengeだよ」と



下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

 Tim 先生の One-point Lesson #4

2010-04-08 18:54:08 | Weblog
Hi everybody!

Today I thought I would talk a little bit about the word 'lets'. Most people know this word, which is used to propose doing something. It's usually chosen as the English translation of Japanese 'しましょう' words.

While that's correct, the truth is that often people use 'lets' too much. 'Lets' is actually a very strong way to propose something.

Think about 'lets' as a more polite form of 'I want to...'. If you want to make a less strong suggestion, and find out what the other person thinks, you can say 'shall we...', or 'how about we...' instead of 'lets'. You will almost always use the simple present with these forms, such as 'lets go home', 'how about we eat Chinese tonight?'

Finally, it's good to remember that sentences with 'しましょう' are much more common in Japanese than 'lets' sentences are in English. If you are in a situation where you want to tell another person what you would like to do together in the near future, 'lets' or 'shall we' are probably okay. If not, it might be best to find a more simple way to say it.

Try to notice when native speakers use 'lets', or a less strong suggestion phrase.

See you next week!

下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

New Lesson Ticket

2010-04-07 16:34:19 | Weblog









            下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

The new term

2010-04-06 16:34:18 | Weblog

学生の方は、そろそろ新学期が 始まる頃
きっと、緊張しながらも「頑張るぞ~」 と 気持ちも新たに新しい一歩を踏み出していらっしゃるでしょう

ところで 目標は立てましたか?
目標が有るのと無いのとでは 全然違います。
それぞれにしっかりと目標を立てて 頑張りましょう

ビートンボックスでは、毎月 皆様に「a word a day」というシートを差し上げています。
レッスンで習った単語や耳にした単語 1日1個づつ書いていけば 1ヶ月で30コ 1年で360コ
これを覚えると 素晴らしい~~~

私の目標は、1日1単語 覚え・・・ます・・・。きっと・・・


下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

NEW Chat Ticket

2010-04-03 17:06:19 | Weblog

皆様は もうお花見に行かれましたか?

さて、ビートンボックスでは、今月より お得な新チャットチケットが発売されました
チャットルーム開催期間中は、何日でも 一日に何時間でも 参加可能
毎日チャットルームで英語で話したら 絶対に上達間違いなし

その他 チャットルームフリーパス付き新レッスンチケットも発売されました。


下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Tim先生の One-point Lesson #3

2010-04-01 18:51:43 | Weblog
Hi everybody!

Today we will think a little bit about the words 'must' and 'have to'.
Both of those words mean there is an -obligation- to do something. 'you must study' and 'you have to study' mean the same thing - that not studying is a bad thing.
BUT, the negative forms of these words are different. 'You mustn't do it' means that it is a bad thing to do. However, 'you don't have to do it' means that there is no obligation, so you can make up your own mind whether to do it or not.

Just remember:
Mustn't, is like saying "don't do it!"
Don't have to, is like saying "you can choose"

It's easy!

下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス