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Captain Ces's Log #11 [Independence Day]

2011-07-08 19:25:07 | Weblog

 Ahoy Mateys!

Do you know about Independence Day?

No, not the movie!! lol

I mean the holiday Americans celebrate on July 4th!

Independence Day, or Fouth of July, is a federal holiday in the US, which celebrates the day independence was gained from the Kingdom of Great Britain. July 4th, 1776 marks the day the Declaration of Independence was approved, a document explaining the legal separation of the original 13 colonies from the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Technically, this day marks the birth of the United States of America! So many people refer to July fourth as the US`s Birthday!

On this day, many people have picnics, barbeques, parties, and most importantly people are either watching or setting off fireworks!

(That`s me in the photo! ^^)

In Japan, setting off fireworks is legal all year round. However, in the US, depending on the state, setting off fireworks is usually only allowed around July 4th. Even if it is legal, people usually do not tolerate the sound of fireworks at other times of the year.

At parties or picnics, people go out of their way to decorate the food or cakes in the traditional American colors - red, white, and blue.

Stars are also an important point of any American holiday, as we refer to our flag as the `star spangled banner,` which is also the United State`s national anthem.

Soon Japan will start displaying fireworks all around the country. Will you be watching or setting off your own fireworks?

Remember to keep it safe either way! Until next time!


Today`s Word Box:

Dependence: 依存

Declaration of Independence:独立宣言




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