「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

Uncover Life - Sedona Method by Craig Wildenradt - 01

2013-03-19 23:43:45 | Sedona Method
Uncover Life - Sedona Method by Craig Wildenradt - 01


クイックビュー:Ebook Title Uncover Life

Uncover Life

How to Begin Using the Sedona Method and Feel Results Today

by Craig Wildenradt


Uncover Life


Hello there, and thank you so much for taking the time to download and read this
book. As the title states, I’m going to show you how to begin using the Sedona
Method to quite literally uncover life. What do I mean by that? Simply put, the
really good stuff, the true sweetness of life we’re all adamantly searching for is
right here, right now. It’s just got some stuff piled on top of it, which is why it’s
difficult to see and feel sometimes. But the Sedona Method will be your personal
backhoe to dig out all of the stuff you don’t want in your life and reveal the goods.

The other part of the title (the part about feeling results today) is not an
exaggeration. The Sedona Method helps you produce immediate results, and they
are results you can feel. There’s no catch, it’s not difficult, and there’s no faith or
belief required. It only requires a desire and a willingness to stop suffering. If you
really like feeling stuck, hopeless, and miserable, this may not be the right book
for you. If you really want the path to unshakable inner peace to be difficult,
arduous, and even painful, your best bet is to close out this book right now.

But if you want to learn a simple, practical, and highly effective technique that
you can use to radically shift your life in a better direction starting today, find a
comfortable chair and enjoy the rest of the book!

Here you’ll be learning the basics of the most powerful personal development tool
on the planet (plus a little bit more). It’s endorsed and used by people like Jack
Canfield, Bill Harris, and many other prominent names in the personal
development community. It’s been scientifically tested and proven to be effective.
It’s been changing peoples’ lives for over 30 years.

But most importantly: it works.

I hope you enjoy this book and I wish you the best in your life endeavors! If you
have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me or post on the BloomVerse

Craig Wildenradt


Follow me on Twitter
Connect with me on Facebook

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com


Uncover Life

Copyright and distribution notice

You are welcome and encouraged to freely distribute this book in its entirety to
any and all people whom you believe would be interested in it. If you’d like to
forward it to your entire contacts list, be my guest! However, this book may not
be sold for profit or any other type of commercial gain.

The contents of this book are the intellectual property of Craig Wildenradt.
However, you are welcome and encouraged to quote any material contained
herein in your own published works without having to request permission. All I
ask is that you credit me and provide a link back to http://www.bloomverse.com
in any citations.

Notice of official registered trademark

The Sedona Method® is a registered trademark of Sedona Training Associates.
For original Sedona Method courses and materials, including the recordings
created by Lester Levenson, visit the official Sedona Method website at the link


This book is neither endorsed by or affiliated with Sedona Training Associates.

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com


Uncover Life

A note about Lester Levenson

Before I begin, I would be remiss if I did not mention the phenomenal human
being behind the Sedona Method. Lester Levenson is the remarkable physicist
engineer who during the 1950’s in the face of imminent death made a conscious
choice to explore himself, life, the world, and the relationship between all of

In the process he gained immeasurable insights, completely healed his body, and
went on to share what he had learned with the world. In 1952 he was given only
weeks to live after being hospitalized with what doctors considered irreparable
infirmities. But after delving deep within himself to find the answers that eluded
him his entire life prior, he lived for more than 40 years after that spending most
of that time cultivating and sharing what we know today as the Sedona Method.
He truly uncovered life!

To read more about Lester, CLICK HERE.

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com


Uncover Life

One last thing before we get started…….

If you aren’t already a BloomVerse member, head over to BloomVerse.com and
register. Your membership is free, it only takes a minute to register, and you’ll
gain access to our interactive releasing community which includes even more
Sedona Method resources such as:

A dedicated releasing forum
A community blog board where you and other members can share
Several hours of free audio recordings to release along with
Sedona Method literature
And more

Additionally, inside the members’ area there is a bonus audio program that I
created especially for this book. In the recording, I walk you through the
processes that I outline in this book, plus give you a little bit extra. Very useful for
anyone starting out, and a great way to get a lot more out of this book.

The audio program is a free download for all BloomVerse members.

So let’s get started!

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com


Uncover Life

The personal development paradox

“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”

注記) 参考サイト

Personal development should not be a struggle. It should not be complicated or
frustrating either. After all, why do we pursue personal development in the first
place? In the end isn’t the objective to live a more happy and peaceful life while
having and doing the things we want?

Diving head-first into complexity would certainly seem like going in the opposite
direction, wouldn’t it?

