「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

レスター・レヴェンソンから直接学んだ、Yuri Spilny (ユーリ・スピリニ、作家)

2016-10-30 04:50:01 | Surest way to Love
レスター・レヴェンソンから直接学んだ、Yuri Spilny (ユーリ・スピリニ、作家)

Posted by Hootless.Com on August 2, 2012 at 3:54am



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Yuri Spilny (ユーリ・スピリニ、作家)

Yuri Spilny - "Wisdom by Lester" in two volumes is now available...

Yuri Spilny
9月29日 ·

"Wisdom by Lester" in two volumes is now available in softcover and Kindle at a low price.


A Master is an enlightened human being. Yet, there is no such thing as a perfect and final awakening that eliminates all conditioning (as you will read below, this “perfect and final awakening” will happen in the future as result of humanity’s outer and inner evolution).

Indeed, Samadhi permanently eliminates influence of the subconscious…. When we leave Samadhi in order to live, some remnants of the old conditioning – subconscious influence – may still be subtly influencing our life. There is no one true teaching that is not tainted by the influence of the past. Says Lester: “Masters are 100% correct!” Paramahansa Yogananda (1893-1952) was a great Master and teacher of Love and meditation. He is also my Guru. Lester was highly respectful of Yogananda. His Autobiography of the Yogi even now is among my few favorite books which I open no longer Yet, Yogananda’s teaching was tainted by the Vedas and Upanishads and their concepts of afterlife and reincarnation. Yogananda was also enforcing celibacy on Self-Realization Fellowship headquarters’ employees and young men who wanted to become monks.

Says Lester about sex: “Giving it up and intensely wanting it can be as mentally disturbing as having it. What we have to do is let go of the desire for it, which seems impossible for most of us. So the best thing to do is, rather than fight it, be moderate and keep digging for the Truth until someday we get the understanding of what that joy was that we were having in sex. And then we see that we are always in a state oi JOY that's higher than anything that sex ever gave us and it's no problem to let go of it. Then, if you try to enjoy through sex, instead of it giving you joy, it takes a bit of it away, because you're limiting it through the sex act. Be moderate as much as you can; stay away from it when you can, and as you get your realizations you'll get to a place where you'll let the whole thing go because you've got the joy all the time that you were trying to get through sex.

“To sum it up, celibacy does not give realization. However, you won't get realization without it, nor will you get it without the dropping of all desire. But as you grow it gets easier and you reach a point where it's very easy to let go of sex and of other desires.”

Today we know about hormones much more than we knew in the forties, as well as about consequences of the suppression. As Lester suggested, sex should go away naturally with realization. Thus, Yogananda, being a realized Master, was limited by his convictions, which to him wasn’t a contradiction to Love being a core of his teachings. Yogananda will remain my Guru to the end of my days, and I accept his limitations, for there is no such thing as an absolutely perfect human being, Master or not. Yet, it was a puzzle to me: how compassion, acceptance, kindness and understanding of Love could coexist with the torture of forced celibacy. Conditioning is a culprit.

When we don’t know about things as controversial as afterlife, reincarnation, etc., it may be better to avoid conditioning ourselves one way or the other, even when it comes from the realized Master. It is better to stay away from forming any new concepts until that time when we are free from influence of all concepts and able to receive answers from within.

My journey started with incredible out-of-the-body experience. I was fully conscious when I suddenly flew into space, leaving my body below. So unusual and beautiful was the panorama of the “new” universe, I was convinced I was visiting Astral cosmos in my astral body. In reality it was my mind’s projection into space, which I later have enjoyed many times, doing it at will. Yet, at the time, my mind was conditioned with the notions of reincarnation, Astral and Causal realms, etc. Later, I even wrote a novel In Search of Lost Love with action taking place in these realms
It took me a quite long time to dissolve that conditioning and realize the truth so eloquently expressed by Andrew Carnegie: “…it is foolish to affirm or deny something which we do not know. However, it is obvious that we are in the presence of universal law and should bow our heads in silence and obey the Judge within, asking nothing, fearing nothing, just doing our duty right along, seeking no reward here or hereafter.” In his time, Andrew Carnegie was the second richest person in the US, as well as he was a man of self-realization (see: Love to Lead & Empower).
Here I would like to share some revelations on the Earth and humanity’s future…. When the Sun dies, our solar system will disintegrate, yet, the Vedas predicted that our Earth will die much earlier. Many thousand years past, when Europe was still populated by the wild tribes fighting each other with clubs and spears, the Vedas provided a number with fifteen digits that is necessary to define age of our universe in earthly years. Today, many millenniums later, this number is confirmed by the science.

