Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;崔碩栄の X(on '24. 9/21)

2024-09-21 21:00:58 | Translation



>"中国のSNS、日本人学校について「中国侵略の拠点」「スパイ養成機関」「ひそかに生物化学兵器を実験」など事実無根の書込みが増えていた ⇒ ネットの反応「世界各国の中国人学校が侵略拠点でありスパイ養成機関であるからこそ、こういう発想になるんだな」"

> 中国で日本人男児刺殺に高市早苗氏が激怒、「本当に悔しい」

Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 9/21)


> 実際、子供の先入観は
> 教科書の話はつまらないが、親と教師の話は都市伝説みたいな面白い内容が多く影響力も大きい。
> 最近の韓国には日韓ハーフの子供も多いが、その子供たちが学校で嫌な思いするとの話もよく聞く🤔

In fact, children's preconceptions are formed by what their parents and teachers tell them, rather than what they read in textbooks.
Stories written in textbooks are boring.
Meanwhile, the stories of parents and teachers are interesting, like urban legends, and have a big impact.
There are a lot of half-Japanese & half-Korean children in recent S. Korea, and I often hear that these children have bad experiences at school.

> 反日教育って、学校の教科書だけみては判断できない。
> 子供においては日常の
> 全てが「教育」である。
> これに対して中・韓は「無い」と断言できるだろうか?🤔
> 無理だろう

Anti-Japan education can't be judged by reading only school textbooks.
For children, every and each matter is "education," such as that "what their teachers say", "what their parents say in the living room," "what the mass media says" and "what they hear in their daily lives' environment."
Concerning that, can China & S. Korea say that "not exist"?🤔
Probably not.

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