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See you next year !!

2010-12-28 13:12:00 | Weblog

こんにちは 今日はとってもいいお天気  年末年始も東京はいいお天気に恵まれるみたいです


さて、もうすぐ2010年も終わりですね。 皆様にとって 2010年はどんな年でしたか? 

私は、やり残したことがいっぱいかも。。。     来年に向けて課題はいっぱいです  頑張らねばーー  もちろん 英語の勉強は もっともっと~

まずは、今日一日頑張らねば・・・・・・と 思ってる時に 生徒のYさんから 「甘くないおかずっぽいケーキです」と美味しそうなパウンドケーキをいただきました 聞いてみると、玉ねぎ ソーセージ ジャガイモ の入ったケーク・サレ・・・キッシュのような感じかな?  Timは早速覗き込んで、「 It looks delicious~」と ニコニコ  ありがとうございます  






   Have a  happy new year      


下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

☆ Christmas Eve ☆

2010-12-24 14:49:10 | Weblog

皆さま パーティ&プレゼントのご準備はお済ですか~?
彼・彼女に何をプレゼントしようかな~? といろいろ考えるのも楽しいものですね

チャットルームでは クリスマスディナーやケーキ プレゼント の話で盛り上がりっています
すると、生徒のSさんが 手作りケーキを持ってきてくださいました とっても美味しかったです Thank you so much

Have a Merry Christmas Eve
And I hope that wonderful Santa Claus comes・・・
下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

2010-12-22 18:34:03 | Weblog



 真っ赤なお鼻のトナカイさんは~ という歌の中のそりを引くトナカイさん達には名前があるということを!!



ダッシャー(Dasher) 、ダンサー(Dancer) 、プランサー(Prancer) 、
ヴィクセン(Vixen) 、コメット(Comet) 、キューピッド(Cupid)、
ドンダー(Donder) 、ブリッツェン(Blitzen) 、


下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス



Total lunar eclipse

2010-12-21 17:40:19 | Weblog

今日は、皆既月食“Total lunar eclipse”が見られると言われている日ですね





Change the topic

2010-12-18 14:28:27 | Weblog


そこで最近見つけたのが、「NHK(ワンポイント)ニュースで英会話」です 教育テレビ(毎週木曜日)でも、ラジオでも、またネット上でも挑戦することができるのですが、


下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Tim先生の One-Point Lesson #37

2010-12-16 15:04:36 | Weblog
More Mixed Conditionals
Hello everyone!
Today we will finish our series on conditionals in English. Last week we introduced the idea of mixing up different tenses in one sentence, to express different ideas in your conditionals. This week we will look at a lot of examples of different mixed conditionals, and explain what they say and how they work.
Remember, there are six different possible combinations. Here are some examples for each.
> If I had taken French in high school, I would have more job opportunities.
But I didn't take French in high school and I don't have many job opportunities.
Here we are saying that we wish we had studied french in the PAST, so that we could have a job NOW
> If she had been born in the United States, she wouldn't need a visa to work here.
But she wasn't born in the United States and she does need a visa now to work here.
This sentence is explaining the rule for visas in the US. People born in the US in the PAST can have a visa NOW.
>If she had signed up for the ski trip last week, she would be joining us tomorrow.
But she didn't sign up for the ski trip last week and she isn't going to join us tomorrow.
This is explaining the reason why our friend won't come with us in the FUTURE. That reason is, she forgot to sign up in the PAST.
>If Mark had gotten the job instead of Joe, he would be moving to Shanghai.
But Mark didn't get the job and Mark is not going to move to Shanghai.
This sentence is talking about how the FUTURE would be different if the PAST was different. That is, if the job situation in the PAST was different, Marks plans for the FUTURE would be different.
>If I were rich, I would have bought that Ferrari we saw yesterday.
But I am not currently rich and that is why I didn't buy the Ferrari yesterday.
This is talking about how I would act if I was rich. If I was rich NOW / GENERALLY / ALWAYS, I would have bought a car YESTERDAY.
>If I didn't have to work so much, I would have gone to the party last night.
But I have to work a lot and that is why I didn't go to the party last night.
Here we are imagining what life would be like if I had less work to do NOW / GENERALLY / ALWAYS. In this case, the PAST would have been different.
Notice that mixed conditionals involving the present tense are often about general ideas, not always about the exact present moment.
>If I didn't have so much vacation time, I wouldn't go with you on the cruise to Alaska next week.
But I do have a lot of vacation time and I will go on the trip next week.
This explains the reason I am able to join you on a cruise which will happen in the FUTURE. That reason is, I have a lot of vacation time RIGHT NOW.
>If Dan weren't so nice, he wouldn't be tutoring you in math tonight.
But Dan is nice and he is going to tutor you tonight.
This is explaining the reason that Dan will tutor you in the near FUTURE. That reason is, Dan is a nice person GENERALLY.
>If I weren't going on my business trip next week, I would have accepted that new assignment at work.
But I am going to go on a business trip next week, and that is why I didn't accept that new assignment at work.
This is explaining the reason I couldn't do something in the PAST. That reason is, something is going to happen in the FUTURE which prevented me.
>If my parents weren't coming this weekend, I would have planned a nice trip just for the two of us to Napa Valley.
But my parents are going to come this weekend, and that is why I didn't plan a trip for the two of us to Napa Valley.
This is again explaining that something that will happen in the FUTURE had an effect on a decision in the PAST.
>If I were going to that concert tonight, I would be very excited.
But I am not going to go to that concert tonight and that is why I am not excited.
>If Sandy were giving a speech tomorrow, she would be very nervous.
But Sandy is not going to give a speech tomorrow and that is why she in not nervous.
These sentences are talking about what the PRESENT, RIGHT NOW would be like if the FUTURE was going to be different.
And that's it! We have learned about the many different types of conditional sentences that we can use in English. As you use them more and more, you will learn to match the correct form to the situation naturally. Good luck!
See you next time, when we will move on to a new topic!
下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

