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Christmas ^^

2010-11-30 14:39:05 | Weblog







ビートンボックスにも クリスマスバージョンフラワーアレンジ や クリスマスツリー が登場


もちろん BBクリスマスパーティをメインにね  ~パーティ詳細は明日お知らせいたします


下北沢 英会話スクール ビートンボックス

The Japan P.E.N Club day

2010-11-26 17:20:53 | Weblog










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Tim先生の One-Point Lesson #34

2010-11-25 19:14:34 | Weblog
Past Unreal Continuous Conditional
Hello everyone!
Today we're learning about the past unreal continuous conditional.
We make the past unreal continuous conditional like this:
If ... had been (-ing), ... would have ...
>If he had been standing near the house when it collapsed, he would have been killed.
>If you'd come to my house last night, I would have been studying.
This conditional can also be used  in imaginary situations to focus on a duration of time. Look at the following examples:
>Scott said he had been studying Greek for more than five years. If he had been studying the language that long, I think he would have been able to interpret for us at the airport.
In this example, we are imagining the result if Scott studied for five years. We imagine that he would have been able to translate. However, in reality he could not translate for us. So, we think Scott might be lying.
>Sarah claimed she had been waiting in the rain for more than twenty minutes by the time we arrived, but she wasn't even wet. If she had been waiting that long, I think she would have been totally drenched by the time we arrived.
In this example we imagine that a person who stood in the rain for twenty minutes should be very wet. Sarah was not so wet, so we think Sarah is lying.

>Terry's plane arrived ahead of schedule. If I hadn't decided to go to the airport early, she would have been waiting there for more than twenty minutes before I arrived.

In this example, we imagine would would have happened if I had not left early. The result would have been: Terry would have waited for twenty minutes. In reality, I did leave early, so Terry did not have to wait.

>At the travel agency yesterday, we waited for more than an hour for somebody to help us. Finally, we got up and left. If we hadn't decided to leave, we would have been sitting there forever.

Here we are imagining what would have happened if we hadn't left early. The service was so bad that we imagine waiting forever! In reality, we got angry and left without being served.

Tune in next week for the final continuous conditional.


下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Oden (2)

2010-11-24 16:17:27 | Weblog

先週のブログでおでんの話題があったので、今日のインストラクターRebeccaに ”おでん好き?”と質問してみました


”なぜ~??”と聞いてみると ”まずニオイがダメ~”とのこと。 






       下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス









2010-11-20 16:29:14 | Weblog


今日 またまた インストラクターと食べ物のお話をしていて、


「キムチ鍋 もつ鍋 すきやき  そして、お で ん



ある生徒さんに聞いたところ、「大根 つみれ 巾着 さつまあげ がんも はんぺん 何でも好き」と

でも、みなさん 大根が一番にでてきます。







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Tim先生の One-Point Lesson #33

2010-11-18 14:40:06 | Weblog
Present Unreal Continuous Conditional.
Hello everyone! Last week we learned a bit about all three continuous conditionals. We heard a little about the present, past, and future continuous conditionals. This week we will focus entirely on the present continuous conditional.
You might remember that we use the present unreal continuous conditional to talk about imaginary situations, which might be happening now, IF the current situation were different.
Today we will  learn that the continuous (-ing form) can be in either the IF clause or the result clause.
Examples in the if-clause:
>If the sun were shining, I would go to the beach.
Unfortunately, it is raining so I can't go.
>We would be able to go sailing if the wind were blowing.
But there is no wind, so we can't go sailing.
Examples in the result:
>If I were in Hawaii, I would be lying on the beach.
But I am not in Hawaii.
>I would be rafting down the Colorado River right now if my leg weren't broken.
But my leg is broken, so I am not there.
The only difference between the placements of the -ing verb is which action is / would be in progress now.
Remember to use WERE and WOULD BE.
The most important thing to remember about the present unreal continuous conditional is that you're talking about NOW, but you're also talking about something that ISN'T REAL. With the present continuous conditional, this is  easy to remember because you can see what is really happening now.
Next week we will think about the past unreal continuous.
See you then!
下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Christmas Party 2010

2010-11-17 17:30:55 | Weblog

今日は冷たい雨が降っています ・・・昨日に引き続き寒いです





街では クリスマスイルミネーションも見かけるようになりました


「Beat`n Box クリスマスパーティ 2010」 日程が決まりました

12月12日 日曜日 18:00~20:00 in 下北沢 

場所・参加費等は、まだ未定ですが、決まり次第 HPにてご案内させていただきます

ビートンボックスの生徒さん以外でも参加可能ですので、HPチェックの上 どうぞ皆様ご参加ください



下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Hot Chocolate

2010-11-16 20:01:00 | Weblog

そして甘いものが大好きで夏はアイスクリームをよく食べていたNoraですが、冬は「I like "Hot Chocolate"」と
「Hot Chocolate」=「Hot cocoa」です
Noraは特にスターバックスコーヒーのHot Chocolateが好きなようで、あったか~いドリンクが喉に気持ち良いし、これを飲むことが冬の楽しみの一つでもあるそうです