But the fact is that many of us find ourselves doing that very thing―introducing
additional struggle, frustration, and confusion into our lives with the intent of
becoming happier and more peaceful on “the other side.” We memorize things,
schedule time to do certain practices, make it a point to affirm one thing or
another, and take on a host of other things as we “work” toward the end goal.
Then we keep close tabs on ourselves to make sure we’re doing those things each
day, usually punishing and judging ourselves when we slip up.

It’s a lot to keep up with!

Now, I’m not saying there is anything wrong with other personal development
techniques or approaches. Many methods work well for some people, don’t get
me wrong. But a lot of times, many people end up right back where they started
or with minimal improvement after a great deal of effort has been expended;
usually because of what I call compound consumption (trying everything―
usually at the same time). Chances are, if you’re reading this book you probably
have at least some experience with the latter. I certainly do.

We pursue personal development because we feel there is something about our
lives that needs improvement. We could stand to be happier. There is some sort
of “noise” in our life that is bugging us, and we’re trying to get rid of it.

For most of us who have pursued what I call the “additive” path, we add all sorts
of new noise on top of the old noise we’re trying to get rid of in order to “attain”
happiness and peace as though they are objects or titles. We justify the new noise
because we’ve labeled it as positive. But in many cases, we end up confused,
frustrated, and anything but happy and peaceful after the diligent pursuit. But
we’ve convinced ourselves that it takes work to achieve this coveted happiness!
It’s kind of a catch-22 when you actually look at it.

Luckily, it doesn’t have to be that way.

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com


Uncover Life

It can be really simple if you want it to be. Complexity is not required. Still yet,
some will read this book and not be satisfied with simplicity. They will insist on
making life complicated even after learning how to eradicate unnecessary
complexities from their experience. But if you’re done with all of that struggling
and ready for the fast-track to lasting happiness, you’re in the right spot!

Shifting perspective and deconstructing habits

Why is it so difficult to just be happy without having to effort at it? The fact is it’s
not difficult at all once we shift our perspective and eliminate some
troublesome habits. But that’s the key: we must make the shift in order to take
the complexity out of the process. Typically, we spend time trying to improve
ourselves but we’re not shifting in the areas that really make the difference.

So what are the areas that make the difference? Well, quite simply it all boils
down to the way we deal with feelings and emotions.

Think about some of the ways you handle feelings and emotions that you don’t
like, or that are deemed “bad.” The normal tendencies include but are not limited
to: suppression, expression, obsession, projection, storytelling, explanation,
justification, resistance, and a whole lot more. Here’s a simple example:

John dislikes his full-time job working in a cubicle as a data entry clerk for
a large corporation. It’s boring, unfulfilling work that pays a meager salary
and leaves him feeling uninspired at the end of the day. While at work,
John experiences feelings of frustration about his situation, but works to
keep the feelings under control in order to keep from saying the wrong
things and getting in trouble (suppression, resistance). John often re-plays
the story of how he ended up there in his mind each day as he clicks away
at the keyboard of his desktop computer (storytelling, justification).

When John is away from work with friends, he shares his frustration with
them, explaining all the things about his life that he dislikes (storytelling,
explanation, justification). He talks about how his parents influenced him
to take an educational path that he didn’t want to take and how the
corporate environment keeps him from being happy (storytelling,

When John is at home, he tries to take steps to better his mood. He read
that he shouldn’t feel angry and frustrated because it doesn’t help the
situation. So when he starts feeling angry and frustrated again, he forces
himself to think positive thoughts and does everything he can to avoid the
negative feelings (resistance, suppression). When John goes back to

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com


Uncover Life

work, he falls back into the same pattern. He feels that he needs to try
harder, so that’s what he does.

Some parts of that story may sound familiar to you. It’s part of a pattern that
countless people live in each day. John is not unlike most people. We all fall into
habits that involve the tendencies I explained above. John is even taking steps to
try and better the situation. However, even the seemingly positive steps he is
taking involve resistance and suppression. While he has great intentions, he’s not
likely to change much to his liking because his approach is not addressing the
root of his suffering. His approach isn’t truly shifting his perspective.

What do all of these habits of suppression, expression, resistance, etc have in
common? There is a common denominator for all of them. The fact is, in order to
do any of those things, we must hold on to the unwanted feelings and emotions
that we are suffering over.

So when it comes down to it, under our normal habits we end up holding on to
the very things we don’t want! Sounds insane, doesn’t it? Holding on to the
things you want to get rid of is not likely to yield a desirable result!