“The real history of the World is not a series of dates, battles and events. It is the continuous story of its spiritual growth. Someday the history of this World will be rewritten correctly by a Master. But not until the world wants it,” says Lester.

“By the time the Earth’s evolution is completed,” said Vedas seven thousand years ago, “the moon will disintegrate. It will become cosmic dust. The same destiny awaits our Earth, after it fulfills its purpose. With water and other volatile matter lost, it will shrink and become attracted by another planet and humanity will begin their more developed higher astral segment of life on another planet.”

Indian Rishis, poetic hymns, no matter how wise, would be not able to come up with this or other modern knowledge seven millenniums past, even as Great Pyramid of Giza could have not been built and the scientific knowledge it contains – inscribed by the Pharaohs and high priests of the time. Obviously, it was all created by the more advanced beings from another universe. Indian Rishis adopted this knowledge and incorporated into their Vedas in the form consistent with teachings and beliefs of the time.

However, by the time our Earth begins experiencing decay, humanity will be greatly advanced – as much as it will be able to create means that will help protect the Earth from decline. Long before then, and most likely around the year 4000, the ever growing humanity will populate this ever expanding universe and establish working connections with beings living in the other universes. This, I believe, the Vedas interpreted as humanity “will begin their more developed higher astral segment of life on another planet.”

Evolution never moves backwards; it is always developing in a positive direction. The higher is awareness the lesser is man’s need for an artificial excitement experienced with outside sources. In about three tofour hundred years from now many forms of entertainment will disappear. By the year 3000 all of it will be gone. At that time, today’s “excitements” like boxing, for example, will be looked upon the same way we look today at the murderous fights of gladiators that were enjoyed by the “civilized” Romans two thousand years ago.
Sources of the free energy will be discovered many a hundred year earlier. There will be one government that becomes unnecessary a couple of hundred years after it was established.

In the year of 4000, humanity will enter a new era of self-governing. It will be led entirely by Love, as every highly advanced civilization in the other universes is led by Love. There will be no wars, no sports, no money, no rich or poor. There will be no hospitals, doctors and no disease, as the “new” supremely aware human beings will be intuitively guided by Love. A notion of security will be gone as well, as everyone will be naturally safe. Yet, if an accident causes injury, anyone will instantly be able to heal himself. A human being will become a perfect being. Every imperfection, anything that is unnatural to human body and mind will be corrected by the man himself many hundred years earlier.

What is known today as supernatural powers of omnipresence, omnipotence, etc., will be naturally possessed by every human being. Transportation will be gone, as there will be nothing to transport. Man himself will cover any distance on Earth and Universe by means similar to what is today known as teleportation.
We will be able to generate any perfectly healthy food, producing it “from thin air” as well as nearly instantly create any structure. There will be no stars and celebrities as every human being will be a star, a god, a superhuman and “supernatural” being when compared to what we are today.

Every human being will become his and her own great universe, totally independent and self-sufficient, as well as be in co-operation with all other humans, creating a perfect universal, and an Inter-Universal Oneness. This is what is meant by the Vedas, saying “Our humanity will be elevated to a superhuman level of the higher astral realms,” where “astral” means realm of the supreme awareness and Love: a true Heaven.

