「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

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Notes Gains & Realizations - ゲインノートと実現

2013-02-23 20:31:12 | Sedona Method
Notes Gains & Realizations - ゲインノートと実現

MarketTorrent.com - The Sedona Method Course - Workbook (Page 8)

do not. Simply honor your own experience.

How have you wanted approval?

Could you welcome the sensations, sounds, and pictures that come from wanting approval?

Could you let go of wanting approval?

How have you wanted disapproval?

Could you welcome the sensations, sounds, and pictures that come from wanting disapproval?

Could you let go of wanting disapproval?

Notes Gains & Realizations

Security /SurvivaL Program
Wanting Security Release
CD 6, Track 2

Remember as you do this exercise that some situations have both "wanting security/survival" and "wanting to die," and others do not. Simply honor your own experience.

How have you wanted security/survival?

Could you welcome the sensations, sounds, and pictures that come from wanting security?

Could you let go of wanting security?

How have you wanted to die in your life?

Could you welcome the sensations, sounds, and pictures that come from wanting to die?

Could you let go of wanting to die?
Separation Program

Wanting Separation Release
CD 6, Track 5

Remember as you do this exercise that some situations have both "wanting to be one" and "wanting to be separate," and others do not. Simply honor your own experience.

How have you wanted to be one?

Could you welcome the sensations, sounds, and pictures that come from wonting oneness?

Could you let go of wanting oneness?

How have you wanted to be separate?

Could you welcome the sensations, sounds, and pictures that come from wanting to be separate?

Could you let go of wanting to be separate?

The Six Steps
The Six Steps are a distillation of the essence of The Sedona Method. They were created in 1974 by Lester Levenson to summarize the whole process of letting go. He had been working with a small group he was hoping to train as counselors-people who were helping him systematize his teachings into a do-it-yourself system-when he hit upon the Six Steps and wrote them down on the inside leaf of a book he was reading. Since then, they haven't changed dramatically.

You may find it helpful to refer to the Six Steps whenever you are using the Method. Many people have reduced the list so it fits into their wallets or purses. Many others have pasted the list into their time management systems. You could also hang them on the wall by your desk, or create a Six Steps screensaver on your computer to keep them handy and remind yourself to practice releasing throughout the day. We would also recommend that you keep a copy of the Six Steps in front of you when you sit down to do some focused or written releasing.

Then, if you get stuck at any point, you can just look back at the Six Steps, and they will help you get unstuck. They represent the core of everything that you've been doing, and will continue to be doing, as you allow your exploration of the Method to unfold.
1. Allow yourself to want freedom/imperturbability/your goal more than you want approval, control, security, and separation.
2. Decide that you can release and be free/imperturbable/achieve your goal.
3. Allow yourself to perceive that all your feelings culminate in the four wants: the want of approval, the want of control, the want of security, and the want of separation.

Then allow yourself to let go of the wants.
4. Make it constant. Release wanting approval, wanting to control, wanting security, and wanting to be separate all the time, whether you're alone or with people.
5. If you are stuck, let go of wanting to change or control the stuckness.
6. Each time you release, you are lighter, happier, and more effective. If you do this continually, you will continually be lighter, happier, and more effective.

Letting Go o Wanting Release
CD 6, Track 9

Think of a situation in your life that you want to change or improve.

Then ask:

Could you welcome the sensations, sounds, and pictures that thinking about the situation brings up in this moment?

Does that feel like they come from wanting approval control, security, or oneness?

Could you welcome that feeling of wanting approval, control, security, or oneness?

Could you let go of that feeling of wanting approval, control, security, or oneness?

This completes the first section of The Sedona Method Course. We will complete this course after we explore Effortless Wealth and Success, Effortless Relationships, and Effortless Health and Well-Being.

Remember, if you are learning the Method for the first time, you will not have a complete picture of all it’s applications and perspectives until you have completed all the CDs in each of the four programs.

Notes, Gains and Realizations

Most of us desire to have more wealth and success in our lives. Even if we feel like we have enough, we often do not allow ourselves to create what we choose with ease. This course is dedicated to showing you how solve the blocks to creating, maintaining, and enjoying effortless d success.

"For a long time, I felt like I was worth a lot more than what I was being paid for my work.

But when I actually applied The Sedona Method release techniques on it-and my worthiness-I got a raise of $6,000.00 a year. Hooray!"
... Penny Braun
"I was feeling the financial pressure that all farmers are feeling this crop year, and I had managed to worry myself into quite an emotional state. I have to admit that I was skeptical that yet another course could help me, but I was committed to try, and I'm so glad I did. After just a few days, I had released enough of the inner blockage to be able to work through new financial strategies that pulled me out of the slump and brought in more income than I could even hope for in a year when crop commodities are at an all-time low! I am once again enjoying the work that I do without considering throwing in the towel."
... Sandra Perry
"For many years my wife has wanted to buy houses and fix them up for resale.

