On last Sunday , I passed besides " PARCO " and reached the gate of Yoyogi park ,
I went up the bridge over road , and I selected the left way , walked forwaed , but I couldn't find it .
At last , I asked it to the man of bycycle parking ,
" Do you know where the persons committed suicide afrer the Second World War ? "
He shouted to his fellow ,
" Do you know it ? "
" It is the monument of 14 persons ."
At next moment , they started to work again .
Well , I could find the monument under the trees , they committed suicide to answer the defeat .
One of them was only 18 years old .
In Yoyogi park , here and there , the men with their dogs looked so happy .
I do think that Japanese seemed to foget it today
「このあたりに 終戦直後に自決した若者たちの石碑があったはずですが」
「おーい そんなもんあったか」
「ああー そーか」
「ちょっともどっだところに売店があり その近くの木陰にあるよ」
「太平洋戦争として 教育しているからだろうか」.