Irresponsibly Writing Japanese



2022-12-10 12:20:11 | Translation


>"Tenth Japan-Australia 2+2 Foreign and Defence Ministerial Consultations"

> A Conversation with Australian Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles MP (Dec. 9, 2022)

Translation; Japanese-Australian security cooperation was confirmed -- PM Fumio Kishida held a meeting with the Australian Defense Minister and so on


> 岸田文雄首相は9日、オーストラリアのマールス国防相、ウォン外相と官邸で会談した。
> 中国が海洋進出を強めるインド太平洋地域の情勢を踏まえ、安全保障分野での協力を推進していく方針を確認した。

On Dec. 9, Japanese PM Fumio Kishida held a meeting with Australian Defence Minister Richard Marles and Foreign Minister Penny Wong at the Kantei (* official residence of the PM).
Taking the situaton in the Indo-Pacific Region where China is raising its maritime advancement into consideration, they confirmed a policy to proceed cooperation in the security field.
They also agreed in a policy to lead measures to realize the "FOIP" by the two countries.

> 資源・エネルギー分野での協力も確認した。
> オーストラリア側からは、同国は信頼できる貿易パートナーで安全な投資先であり続けるとの説明があった。
> 日豪両国は9日午後、外務・防衛閣僚協議を東京都内で開く。
> 首相は「両国の特別なパートナーシップを体現するもので、充実した議論を期待する」と伝えた。

They also confirmed cooperation in the fields of resources & energy.
The Australian side explained that Australia will continuouly be a reliable trading partner and a safe investment destination.
Japan and Australia will hold a foreign and defense ministerial talks in Tokyo in the afternoon on Dec. 9.
The PM said that "It will embody the special partnership between the two countries, and I look forward to fruitful discussions."

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