Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;崔碩栄の X(on '24. 6/29)

2024-06-29 17:47:07 | Translation


>"トランプ大統領陣営は勝利宣言/民主党や左派からバイデンの交代論:大統領選討論会(the Letter)"

>"ついに NYタイムズがバイデンを見捨てる「撤退すべきだ。衰えは無視できない」/バイデンはまだやる気満々"



> Biden and Trump hold first presidential debate of 2024, sparring on economy, immigration ...

Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 6/29)


> 大統領選候補交代論
> 討論会で大きく支持を失ったバイデン氏に対して民主党内部でも「このままじゃ無理。候補辞退&交代を考えるべき」という意見が出てる模様
> 候補交代以前に大統領辞任が先だと思う。
> 不安で候補も任せられない人に核ボタンを任してるのは怖すぎる😨

An argument for changing the presidential candidate.
Concerning Joe Biden, who has lost a lot of support due to the debate, it seems that an Democratic Party intra-party voice emerges, saying that "It's impossible if it goes as it is. We should consider to make (Biden) withdraw from the candidacy and replacing him."
In the 1st place, not changing the candidate, I think that Mr. President should step down.
It's too terrible to entrust the nuclear button to someone, who is too unsafe to even be trusted with candidacy😨

> 私はバイデンが好きじゃないけど、嫌いではない。
> 嫌いなのはバイデンを裏で操ってる人たちだ。
> 慰安婦も、徴用工も同じ。
> 本人たちより、裏で操ってる人たちが嫌い🧐

I don't like Biden, but I don't dislike him.
To whom I dislike are the peorsons, who manipulate him behind the scenes.
The same goes for "comfort women" and "conscripted workers" issues.
I dislike the persons, who manipulate them behind the scenes, more than the persons themselves🧐

> 米国大統領選の討論会の後、バイデンの健康状態、認知能力に対する懸念の声が上がっている。
> 何を今更?という感はあるが、
> 今までウクライナについてバイデンを支持してきた各国の首脳は、もし休戦を進めるトランプが大統領になったらどうする?
> いきなり休戦要求モードに変換?
> そうなれば「主人(大統領)は誰であれ、米国には従う」ということだな。
> 情けない😒

After the U.S. presidential election debate, concerns have emerged about Biden's health and cognitive abilities.
It feels like "What's now?" What will the leader of each country, who has hitherto supported Biden on Ukraine, do, if Trump, who will progress a ceasefire, becomes president?
Will they suddenly switch to ceasefire demand mode?
If that happens, it means that "We will obey the U.S., no matter who our master (president) is."
It's pathetic😒



> 先週(24日)韓国の全国紙に
> 私は済州島の自然は好きだが、商売、サービス、価格は最悪で、韓国内でも悪名が高い。
> しかし今朝の日本の TVを見てたら、済州島旅行をお勧めしていた🧐
> 酷い目に遭う観光客が続出して韓国人すら行かなくなった所を薦める気持ちが理解不能😮‍💨

Last week (6/24), a national newspaper in S. Korea ran an article titled "Jeju Island has been deprived tourists to Japan. An emergency task force will be formed to tackle with rip-offs, terrible food, etc."
I like the nature of Jeju Island. However, its "businesses," "services" and "prices" are the worst, it's therefore notorious even in S. Korea.
Nevertheless, when I was watching a Japanese TV program this morning, it was recommending a travel to Jeju Island🧐
I can't understand the sentiment behind recommending the place, where so many tourists have had terrible experiences that even S. Koreans are no longer going there.

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