In three millenniums from now humanity will live forever. It also will “raise” the dead….
Was it possible for a man of the Stone Age to imagine driving his own car or flying? It is as impossible for many people today to believe that human beings will be able to bring back to life their dead brethren. Yet, based on the speed of the progress that in the year 5000 would be racing in at least a trigonometrical progression… as well as based on comparatively slower but steadily increasing speed of man’s inner growth, we can foresee human abilities at their height, which will enable humanity to resurrect the dead. There are other important reasons….
Eastern notion of reincarnation was created based on knowledge, received from the Earth’s visitors. No matter how wise they have been, Rishis of the time were not able to properly digest even an extremely simplified information brought to them by the visitors. Yet, because it was transmitted to them by the “gods”, it was accepted, but misinterpreted and adopted as such. Over three millenniums later it was “borrowed” by the Gnostics, who adopted it in accordance with their views, then by Christianity and later – by Muslims, while, again, it was even more “altered” in order to fit religious dogmas of Heaven, Hell and Resurrection. Again, truth was not understood, especially because the meaning of consciousness, awareness, evolution, progress or of many other concepts was incomprehensible at the time.

As much as people were made to believe in reincarnation, afterlife and hell, they also were made to believe in the existence of the something called Soul that was to travel in high places after death (sometimes even during life). Surprisingly, organized religions who were fighting each other to death, had no disagreements in regard to Soul that was taught to be entirely separate from mind and body. It is even now described as the incorporeal and immortal essence of a living being. According to Abrahamic religions, only human beings have immortal souls. For example, the Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas attributed "soul" (anima) to all organisms but argued that only human souls are immortal. Other religions (most notably Hinduism and Jainism) teach that all biological organisms have souls, while some teach that even non-biological entities (such as rivers and mountains) possess souls. This latter belief is called animism.

Regardless of the belief that the Soul is supposed to be traveling to places that never existed, the concept of the Soul has helped to preserve truth which was given to people many millenniums past. It was initially conveyed to Brahmins as being an incorporeal part of human mind that is able to project itself infinitely and beyond time and space, as well as it survives death of the body.

Let’s now pause and take a look at the universe, as a matter of immortality is closely related to it. In order for such an incredibly precise Solar system as ours to come to being with such an amazingly unique planet as our Earth crowned with Humanity – its god and eventually – its savior – the so called “Bang” must have been as incomprehensibly “programmed”. This “programming” cannot be in any way related to or compared with what is today commonly understood by the programing. It only could have taken place in depths of the Intelligence existing in the unknown realm. We call it Infinite Intelligence.
Now, such creation cannot be accidental and chaotic, for it has produced a magnificent system that is developing and working throughout billions of years with unimaginable precision. An evolution of human being cannot be chaotic or accidental either. It was initially “programmed” by the Infinite Intelligence. It is obvious that concept of religious God was derived from the notion of Infinite Intelligence.

Yet, as all other such notions it was understood at the time only by the few, and as all other truths it was transformed/corrupted to fit religious dogmas. Thus was created a God that first, had a human form and was sitting on the cloud, then it was changed into all-pervading God, also abiding in human hearts, which idea is somewhat closer to the concept of the Infinite Intelligence. The major difference between a human created God and Infinite Intelligence is that Infinite Intelligence facilitates an entire existence without interfering into its life with punishment, rewards or otherwise. It acts without acting, as perfection “doesn’t move a finger” in order to “program” and “create” universes, but does it in ways that will be understood only in a distant future.
The Bible contains some wisdom, which was largely misinterpreted. For example, it says that God created man in his image. It is now well known that religious God has created nothing, but the saying means that man will eventually become supremely aware and free: omnipotent and omniscient, naturally having and using powers that today are called supernatural.

Death is negativity itself. Infinite Intelligence “knows” no negativity of any kind, it is beyond all concepts. If man came up with idea of Armageddon, Infinite Intelligence “creates” everlasting life in Heaven called Universe. At the time of death, an entire human being’s experience, no matter how insignificant or great it is, is encapsulated and is instantly “entered” in the Infinite Intelligence’s “archive”. It is used by the Infinite Intelligence in order to continually improving its creation. When humanity is ripe with supreme Love it is enabled to access the “Archive” and use it in order to resurrect every human being who ever walked the Earth.