So what should we do? Submerge ourselves in self-help techniques, adding as
many positive sounding programs to the craziness that’s already going on in our
minds in hopes that we can somehow tip the scales? Analyze our feelings to try
and figure out where they came from and why they’re here? Force ourselves to
smile when all we really want to do is scream at the top of our lungs?

I don’t recommend it. There’s a much easier solution.

Subtraction: simpler and more effective

The premise of this book is to present to you the basics of the Sedona Method.
The Sedona Method is the most remarkable personal growth technique you will
ever use. It’s simple and easy to implement in normal, everyday “real life”
circumstances. But most importantly, it works. And it works amazingly well. And
for over 30 years, hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have
experienced this for themselves.

How does it differ from what you are normally used to? Quite simply, the Sedona
Method is subtractive in nature. To clarify, I’m not talking about renunciation or
giving up the things you enjoy. It has nothing to do with that. What I mean by
subtractive is that the Sedona Method works to clear out what is standing in the
way of you and happiness as opposed to having you pile on new beliefs, theories,
or mental burdens to try and “obtain” it. More about this in a little bit.

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com


Uncover Life

But what may be the best benefit of the Sedona Method is the immediacy of
results. As I mentioned, this is not about feeding you theories or opinions. I could
write an entire textbook on theories for you to read, but without a genuine “show
me the money” technique that you can use right now to see immediate results for
yourself, the book would be completely useless to you when it comes down to the
bottom line. What you want is results you can feel right now; and the Sedona
Method delivers in spades.

The Sedona Method is about direct experience, so please don’t simply believe
what you read in this book. Even though a huge number of people have had great
success with it, you run the risk of missing the point if you simply put faith in the
words. Put the technique to the test and see for yourself what happens.
Experience the benefits first-hand and get to the point of direct knowing. You’re
much more empowered at that point to use the Method to make radical
transformations in your life. And because the Sedona Method is highly
complementary to other self-help techniques, you’ll also be in a position to
assuredly choose techniques that are appropriate for you rather than inundating
yourself with everything under the sun.

But please don’t just take my word for it. After all:

Who am I anyway?

My name is Craig Wildenradt and I transformed my own life using the Sedona
Method. I’m not alone though, as I mentioned there are enormous numbers of
people who have done the same thing. It’s one of the many reasons why the
Sedona Method keeps rapidly reaching larger and larger audiences even after
some 30+ years of existence. It works, and does so quite well.

Now, I’m no guru. I don’t live in isolation from the world. I’m not a “master” and
I’m certainly not holier than thou. I’m a picture of normalcy. I have a wife, 2
children and as of this writing a 3rd on the way. I have in-laws, I have bills, I have
funny tendencies, and I even have holes in some of my socks.

I was quite turned off from personal development before I found the Sedona
Method. I had an aversion to most approaches because I felt like so many of them
were simply “feel good” conjecture. I’m not one for games. Show me what works
and give me real-life techniques I can put to use right now. That’s what the
Sedona Method did. And it stuck with me, rapidly becoming a huge part of my

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com


Uncover Life

I won’t fill up too much space writing about myself, you can read more about me
HERE if you’d like. But I will tell you that in a very short period of time with the
Sedona Method I:

Eradicated depression
Naturally shifted into a state of lasting happiness
Had several business opportunities open up for me and started making
more money in the middle of the recession
Saw my health start improving on its own
Saw my relationships with others transform for the better on their own

And this is just naming a few of the benefits I noticed in the first 3 months of
using it. And yes, that is quite literally just the tip of the iceberg.

But after having changed my entire life, over time I also noticed something else. I
discovered that I also had a natural ability to help others use the Sedona Method
to do the same thing. And before I knew it, I was helping people from all over the
world incorporate the Sedona Method into their lives. And that’s what I do with
BloomVerse today.

But enough about me, let’s get to the good stuff.

Freedom: the bottom line

What is it that you are seeking? What are you trying to get when you strive to
make more money, improve your relationships, fix your health, find your niche,
and all the other wonderful stuff you pursue? In simplest terms, isn’t it all about

But what is “freedom?”

If you read around, it becomes apparent pretty quickly that this question is
answered in an infinite number of ways. Some say freedom is financial
independence. Some say freedom is being physically healed. Some say that
freedom looks a certain way or feels a certain way. Some say freedom is attained
or earned.

But any notion that freedom is anywhere other than right here and right now is a
lie. Any notion that you have to go get freedom from somewhere is a lie. Any
notion that freedom has to be worked towards is a lie. The reason is because:

Freedom is the core of what you are.

