「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

Fast Steps To Freedom - 自由への速いステップ

2013-02-24 07:02:46 | 目次(contents)
Fast Steps To Freedom - 自由への速いステップ

Release2GoFree » Lester’s Six Steps to Freedom

Lester’s Six Steps to Freedom
December 26, 2011 beingness 3 comments

“The goal of releasing is the elimination of the very
source of all suffering and pain.” Larry Crane

The Six Steps

1. You must want imperturbability more than you want approval,
control and security.

2. Decide you can do the Method and be imperturbable.

3. See all your feelings culminate in three wants – the want of
approval, control and security/survival. See that immediately and
immediately let go of the want of security/survival.

4. Make releasing constant.

5. If you are stuck, let go of wanting to control the stuckness.

6. Each time you release you are happier and lighter. If you release
continually, you will be continually happier and lighter.

Fast Steps To Freedom

Get everything only by releasing
Practice witnessing things more while releasing.
Take responsibility for everything.
Take all your joy from within.
Be all giving. All loving.
Be Yourself – in the state of Beingness.
- Lester Levenson

“Convert all your wants. Convert all your desires to one desire ― to go free. Convert all your desires to go free, and I’ll guarantee you, you’ll get it in a matter of weeks, if not a few months. Convert all your desires into the desire to go free. You see what happens then… everything you go after in the world other than freedom is the opposite direction of freedom.” Lester Love


March 6, 2012 at 8:03 pm

Awesome quote:

Get everything only by releasing
Practice witnessing things more while releasing.
Take responsibility for everything.
Take all your joy from within.
Be all giving. All loving.
Be Yourself – in the state of Beingness.
- Lester Levenson

Takes constant practice … saying yes to everything … and let go of wanting … including wanting results.

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March 15, 2012 at 10:17 am

“Lester called it the “Butt Method” because he said that it is possible to just sit on our butts and have the world serve us if we are very released. Take note of the “if”. That’s the part that most people miss. That means that we must be in solid Courageousness and Acceptance on the chart for this to work. We have to be honest with ourselves as to where we really are in terms of our state of consciousness. If not, we are living in a “fool’s paradise”, and we will fail at this.” – Steve Seretan

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March 15, 2012 at 10:32 am

Peter from the Sedona Method Releasers blog (listed in the Releasing Forums and Blogs area), had this to say:

Release on freedom.

e.g. “I allow myself to go free.”

When we go directly for freedom we are working on all of our lesser goals. By releasing on the wanting approval, control and approval that comes up we are making fast progress on attaining imperturbable peace.

Simply do attachments and aversions, likes and dislikes or advantages and disadvantages to the goal statement and release on the underlying wanting (equaling lack) of approval/control/security.

Follow the six steps

Decide to release constantly all day long and you´ll be happier and lighter more and more of the time. From this state it gets very easy to get what you want.

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あなた自身ですか - Beingness の状態で。
 (あなた自身である - 存在性の状態にあります。)

- レスター・レヴェンソン






注記) attachments:執着 
attachmentの意味 - 英和辞典 Weblio辞書
執着, 執著, 差し押え, 差し押さえ, 残心, 懸想, 恋慕, 恋情, 別添, 吸着, 配属, 恋着, 愛着, 執, 接続, 愛執, 執着心, 愛慕, アタッチメント, 未練, 執心, 添付文書, 有心, 添付書類, 愛欲, 愛慾, 添付, 添附, 添付ファイル, 貪愛