A lottery

2010-12-15 19:28:23 | Weblog




「福引き」も英語で言い分けられるようで  箱のなかに手を入れ当たりくじを引きのが 「a raffle」、

くじ全体のことを「a lottery」と言うそうです。

アメリカにもぐるっと回転させるくじ引きもあるそうです。 日本だけだと思っていましたが・・・。



 下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス






♪ Christmas Party 2010 ♪

2010-12-14 18:25:12 | Weblog

12日の日曜日、ビートンボックスのChiristmas Partyが開催されました。


たくさん集まってくださり、 おいしいお食事とお酒でアットホームなパーティとなり、大盛況で終わることができ





 下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス





Nobel Prize Ceremony

2010-12-10 16:34:24 | Weblog


12月半ばになるとさすがに風が冷たくなってきましたね。 外は寒いですが、ここビートンボックスは、昼間は日差しが燦燦と輝き ポカポカでした


さて、今日12月10日は ノーベル賞授賞式です  スウェーデンの科学者アルフレッド・ノーベルの亡くなった日=ノーベル賞が生まれた日 

今年は、根岸英一さん・鈴木章さんの二人の日本人が化学賞を受賞したことで とても注目を集めています   テレビでも毎日のように現地の様子を伝えていますね 

化学は、残念なことに(?)私には無縁です・・・・・・・・・・・    が、授賞式や晩餐会は ちょっと気になります huhuhu 

明日のニュースやワイドショーなどで 授賞式 晩餐会の様子が見られると思うので みなさんもチェックしてみてくださいね


下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Tim先生の One-Point Lesson #36

2010-12-09 18:34:26 | Weblog
Mixed Conditionals
Hello everyone!
By now, if you have followed this blog about conditional forms, you should know how to make most of the basic sentences. The last step in learning about conditionals is mixing them all together!
We have learned about past, present, and future conditionals. But what if we want to talk about the consequences for one time, of an action in a different time? What would my life be like, if I did something different in the past? What will my future be like, if I make a choice today? To talk about that kind of thing, we need to use one tense in the IF clause, and a DIFFERENT tense in the result clause.
For example, what if we want to imagine what the present would be like, if the past had been different? We can't use the simple past conditional, because that places the whole situation in the past. We can't use the present conditional either, because that doesn't tell us anything about the past. We need to use both past and present tenses in the same sentence, like this:
> If I had studied Japanese in high school, I would be fluent now.
Notice that the IF clause is in the past tense ('had'), but the result clause is in the present tense ('would be'). Also notice that this is an imaginary situation (I did not really study Japanese in high school), so it's an unreal conditional. Most mixed conditionals are unreal, but some real combinations are also possible.
We can make mixed conditionals in any combination:
present - past
present - future
past - present
past - future
future - past
future - present
Next week, we will look at a lot of examples of each of these possible combinations, and learn how to mix conditionals like a native speaker!
See you then!
下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Beat'n Box~3rd Anniversary~

2010-12-08 16:35:57 | Weblog

Happy Birthday dear....

