Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 3/3)

2024-03-03 17:48:40 | Translation


>"政府「デフレ脱却」表明を検討 賃上げや物価見極め判断"

>"社民党副党首「政権交代しない限り 介護も医療も 公共交通も農業も 全部手遅れになる!」→ 就寝…"


>【櫻LIVE】第593回 - 石橋文登・政治ジャーナリスト・千葉工大特別教授 × 有元隆志・産経新聞月刊『正論』発行人兼調査室長 × 櫻井よしこ(プレビュー版)

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 3/3)


> それは壇上で演説された方におっしゃってください。
> 私はその方の発言を引用しただけです。

Please tell that to the very person who gave the speech on stage.
I just quoted what he said.




It's not "evasion."
If I changes the expression, not only it's not "quatation" but also I can't criticize what the mass media does.



> 昨日の財務大臣不信任決議案の趣旨弁明の中で、
> 国民の声にしっかり耳を傾けて傾けることは必要ですが、嘘の報道によって作られた世論に従う必要は無いと思います。
> 嘘の報道に打ち勝つためにも、自分の発信力をしっかりつけることが大事です。

Yesterday, during the explanation of the purpose of the no confidence motion against the Minister of Finance yester, there was a scene to aggressive grill that "Although he denies, it's actually reported so, the nationals are therefore raged!".
It's a fake news to say that "He himself denies the report."
It's necessary to listen carefully to the voices of the nationals. However, I think that it's unnecessary to follow public opinion created by fake news.
In order to overcome fake news too, it's important to acquire own dissemination-capability properly.

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