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com


Uncover Life

I know, that sounds like the “feel good” conjecture I mentioned my distaste for
before. You’re probably not feeling it at the moment. But it’s not conjecture. It’s
quite real and it’s quite practical. And the Sedona Method is the tool with which
you can experience this directly for yourself. But remember, I’m not asking you to
believe me. I want you to try it for yourself.

Why don’t I feel freedom if it’s the core of what I am?

Remember when I talked about subtraction earlier? The reason why you don’t
feel the freedom right now is because there are feelings, emotions, and concepts
of limitation piled on top of it in your awareness. And guess what? You’re holding
on to all of them. They’re blocking your access to that freedom and happiness that
is at your core.

So let me repeat this very important point. There is freedom, peace and
happiness (or whatever you prefer to call it) already here right now. It’s the core
of what you are. But currently there are unwanted feelings, emotions and
concepts of limitation covering it over. And you are actually holding them in
place. Because I like visualizing so much, let me give you an analogous scenario:

Let’s say you’re standing in a room, wishing you had more money while
holding on to a large piece of steel with both hands. It’s heavy,
cumbersome, and very uncomfortable. It just so happens that right next to
you is a sizable box filled with $100 bills. What should you do?

A) Continue holding on to the large piece of steel, complaining about how
heavy it is and how broke you are while trying also to figure out why you
are holding it in the first place. Examine it, show it to people walking by,
and let everyone know how unfortunate a predicament you’re in.

B) Attempt to pick up some of the money with your toes and somehow try
to then place it in your pockets while continuing to hold on to the large
piece of steel. As you do this, search for answers as to why you are
holding this large piece of steel, stack several hardcover books about it on
top of it, and complain about how difficult it is to pick up the money with
your toes.

C) Let go of the large piece of steel and pick up the box of money.

Symbolically, the large piece of steel in the scenario above represents your
unwanted feelings, emotions, and limiting beliefs. Still bearing in mind this
(overly simplified) symbolism, the typical habituated patterns that you go
through life acting out look strikingly similar to options A and B above.

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com


Uncover Life

For some reason people hold on to the things they don’t want.

But to reconnect with that freedom you are looking for, those unwanted things
need to be removed―or in other words, they need to be subtracted from your
experience. What you normally do when you pursue personal development is pile
even more on top of what’s already there, further obscuring your access to the
good stuff; hence the difficulty and struggle.

Using the Sedona Method, you’ll do the opposite. It’s like choosing option C.

You’ll let go of all of the excess baggage, revealing the freedom that is underlying
it all. It is this subtractive process that produces immediate results. You literally
let go of the things that cause unwanted suffering and reveal this peaceful
happiness that is always here. There is no addition required, nothing to get, and
nothing to work up to.

But there’s another key to the Sedona Method that really sets it apart. There’s no
forcing involved. You don’t have to affirm your way into happiness or force
yourself to think happy thoughts. You don’t have to plaster a smile on top of an
unhappy mood. It’s about being completely honest; and honesty is extremely

The bottom line: The freedom and happiness you’re seeking is already here. You
just need to uncover it in order to feel it. With the Sedona Method, you’ll learn to
easily do that in any moment.

As you can imagine, this can be radically life-altering―in a really good way!

But to get to the point of life transformation with the Method, you’ve got to start
somewhere. And that’s exactly why I wrote this book. So without further ado:

Let’s get started with the Sedona Method

The first thing to learn is the basic Sedona Method process. Like I mentioned in
the beginning of this book, there is nothing complicated about this. It is simply a
process of noticing an unwanted feeling and letting it go.

But how do you let go of a feeling?

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com


Uncover Life

You let go of feelings in much the same way as you let go of physical objects: you
just release them. Hale Dwoskin, the CEO of Sedona Training Associates, uses a
tried and true analogy that works well for demonstrating this. It can be shown in
two basic steps:

1) Place a pen or pencil into the palm of your hand and grasp it.
In this part of the analogy, the pen or pencil represents your unwanted feelings or
concepts of limitation and your hand represents your gut or your awareness.
What you are used to doing most of the time is holding on to your unwanted
feelings just as you are holding on to that pen or pencil. That’s why they start to
seem so familiar over time.

2) While still grasping the pen or pencil, hold your hand out with the
back of your hand facing upwards and simply open your hand.
Obviously, thanks to gravity, when your hand opens up the pen or pencil falls
right out of it. Your unwanted feelings and emotions do the same thing when you
let go of them.