We are “created” to be immortal, but be that we have to live and be led exclusively by Love. Another three millenniums, during which time human longevity will be increasing by the hundreds of years, and we are there -- humanity will become deathless and will be able to resurrect all dead. It won’t happen because of the Infinite Intelligence’s direct involvement. It will happen because of its initial design that enabled humanity’s spiritual evolution leading it to realization of supreme Love and compassion.

Today there are people who live by Love, yet concept of death is so deeply embodied into human subconscious that even a freeone must die. Yet, time is manmade concept that does not really exist. Thus it doesn’t make any difference if dead will be resurrected to an everlasting life in five or ten thousand years.

One of the reasons I offer you this revelation is because we have to heed a following advice, attributed to Buddha:
"Believe not because some old manuscripts are produced, believe not because it is your national belief, believe not because you have been made to believe from your childhood, but reason truth out, and after you have analyzed it, then if you find it will do good to one and all, believe it, live up to it and help others live up to it."


Yuri Spilny
9月29日 ·

"Wisdom by Lester" in two volumes is now available in softcover and Kindle at a low price.


マスターは啓蒙の人間だ. まだ, そんなことはないとして, 完璧な最終覚醒は, すべての調和(あなたが読めば, 下のこの"完璧 な 最終 覚醒"は起こる未来の結果として人間の外側と内側の進化)です.
本当に, 永久的に影響力を排除三昧の潜在意識の.... ここを去るとき三昧生きるためには, 一部の残党は古いエアコンの影響- -潜在意識にはまだ微妙に私たちの生活に影響を与えました. そこには誰も真実ではないことを教えるのは, 汚染された影響で, 過去の. レスターの言う"マスターズは100 %正しい!" paramahansa yogananda (1893-1952)は, 巨匠の先生の愛と瞑想. 彼はまた, 私のグル. レスター高くyoganandaの敬意を. 彼の自叙伝のヨギは今でも私の中の数のお気に入りの本を開いて, 私にもまだlonger yoganandaの教えは, 汚染されたのはヴェーダとウパニシャッドとその概念は, 死後の生まれ変わりと. Yogananda実施も独身で自己実現フェローシップ電灯従業員や青年僧侶になりたかった.
