「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

Origins of the Sedona Method - セドナメソッドの起源

2013-03-22 19:39:12 | Sedona Method
Origins of the Sedona Method - セドナメソッドの起源

Origins of the Sedona Method


As my friendship with Lester developed, I discovered more about him that confirmed my initial impressions. He was a man who had mastered life’s greatest challenge. In 1952, at age 42, Lester, a physicist and successful entrepreneur, was at the pinnacle of worldly success, yet he was an unhappy, very unhealthy man. He had many health problems, including depression, an enlarged liver, kidney stones, spleen trouble, hyperacidity, and ulcers that had perforated his stomach and formed lesions. He was so unhealthy, in fact, that after having his second coronary, his doctors sent him home to his Central Park South penthouse apartment in New York City to die.


Lester was a man who loved challenges. So, instead of giving up, he decided to go back to the lab within himself and find some answers. Because of his determination and concentration, he was able to cut through his conscious mind to find what he needed. What he found was the ultimate tool for personal growth―a way of letting go of all inner limitations. He was so excited by his discovery that he used it intensively for a period of three months. By the end of that period, his body became totally healthy again. Furthermore, he entered a state of profound peace that never left him through the day he died on January 18, 1994.


What Lester discovered firsthand is that we are all unlimited beings, limited only by the concepts of limitation that we hold in our minds. These concepts of limitation are not true; furthermore, because they’re not really true, they can easily be released or discharged. Lester’s experience made him understand that not only could he practice this technique himself, he could teach others how to do it as well. As a result, he began working with people, both in small groups and individually.

レスターが直接に発見したものは、我々がすべての無限の存在(all unlimited beings)であるということです。そして、我々が(私たちが)心の中に保持する制限の概念によってのみ制限されます。
制限のこれらの概念は、真実でありません; 更に、実際に真実ではないので、それらは容易に(簡単に)解放されるか、排出(放出)することができます。


Lester believed strongly that personal growth was not dependant on any external source, including a teacher, and he did not want to be anyone’s guru. But, because of how elevated people felt around him, despite his protestations and attempts to avoid it happening, many of Lester’s students insisted on seeing him as a guru. So, in 1973, Lester realized that his teachings needed to be formalized into a system that he could allow others to teach―leaving him out of the equation. A way to transform his powerful techniques for personal growth into a do-it-yourself system was devised, which is now called the Sedona Method: the topic of this book.


How Releasing Has Influenced My Life


From the beginning, my relationship with Lester felt like being with a good friend. I was immediately so drawn by him and his teaching that I rapidly took all three of the courses he offered: the Basic Course in November, the Advanced Course in January, and the Instructors Training in February. I was in a rush to learn everything I could. I also started working with Lester on sharing his teachings with the world.

初めから、レスターと私の関係は良い友人と一緒にいるように感じた。 11月のベーシックコース、1月のアドバンスコース、2月にインストラクタートレーニング:私はすぐに私は急速に彼が提供するコースの3つのすべてを取ったこと、彼と彼の指導によって引き出された。私は私ができるすべてを学ぶために急いでいた。私はまた、世界で彼の教えを共有する上でレスターの仕事を始めた。

Lasting Happiness, Peace and Emotional Well-Being - 永続する幸福、平和および情緒面の健康 - 2
 2013-02-24 20:06:14 | 感情のリリース 

Lasting Happiness, Peace and Emotional Well-Being - 永続する幸福、平和および情緒面の健康 - 1 
 2013-02-24 13:02:48 | 感情のリリース 
