Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;総裁選、女性・女系天皇議論ゼロ 「改憲派で協議急ぐ」5人

2024-09-21 10:13:09 | Translation

Ref.>"小学生の女の子を男子トイレに連れ去り性的暴行… 40歳男を逮捕"

>"職場から失踪した技能実習生、過去最高の 9700人超… 国が対策に乗り出す"



>【🔴ライブ配信】自民党総裁選 高市早苗氏躍進の理由は

Translation; The LDP presidential election = no one selected "female or female-lineage emperor discussion," while five ones selected "hurrying up discussions among those in favor of constitutional revise"

>"総裁選、女性・女系天皇議論ゼロ 「改憲派で協議急ぐ」5人"

> 共同通信の総裁選政策アンケートで、安定的な皇位継承に向け「女性・女系天皇の容認を含めた議論」を選んだ人はいなかった。
> 憲法改正の条文化作業では「改憲に理解を示す会派で協議を急ぐべきだ」と5人が回答した。
> 高市氏は「男系男子の皇統を守ることが先人への責任、日本人の誇りだ」と説明した。

In a Kyodo News LDP presidential election policy survey, no one selected "discussion including the acceptance of a female or female-lineage emperor" in order for stable imperial succession.
Regarding the drafting of constitutional revise, five persons answered that "Discussions should be accelerated among political parties that are supportive of constitutional revise."
Six people -- Sanae Takaichi, Takayuki Kobayashi, Yoshimasa Hayashi, Katsunobu Kato, Taro Kono and Toshimitsu Motegi -- answered that "Male-lineage succession should be maintained, including the return of former imperial family members to the imperial household."
Takaichi explained that "Protecting the male-imperial-lineage is our responsibility to our ancestors and the pride of the Japanese persons."

> 小泉進次郎氏は「先送りできない課題。早期に立法府の総意がまとめられることを期待」と主張。
> 石破茂氏は「女系天皇の容認は考えていないが、国民の総意に基づく天皇家が続くため、さまざまな角度から検討する必要がある」と指摘した。
> 憲法改正の質問で「改憲派で協議を急ぐ」を選んだのは、小林、林、加藤、河野、茂木の各氏。
> 高市氏は「慎重会派の理解も得て丁寧に議論すべきだ」との回答を選択した。
> 小泉氏は「環境が整えば、直ちに国会発議のあと、国民投票に移る」と意欲を示した。

Shinjiro Koizumi asserted that "This is an issue impossible to be put off. I therefore hope that a consensus of the legislative organ will be compiled soon."
Shigeru Ishiba pointed out that "I don't consider to accept a female-lineage emperor. However, in order for continuation of the Imperial Household based on the consensus of the nationals, we need to consider it from various angles."
When asked about constitutional revise, it was Kobayashi, Hayashi, Kato, Kono and Motegi, who selected "talks should be accelerated among pro-amendment factions."
Takaichi selected an answer that "We should careful discuss that while securing understanding of the cautious faction too."
Koizumi showed his will that "Once the environment is coordinated, we will immediately propose a Diet initiative and then go on to a national referendum."

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