Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 6/24)

2024-06-24 22:21:57 | Translation

Ref.>'【都知事選】蓮舫陣営、今度は法定外文書で "公選法違反"との指摘…'


>"【都知事選】蓮舫氏周辺、『都が凍結の朝鮮学校補助金復活』発言相次ぐ 本人も否定せず"

> おパヨ「蓮舫候補の街頭演説、渋谷ハチ公前はすごい人、人、人!」→ あっさりファクトチェックされてしまうが話題

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 6/24)


> 都知事選の朝日新聞社のインターネット調査では、小池氏が先行し蓮舫氏が追う展開で、石丸氏以下は大きく離される。
> 4割が決めていないが、今のところ相変わらず小池知事の横綱相撲。

In an online survey by The Asahi Shimbun on the Tokyo gubernatorial election, Koike is in the lead, followed by Renho. Ishimaru and the rest are far behind.
40% respondents are still undecided. However, up to now, it's Gov. Koike's grand-champion sumo wrestling battle.

>"小池氏が先行 蓮舫氏追う 石丸氏は苦戦 都知事選 朝日情勢調査"


> 小池知事は報復人事と人遣いの荒さがひどいと散々だが、蓮舫氏は裏表がひどい。
> 職員のためにももう少しまともな人に出て欲しいよ。

An article questioning Tokyo Metropolitan Government employees that "Which is better, Koike or Renho?"
"I don't particularly like Renho. However, from our perspective, Koike's reelection would be a hell. I think there are many employees who think as the same as me, that Renho is still better."
Governor Koike has been criticized for her retaliatory personnel decisions and her rough handling of staff. On the other hand, Renho has a terrible two-faced personality.
For the sake of the employees, I'd like to see someone a little more decent run for the election.

>'都庁職員に聞いた「小池都知事と蓮舫議員、どちらがマシ?」 恐怖政治の小池氏、"二面性"の蓮舫氏'


> 共産党の小池氏。
> 都議補選で5つとも勝てれば共産党は 24議席になり、23議席の公明党を上回り、25の都ファ、27の自民に迫るからだそうだ。
> 蓮舫氏は共産党!

UH lawmaker Akira Koike (JCP), Secretary-General of the JCP.
"If we can get Renho to become governor, the JCP will become the largest ruling party."
The reason why is that, if the JCP wins all five by-elections, it will have 24 seats, surpassing the Komeito Party's 23 seats, and closing in on the Tomin 1st Party's 25 and the LDP's 27.
Renho is an (* official candicate of) the JCP!

>"都知事選と都議補選 一体でたたかい勝利を"

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