レスターとセックスのことを"それは強烈に欠けていると, それをすることができますが, 精神的不安を持つように. 我々が何をするのは, 放してへの欲望は, ほとんど不可能なようです. だから, 一番いいのは, それよりも, 戦いを穏やかにして, 真理を掘り出してまでいつか理解の喜びがあったものたちでセックスをします. そして, 私たちは私たちが見ている状態でいつも大井の喜びよりもセックスしてくれたことのない問題に行きましょう. そして, もしあなたが通ってセックスを楽しむためには, それの代わりに喜びを与え, あなたは多少時間がかかりますので, あなたはそれを制限するまでセックス法. 穏やかにしようとしてます. そこから離れてますが, あなたはrealizationsになる場所をお知らせします. 全体から行った喜びのすべての時間を取り戻そうとした セックスを通した.
"それを総括するには, 独身を実現していない. しかし, 何てことなく実現にもなく, またそれを落とすことなく, すべての欲望だ. しかし, あなたはそれを育てるのは簡単に着くと, 点, それは非常に簡単に手放すのセックスと他の欲望."
今日はホルモンについて知ってる事よりはるかに私たちは知っていたが, 四十代にも同様の結果について. レスターの提案としては, セックスに自然に出て行くべきで実現. こうして, yoganandaで気付いたマスター, 限られた自分の信念であり, 彼には矛盾がないためであるのがコアの教え. Yogananda残る私のグルの最後に, 私の日, 私は彼を受け入れるために, 制限はありません. そのようなもので, 完全に完璧な人間ではない, マスター. しかし, それは私にパズルをどう思いやり, 受付, 親切, 理解できた愛の共存を強制, 拷問の独身です. エアコンはなかった.
私たちが知らないようなことは, 議論の死後, 生まれ変わり等ができる., それより自分のエアコンを避けるために, 他のときでさえ, それが実現したから, マスター. それは良いから離れて新しい概念を形成するまでに時間がたちが無料の影響から全ての概念を受けることができ, 内からの回答.
私の旅は始まった信じられないほどのout-of-the-bodyの経験がある. 私は完全に意識があったとき突然宇宙に飛んで, 私の身体の下に置いた. とても珍しいと美しいのパノラマの"新しい"宇宙, 私は確信していた私が訪れたのは私で宇宙アストラルアストラル体. 実際は私の心は宇宙に投影され, その後, 私は何度も, 楽しんでやってます. しかし, その時, 私の心は完備の概念とは, 生まれ変わりアストラルと因果界等 その後も, 私の小説を書いたのを探すと恋を失ったアクションをこのrealms
かかった非常に長い時間エアコンが溶けると真実を実現雄弁で表現されるアンドリューカーネギー: "... それは自分の愚かさに何かを否定していることを私たちには分からない. しかし, それは明らかに私たちの前でその普遍的な法則と私たちの頭の中で弓を従え沈黙の裁判官は, 何もない内に, 何を恐れて義務を果たし右側に沿って, ここに報酬を求めたり."来世で 彼の時間, アンドリューカーネギーは二番目の金持ちの人たちの中で, 彼は男の自己実現(参照: 愛をリーダーに力を与える(b).
ここで私は共有したいの印である地球と人類の未来は.... 太陽が死んだら, 私たちのソーラーシステムはまだ, ほころびが, ヴェーダの予言で地球をはるかに早く死にます. 過去の多くは, 千年の時はまだヨーロッパで人口野生の部族と争うクラブと槍, ヴェーダ提供と数十五桁数を定義するために必要なのは, 私たちの宇宙の年齢の地上での年です. 今日は, 多くのmillenniums後, この番号は科学によって確認されている.
"現実の世界の歴史は, 日付の一連の戦闘とイベントです. これは継続的なストーリーの精神的な成長. いつかのこの世界の歴史を書き換えますによって正しくマスター. でも世界はそれを望んでる,"レスター.
"の時間で地球の進化が完了しました,"と言ったヴェーダ七千年前には"月を崩壊させた. それは宇宙塵になる. 同じ運命が私たちの地球の後は, その目的を満たす. 水と他の揮発性の問題は, 失った精神科医になると他の星に惹かれて, 人間性を始めます. もっと高いアストラルセグメントを開発したのは他の惑星に生物が."
インドのリシ, 詩的賛美歌, どんなに賢明になり, できないとするこのやその他の近代的な知識は過去七millenniumsとしても, ギザの大ピラミッドが建立されていない, 科学的知識を含んで刻まれ-ファラオ との高僧の時間です. 明らかに, それは全ての作で, より高度な人間が別の宇宙から. インドのリシこの知識を養子に編入し, 彼らのヴェーダの形式での教えと一致し, 当時の信念です.