So when you let go of feelings and emotions, you just release your “internal”
grasp on them and they dissolve on their own. So let’s do a releasing process to
demonstrate this right now for you.

Basic Sedona Method releasing process

In the process below, you’ll be going through the most basic Sedona Method
questioning to release any unwanted feeling in the moment. But before we begin,
I’d just like to bring up a few points to remember.

The Sedona Method is about being in the present moment. When you go
through the questions, be honest with what is happening in this moment. The
normal tendency is to go into the past with just about everything you view as a
problem. Now is your chance to leave the past in the past. Stay true to what you
are feeling right now, in this moment, as opposed to bringing up and re-hashing
the way you may have felt a day, a week, a month, or a year ago. You will get the
most out of this by staying present.

Just do this process as best you can. You cannot get the Sedona Method
wrong, but there is sometimes a tendency to critique yourself harshly when
starting out. Please know that as long as you are doing the process as best you
can, that’s always enough!

There are three parts to the releasing questions in the beginning.
Down the road, these three parts are consolidated into one. But for starters, the
releasing questions are divided into “could you,” “would you,” and “when.” This is

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com


Uncover Life

to help facilitate the releasing process in the beginning. Here’s a brief rundown to
clarify these parts:

Could you? – This question asks quite simply if you are able to let go.
Would you? – This question asks if you are willing to let go.
When? – This question is an invitation to do it now.

And remember, letting go is just like what you did with the pencil or pen―just
release your grip. So find a comfortable spot where you can relax and focus
without interruptions and let’s start releasing.

1) Allow yourself to focus inside and think of a problem that you believe

you have. It could be about money, relationships, a health condition, or
anything you view as a problem. The first problem that comes to mind will
2) And once you become aware of that problem, notice and welcome the
way that you feel about it as best you can.
3) Could you let go of this feeling?
4) Would you let go of this feeling?
5) When?

Now chances are, as you think about that same problem again it probably feels at
least a little bit lighter than it did before―even after only going through the
process one time. Yes, it really is that easy!

I encourage you to repeat the process several times, as you will continue to let go
of negative emotional content and feel better each time. If after the first time
through the process you didn’t feel any different, that’s fine too. You didn’t do
anything wrong. Simply repeat the process and you will begin experiencing
releases very quickly.

Download your free bonus audio program

If you haven’t already, now is a great time to head over to the members’ area of
the BloomVerse website to access the free audio download I created to
supplement this book. In the audio recording, I personally guide you through this
basic releasing process. By working through the audio recording, you can feel
freedom around any issue right now. Not bad for free, huh? ☺

Why should you download it? In talking directly with many people, I’ve
found that the majority of Sedona Method users prefer releasing to audio
recordings and state that they get more out of releasing when doing so. I
personally have that preference as well. It generally increases the results you get

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com


Uncover Life

by a noticeable margin. For that reason, I’ve created the supplementary audio
download so you can get the most out of this book.

And did I mention it’s free?

CLICK HERE to login or register on the BloomVerse members’ area and
download the free audio program.

How can this change my entire life?

What we have done here is just scratching the surface of the Sedona Method.
You’ve started what will likely be a paradigm shift in the way you experience life,
but it’s only the beginning. With the Sedona Method, you can decide to simply
use it to get rid of unwanted feelings and emotions like we just did, or you can
decide to use it to completely transform every aspect of your life―permanently.

You can, of course, decide to do anything in between those two points as well. ;-)

But my point is that the Sedona Method is so powerful and so simple at the same
time that you can use it to do as little or as much as you want. And there is not a
single area of your life that you can’t improve with it. Not one. And it does not get
complex or difficult as you go farther. That simplicity is a cornerstone of your
Sedona Method journey.

So if you would like to simply have a tool to release unwanted feelings and
emotions when they arise, you now have it. If you would like to go deeper and use
the Sedona Method to improve your finances, relationships, health, or any other
area of your life, keep reading. Moving forward, I’ll be explaining the root causes
of all of the unwanted “troubles” in our lives and then I’ll introduce you to a
Sedona Method technique that you can use to let go of them.

But it’s advisable to spend a little time with this basic process before proceeding.
Ideally, you should be adequately familiarized with basic releasing before moving
on to the next section. We’ll be digging deeper to let go of much more, but the
foundation for all of it will be the standard ability to let go. So go through the
basic process for a bit, at least until you notice some relief from feelings that are
currently bothering you. Then, when you feel that you are adequately
familiarized, begin reading the next section.

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com