下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Tim`s 12 Temples

2010-11-13 10:48:10 | Weblog





「I went to 12 temples in total on my holiday, but when I got back I had forgotton what some of them were called. Staff of BB helped me find out their names.」








へ~~ 新たな発見でした


下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Tim先生の One-Point Lesson #32

2010-11-11 19:11:11 | Weblog
Continuous conditionals.
Hello everyone!
Today we will start learning about continuous conditionals. There are three kinds of continuous conditional, one for the past, one for the future, and one for the present. You can identify the continuous conditionals by the use of at least one -ing verb.
All the continuous conditionals are used for unreal imaginary situations.
The present unreal continuous conditional is used to talk about imaginary situations that COULD BE happening RIGHT NOW (in your imagination, instead of what is actually happening right now.)
For example: If the sun were shining, I would go to the beach.
The past unreal continuous conditional is used for imagining what might have happened in the past at a very specific time or over a period of time.
For example:  If I had missed my train, you would have been waiting for a long time.
The future unreal continuous conditional is used for continuing actions in future scenarios that you think will not happen.
For example: If I were coming with you to the airport tomorrow, I would be able to help you carry your bags.
Starting next week, we will be looking at each of these continuous conditionals one at a time, seeing how to make them and finding out more about how they are used.
See you then!
下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Memories of travel

2010-11-10 15:38:23 | Weblog






特に広島の参道で食べた、できたてホカホカのもみじ饅頭はとってもおいしかったそうで、面白かったのはチーズ入りもみじ饅頭てんぷらというものもがあり、チーズがとろ~り絶品だったそうです。 チーズ入り!!う~ん外国人にいかにも受けそうですね





 下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス






Do you have a plan for travel?

2010-11-09 20:09:14 | Weblog





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Beautiful Day

2010-11-06 13:05:09 | Weblog

「まず、広島では原爆ドームに行って、ランチはお好み焼き。そして、厳島神社を眺めながら牡蠣を食べるんだ。完璧だよ そして、京都ではたくさんの美しいお寺に行くんだ」とニコニコしながら話してくれました



下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Tim先生の One-Point Lesson #31

2010-11-04 19:19:05 | Weblog
Future Unreal Conditional

Hi everyone!

A few weeks ago, we learned about the future unreal conditional. We found out that the usual way to talk about imaginary situations in the future is actually to use the future REAL conditional. That sounds odd, but it's got a good reason, which is that ALL future situations are really imaginary, simply because they haven't happened yet!

So the future unreal conditional is only used to emphasize that something in the future is IMPOSSIBLE.

If I had a day off from work next week, I would go to the beach.
> BUT I don't have a day off from work. Going to the beach is IMPOSSIBLE for me.

However, you might have noticed that this construction is exactly the same as the present unreal conditional. You can usually distinguish them from context, for example if the sentence uses future words like 'tomorrow' or 'next week'

If I had a day off today, I would go to the beach. (today = present)

If I had a day off next week, I would go to the beach. (next week = future)

Because of that, English speakers often use a special second form of the future unreal conditional. That is:

If... were (verb + ing), ... would be (verb + ing).

If I were going to Okinawa, I would be taking my scuba diving gear with me.
> I am not going to go to Okinawa and I am not going to take my scuba gear with me (in the future).

This has the same meaning as the future unreal forms above, but now it's clear that we mean the future.

One tricky thing about this second form is that we don't have to use BOTH the 'were' part in the IF clause AND the 'would be' part in the RESULT clause. It's okay to use only one or the other, like this:

If I went to Okinawa, I WOULD BE TAKING my scuba diving gear with me.

If I WERE GOING to Okinawa, I would TAKE my scuba diving gear with me.

Both of these examples have the same meaning as the first example, and all three examples are very clear about being about the future.

So, now we've learned about all six standard conditionals. But we aren't finished yet! In the coming weeks we'll learn about continuous and mixed conditionals. I can't wait!

See you next week.

下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス

Halloween Night

2010-11-02 14:13:09 | Weblog
How was your weekend?



左に写っているのが 黒猫Son
そして右が ドラキュラTim
二人とも メイクもバッチリ決まっていると思いませんか~
魔女 フランケン チャイナドレスの令嬢?(・・・男性です) ピカチューもいましたよ
とても盛り上がった Halloween Night でした 
~下北沢 「Heaven`s Door」にて~

下北沢英会話スクール ビートンボックス