しかし, 私たちの地球が始まる時間を経験して崩壊, 人間性が大きくなり, 高度な-と同じくらいできるように作成することを助けることになるから地上に衰退する. 長い間, それ以前には, おそらく4000年頃には, 人類が今までに成長します. このデータを拡大していることを確立し, 宇宙と人間との接続を働いて住んでいる他の宇宙がある. この私が思うに, ヴェーダ人類として解釈"を始めます. もっと高いアストラルセグメントを開発したのは他の惑星に生物が."
進化を逆方向に動くことがある. それはいつも開発途上で正の方向です. 意識が高いのは小は人間のために必要な人工的な興奮の外で経験した. 約三年tofour今から数百年後に多くの形態のエンターテイメントは消える. 3000年までには全部消えます. その時, 今日の"興奮"ボクシングのように, 例えば, 上を見ますと同じ方法で私たちは今日見て喧嘩に殺意を抱くのが楽しかった剣闘士の"文明"ローマ人は二千年前.
ソースは, フリーエネルギーの発見は, 多くの百年早い. 一人になることは, 政府が不要となる数百年後それが設置された.
年に4000を入力し, 人類は新しい時代の自主管理. それは完全に愛を率いて, 毎日のように高度な文明を他の宇宙は愛を率いる. はありませんが, 戦争のないスポーツ, 金がない, いや, 富裕層も貧困層. はありませんし, 病院, 医者も, 病の"新しい"知ってこの人間は直感的に導かれて愛. セキュリティの概念は消えても, 誰もが自然に安全になります. しかし, 事故が原因で, 怪我人はすぐに回復することができた. 人間は完璧になるであろう. すべての不完全さは, 何か不自然な人間の身体と心が修正されることで, 多くの人自身は百年早い.
今日は, いわゆる"超自然的な力としてのユビキタス, 逆説, 等., 当然所蔵の全ての人間だ. 交通は消え, そこには何もない. 男は自分をカバーします. 地上の距離で, 宇宙に似ています. 今日は何のテレポーテーションとして知られる.
私たちは生成できるようにするには, 健康食品を製造する"薄い 空気 から"としてほぼ即座に任意の構造を作成します. ある有名人の星のように, 人間はスターになるには, 神を, 超人的なや"cold case"に比べると, 今日は.
全ての人間になると, 彼女自身の大宇宙は完全に独立して, 自給自足, 同様の協力と他のすべての人間は, 完璧な普遍的, そしてinter-ユニバーサル一如なり. これは意味がヴェーダ"と言って, 私たち人類は高架には超人的なレベルの高いアストラル界,"どこで"アストラル"の意味は, 最高の国を意識し, 真の愛: 天.
三人で今からmillenniums人類は永遠に生きる. また子育て"が"死んだ....
それは可能性のある人のための石器時代を想像するのは自分の車を運転して飛ぶか? それは不可能として多くの人々のために今日がそれを信じてる人間にすることができます. 持ってきて自分の生活に戻るの兄弟が死んだ. しかし, ベースの進歩の速度が5000年にはレースには, 少なくとも数推移... 同様に基づいて比較的ゆっくりでも着実に増加速度の人間の内面の成長を, 私たちは人間の能力を予見できます 自分の高さで, 人間性を有効にするには, 死者を甦らせた. そこには他にも重要な理由....
東の生まれ変わりという概念に基づいて作成された知識から受け取った, 地球の訪問者. どんなに賢明だったが, 当時のリシ出来ませんでしたが正しくダイジェストにも非常に簡易にもたらされた情報で, かれらの訪問者. まだ, なぜなら彼らに伝わる"によって 神 を 受け入れ", だったが, 誤解として採用し, そのような. 三millenniums後に"借りた"グノーシス主義で, それを養子に応じて自分の意見と, あとでキリスト教とイスラム教徒で, また, それは, さらに"変化"に合うようにするために, 宗教の教義天国 地獄の復活, と. 再び, 真理を理解していなかったので, 特に意味は, 意識の啓発, 進化の進捗や, 他の多くの概念を理解し難いものであった.
