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2013-03-01 21:12:59 | Sedona Method

How to Overcome the Emotional Pain of Losing a Pet

How to Overcome the Emotional Pain of Losing a Pet

The United States is a pet-loving country. In all, two-thirds of U.S. households own at least own pet (39 percent own at least one dog, and another 36 percent own at least one cat), according to the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association (APPMA) 2007-2008 National Pet Owners Survey. Pets are also increasingly looked at as members of the family.

Americans are not only spending more time and money on their pets (close to $41 billion in 2007), they’re regarding them as an integral part of the household. For instance, 40 percent of people who carry pictures of their spouse and children in their wallet also carry a picture of their pets.

The aspect of pet ownership that nobody likes to think about -- the loss of a pet -- is therefore an emotionally trying time full of all of the feelings that surround the death of a loved one: grief, sadness, loneliness, and other feelings of loss.
Grieving for a Lost Pet

You may find that after your pet's death you follow the five stages of grief that are associated with loss:

Denial or disbelief

The process will be different for everyone, and you may experience all of these stages or just a few. Or, you may bypass these stages altogether and begin your healing process in a different way, using The Sedona Method.

The Sedona Method teaches you how to let go of negative feelings that naturally arise from a loss. This doesn’t mean that you no longer care for your pet, only that you are allowing yourself to move on and experience feelings of happiness again.

According to Hale Dwoskin, CEO and director of training of Sedona Training Associates, in order to move past your grief, it’s important to focus on releasing what you are feeling in the present moment.

“The best feeling to release when you have lost a pet or anything else is whatever you are feeling NOW,” he says. “Most of us get hung up on how we are supposed to feel or what we are supposed to let go of. This does not work. The simplest way to release is to focus on what is actually here now.”

As you learn to release your feelings of sadness and loss, you will also find that you feel closer to your lost pet.

“One thing to remember as you do let go is that if you are feeling grief or loss it does not keep you connected to your pet -- it actually causes you to feel separate,” Dwoskin says. “If you let these feelings go you will simply feel the love that you felt before much more easily.”

You may also find support groups in your area for people who have recently lost pets. A support group allows you to share your feelings with others going through exactly what you are, and can be a useful strategy to use with The Sedona Method.

After time has passed and your grief has subsided, you may even want to consider another pet. Not, of course, to replace your lost pet, but simply to experience the joy of having an animal in your life once again.

“Happiness and fulfillment are our natural state. Pets help us get in touch with this natural state of happiness because they take our attention off ourselves and our problems. And when we take our attention off ourselves we always feel happier,” Dwoskin says.




ペットの喪失 - - 誰もが考えるのを好まないことをペットの所有権の一態様は、したがって、愛する人の死を囲む感情のすべてを完全に感情​​的に試練の時です:悲しみ、悲しみ、寂しさ、および他の感情損失の。






"あなたはペットや何かを失っているときに解放するために最高の気持ちはあなたが今感じているものは何でもである"と彼は言う。 "私たちのほとんどは、我々が感じるようになっているか、我々は手放すことになっている何かに引っかかる。これは動作しません。解放する最も簡単な方法は、今ここに実際に何であるかに焦点を当てることである。 "


"あなたを手放すことはないので覚えておきたいことは、悲しみや喪失を感じている場合、それは、あなたのペットへの接続を維持しないということです - それは、実際には独立した気分にあなたを起こし、" Dwoskin氏は述べています。 "あなたができるようにする場合、これらの感情は、あなたは、単にあなたがはるかに容易に前に感じた愛を感じるだろうしてください。"



"幸福と充足感は、私たちの自然な状態です。ペットは、彼らが自分自身と我々の問題から私たちの注意を取るので、私たちは幸福のこの自然な状態と連絡を取るのに役立ちます。そして、我々は、我々は常に幸せを感じる自分自身をオフに我々の注意を取るとき、 "Dwoskin氏は述べています。