Although I have many skills that would make this practical for us, I always hesitated because I was afraid of the risk. After completing the audio course I agreed to buy a house. My wife found a bank rep0 for $54,000 and we bought it. We invested $2,000 and sold it within days and made $14,000."
... David Crocco,
New Palestine, IN
"About three years ago I was teaching yoga for four to six different studios/gyms, and was about $10,000 in debt. As I became more popular, I saw how much money I was making for all these different studios and how little they were paying me. I set two goals. 'I allow the universe to effortlessly bring me my own yoga studio, ' plus 'I allow the universe to bring me massive abundance doing things I love to do’ Literally the next day, out of the blue, one of the owners of an upscale studio I worked for asked me if I was interested in buying her beautiful studio. I told her I didn't have any money and was actually in debt. She was really rundown with health problems and decided to just give it to me with a small monetary compensation if the studio made money.

Well, I made money the first month, and have continued to build the business. After three years, I've bought the sports car of my dreams, manifested a house overlooking the Intercoastal waterway, and have about $15,000 cash in the bank. The best thing is that I'm not clinging to any of it. It all came so effortlessly."
... Kris Waldron, Margate, NJ
"My productivity and focus in work has increased 200 percent.

I have gotten more done over the last four weeks than I have in the previous four months.

Many potentially nettlesome situations have been defused. I am feeling far more in control in my working relationships.

Interesting and exciting opportunities are also taking shape."
... David Dale, Richmond,
BC, Canada








ゲインノートと実現 (ゲインノートによる実現)

CD 6、トラック2

この演習を行うなど、状況によっては "欠けているセキュリティ/生存"の両方を持っていると "死にたい"と、そうでないことを覚えておいてください。単にあなた自身の経験を尊重する。







CD 6、トラック5

あなたには、いくつかの状況では、 "1になりたい"と "、別個になりたい"とそうでないものがありました両方のことを、この運動を行うように覚えている。単にあなた自身の経験を尊重する。











CD 6、トラック9











私は私が私の仕事のために支払われていたものよりも多くの価値があったように、 "長い間、私は感じました。

しかし、私は実際にセドナメソッド·リリース·テクニックを適用することとするとき私の価値は、私は$ 6,000.00年間の昇給を得た。めでたしめでたし! "
"私はすべての農民がこの穀物年度感じている財政的な圧力を感じていた、と私は非常に感情的な状態に自分自身を心配することに成功した。私はまだ他のコースが私を助けることができることに懐疑的だったことは認めざるを得ないが、私はにコミットされました試してみて、私は私がとても嬉しい。わずか数日後、私はスランプの私を引っ張り、私も可能性がより多くの収入をもたらした新たな財務戦略を介して動作することができるように十分な内側の閉塞をリリースしていたタオルで投げ考慮せず!私はもう一度私が行っている仕事を楽しんでいる作物商品は史上最低アール年間でために願っています。 "

私は私たちのために、これは実用的なものであろう多くのスキルを持っていますが、私はリスクを恐れていたので、私はいつもためらった。オーディオコースを修了した後、私は家を購入することで合意した。私の妻は、54000ドルのために銀行rep0を発見し、我々はそれを買った。我々は、2000ドルを投資し、数日以内にそれを売却し、14000ドルを作った。 "
"3年ほど前、私は五時五十六異なるスタジオ/ジムヨガを教え、債務で約$ 10,000でした。私がもっと普及するようになったとして、私はすべてのこれらの異なるスタジオで作っていた、彼らはどのように少し払っていたどのくらいのお金を見ていた私に私は2つの目標を設定します。 '私は、宇宙は難なく私に私自身のヨガスタジオをもたらすことができる "プラス翌日文字通り"私は宇宙が私に私がやりたいことをやって大規模な豊かさをもたらすことができる'、突然、私は彼女の美しいスタジオの購入に興味を持った場合、私はのために働いた高級スタジオの所有者の1人は私に尋ねた。私はお金を持っていなかった彼女に言ったし、借金で実際にあった。彼女は本当に健康上の問題とランダウンだっただけに決めたスタジオはお金を作ったら小さな金銭補償で私にそれを与える。

まあ、私は最初の一ヶ月のお金を作り、ビジネスを構築し続けてきました。 3年後、私は私の夢のスポーツカーを買ってきた、複数の沿岸間の水路を見下ろす家を明らかにし、銀行には約15000ドルの現金を持っています。最高のものは、私はそれのいずれかにしがみついていないよということです。それがすべてのように楽になりました。 "



興味深く、刺激的な機会も形を取っている。 "

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