同じ人が作った物を信じ, 死後の生まれ変わりと, 彼らはまた地獄に存在を信じの魂と呼ばれるものであったが, 旅行には高いところに死後(時々人生の中であっても. 驚くほど, 組織的宗教と戦ったがお互いにいなかった, 死についての意見の相違に魂を教えたことは全く別の, 心と体から. それは今でもとしているわけと不滅の本質を生きている. アブラハムの宗教によれば, 人間だけは不滅の魂を持っています. 例えば, カトリック神学者トマスアクィナス伝"魂" (アニマ)を全ての生物が論じている人間の魂は不滅です. 他の宗教(ほとんどの特にヒンドゥー教, ジャイナ教)を教えることのすべての生物は生物学の魂は, 教えることの中にも非生物団体(川などの山)の魂を持つ. この後者の信仰はアニミズムと呼ばれる.
信仰を問わず, その魂ははずの場所に旅をしたことはないが, 魂の概念を助けているのを保存するために与えられた真理には多くの人々は過去millenniums. 当初はバラモンに伝えられているというわけの一部の人間の心をすることができるプロジェクト自体は, 無限に時間と空間を超えて, 存続する身体の死.
さあ, 一時停止を見て, 宇宙のように, 永遠の問題は密接に関連して. そのようにするために非常に正確なソーラーシステムが私たちのように来ると一緒にいると, 驚くようなユニークな惑星地球と人類の栄冠をその神と結局-その救世主-いわゆる"バーン"だったに違いないincomprehensiblyとして"プログラム". この"プログラミング"にできない方法や関連に比べると, 今日は何の共通理解っぽい. 出来るだけで行われているのは, 既存の情報には未知の領域です. 私たちは無限の知性と呼ぶ.
今, このような創造できないと, 偶然の混乱は, 壮大なシステムの開発作業には, 全国で数十億年精度を想像する. 進化した人間のことができないか, あるいは偶然混乱. 当初は"プログラム"無限の知性で. 明らかに宗教の概念に由来するものであった神の概念は無限の情報です.
まだ, 他のすべてのように, このような概念を理解してた時の数だけで, 他の全ての真理を変えたに合うように/破損します. 宗教の教義 このように作られた最初の神は, 人間の形をしていたとの上に座っていた, 雲に変わってしまった. 広大無辺にしても, アッラーは永遠に人間の心は, どちらの考えに近い概念の無限の知性. 主な違いは, 神が人間を創ったのは, 無限の知性が無限の知性の存在全体を容易に干渉せず, その生活に懲罰とし, その他の報酬です. それは行為として行動せず, 完璧"は指を移動するために"プログラム"と"作成する"宇宙が, それはその方法で理解するだけで, 遠い未来.
聖書にある知恵が含まれており, 大きく誤解だった. 例えば, 神と人間を創ったイメージで. 今はよく知られている宗教の神が創ったが何もないと言うのは, つまり, 人間は最終的になることを認識してこの全能の無料: 無辺, 自然の力を使って, 今日は超常現象と呼ばれる.
死は否定的なもの. 無限の知性が"知ら ない"はどんな種類の否定的なものは, 全ての概念を超えた. 男が来たならと考え, アルマゲドンの無限の知性"作成"永遠の命は天に宇宙と呼ばれる. 時の死後, 人間全体の経験は, どんなに些細なことは, は, すぐにはカプセルに入る" "は"無限の知性はアーカイブ". で使用するために無限の知性に その創造を継続的に改善する. 人類は熟した時とは最高の愛にアクセスするには有効"アーカイブ"とそれを使って復活するために, すべての人間なんて誰が地球を歩いた.
私たちは"創造"不死になるが, それは私たちが生きるためには, ledはもっぱら愛. もう三millenniums, その間には人間の長寿で増加数百年とし, 私たちは--人類はthereぬとなることができます. すべての復活を死んだ. それは起きないでしょうが, 無限の知性が直接に関与している. これのために起こります. その初期デザインが有効なのは精神的な人類の進化につながる実現最高の愛と思いやり.

今日は, そこに住む人は愛
, まだコンセプトの死はとても深く, その人間の潜在意識にもfreeone死ななければならない. まだ, 時間はアンドロイドになっていないという概念は存在しない. このように, それは何も変わらないなら死んで甦る永遠の命に五十万年.

その理由の一つにこれをやるのは, 私たちが神示には次のアドバイスを聞き入れ, 伝仏:
"信じない古い写本が生産されているので, それを信じないのは, あなたの国を信じないという信念が作られています. あなたを信じて, あなたの子供時代からが, 本当の理由は, 後から, あなたがそれを分析して, もしあなたがそれを見つけます 良いことをして, すべての人はそれを信じて生きるには, それを助けると他のライブに."