Beat'n Box

そうなんです、実は今日12月8日は、下北沢英会話スクールBeat'n Boxがオープンした日なのです
3周年となる今日の日を迎えられたのも、何よりBeat'n Boxを支えてくださった皆様のおかげです


3年目の今年は、Beat'n Boxでは新しいインストラクターが仲間入りしたり、

今週末には18時からX'mas Partyもあります


下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Hobby + English =?

2010-12-07 18:15:00 | Weblog

英会話を習える場所はたくさんありますが、最近英語で趣味を習う 「ホビングリッシュ」 というカタチで








下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス







2010-12-04 13:43:35 | Weblog


昨日は台風のような荒れたお天気でしたね・・・ かよわい私(?)は、思わず飛ばされそうになりました・・・

でも、今日は 昨日とはうってかわってとてもいい天気



インストラクター達も BBに来るなり、「富士山は見える?きれいですか?」と言って ベランダにGO

そして、 「 So Beautiful  」と声をあげています


この素晴らしい眺めの中 チャット&レッスンは気持ちがいいですね

皆様 どうぞいらしてください 



下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Tim先生の One-Point Lesson #35

2010-12-02 18:43:08 | Weblog
Future Continuous Conditional.
Hi everybody!
In the last few weeks we have been learning about continuous conditionals. If you think the present and past continuous conditionals were a little tricky, today is your lucky day, because the future continuous conditional is quite simple.
First, let's look at how we make the future continuous conditional.
If... were (-ing), ... would be (simple past verb)
If (simple past verb), ...would be (-ing)
Notice that this is exactly the same form as the present continuous conditional! We make it clear that we're talking about the future simply by including some time words about the future, such as 'tomorrow', 'next week' or 'later'.
We use the future continuous conditional in a similar way to the basic future continuous tense. The sentence talks about one quick future action (the simple past verb) interrupting a longer future action (the -ing verb). OR, it can simply talk about one future action that happens while another longer future action is happening.
Of course, like the other continuous conditionals, the future continuous conditional is always UNREAL - so the actions and events we are talking about are imaginary, and they will NOT really happen in the future.
Lets look at some examples.
> If I were going out tonight, I would be having dinner with you.
(But I am not going out at all. You might say this to reassure your friend that you do not have plans to go out somewhere else: in fact you are just too busy to go anywhere.)
> If you were waiting for me at the airport when I got to Narita, I wouldn't have to catch the train.
(But you will not be waiting for me, and I really will catch the train. You might say this if you are disappointed that your friend can't help you.)
> If you came to my house tomorrow, I would just be cleaning.
(I will really be cleaning tomorrow, so you should not come to my house then. You might say this if your friend wants to come and visit tomorrow, but you want to tell them to come at some other time.)
> If I were able to go with you on your holiday next month, we'd be exploring Venice together.
(But I can't come, so you will be there on your own. You might say this if you were planning to go together, but you had to cancel.)
>If you were still living in London in 2012, you would be able to see the Olympics.
(But you will not be living in London then, so you will not see the Olympics. You might say this if the other person is living in London now, but plans to leave before 2012)
Remember: it is very important to include a future time word or phrase in this form, otherwise it sounds like you're talking about the present.
When you are comfortable with the way all the other conditionals are used, you can combine different tenses and forms to make very specific meanings. These are called 'mixed conditionals'. From next week, we are going to start thinking about mixed conditionals.
See you then!
下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Christmas Party 2010

2010-12-01 13:27:45 | Weblog

今日から12月。 でも、暖かいですね



日時: 12月12日 (日) PM6:00-PM8:00

場所: BAR VOLZANO ~バール ボルツァーノ~ (イタリアンレストラン。下北沢本多劇場正面前 店前の大きな樽が目印)

参加費: ¥3000円 (お料理+1ドリンク 追加の飲み物は各自でご注文お願いします)


   03-3485-1583  デス


みんなで 楽しく盛り上がりましょう~


下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス