「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

How to Manifest What You Need, (あなたが必要とするものを明らかにする方法、) - 01

2013-03-30 11:26:11 | Sedona Method
How to Manifest What You Need, (あなたが必要とするものを明らかにする方法、) - 01

 How to Manifest What You Need, When You Need It (Like Lester Did)

How to Manifest What You Need, When You Need It (Like Lester Did)

Who inspired The Sedona Method, and why does the answer matter to you in more than just an 'interesting' sense? This exchange is designed to give you immediate benefit just by following along. With further exploration, you will learn how consistently to access your natural ability to let go of any unwanted feeling in the moment and free yourself to have all that your heart desires.

If you would like to enjoy all the benefits of this powerful tool, I recommend you get your own copy of The Sedona Method Audio Course. See details below on how you can get your program at a deep discount.

Dear Hale,
I have heard the inspiration behind The Sedona Method was Lester Levenson. Can you share some of his perspective?

Have you ever wondered how some people seem to be able to create anything they want in life? Lester Levenson was one of those people. During his lifetime, he was literally able to manifest what he needed, when he needed it.

In this exciting passage, Lester shares the basis for how we create our lives simply through the thoughts we think.

"We should start with the first step, consciously controlling matter. Whether we are aware of it or not, everyone is controlling matter all the time. Whether one wants to be a demonstrator or not, he is. It is impossible not to be a creator all the time.

"Everyone is creating every day. We are not aware of it, because we just don’t look at it. We have demonstrated or created everything we have! Every thought, every single thought, materializes in the physical world. It's impossible to have a thought that will not materialize (except that we reverse it).

"If we think the opposite right after we have a thought, with equal strength, we neutralize it. But any thought not reversed or neutralized will materialize in the future, if not immediately. So this thing of demonstration that we are all trying so hard to accomplish, we are doing all the time, unconscious of the fact that we're doing it. All we need to do is to direct it consciously, and that we call demonstration.

"Everything that everyone has in life is a demonstration. It couldn't come into our experience had we not had a thought of it at some time prior. If you want to know what your sum total thinkingness is, look around you. It has determined exactly what you now have. It is your demonstration!

"If you like it, you may hold it. If you don’t, start changing your thinking. Concentrate it in the direction that you really want, until those thoughts become dominant over the subconscious thoughts; and when you begin consciously to demonstrate small things, you may then realize that the only reason why they are small is because you don’t dare to think big.

"The exact same rule or principle that applies to demonstrating a penny applies to demonstrating a million dollars. The mind sets the size.

"Anyone who can demonstrate a dollar can demonstrate a million dollars.

"Become aware of the way you are demonstrating a one-dollar bill and just increase it next time to a much larger amount. Take on the consciousness of the million, rather than the one-dollar bill.

"The material world is just an out-projecting of our minds into what we call the world and bodies. And when we realize that it is just an out-projecting of our minds just a picture out there that we have created we can very easily change it, even instantly, by changing our thought!

"So, to repeat: everyone is demonstrating, creating, every moment what he or she is thinking. You have no choice. You are a creator, so long as you have a mind and you think.

"Now, to get beyond creation, we must go beyond the mind. Just beyond the mind is the realm of perfection where there is no need for creating. There is a higher state than creation. It's the state of Beingness, sometimes called awareness or consciousness. That state is just behind the mind. That's beyond creation.

"The mind finds it very difficult to imagine what it's like beyond creation, because the mind is involved constantly in creating. It's the creating instrument of the universe and everything that happens in the world. So, if you take this thing called mind, which instrument is only a creator, and try to imagine what it is like beyond creation, it's impossible. The mind will never know God or your Self, because you have to go just above the mind to know God, your Self.

"To know the infinite Being that you are, to know what it's like beyond creation, you must transcend the mind. The final state is beyond creation. It is the changeless state. In creation, everything is constantly changing, and therefore the ultimate Truth cannot be there.

"So, to demonstrate what one wants, one needs to become aware of the fact that all we need to do is to think only of the things that we do want, and that is all that we would get, if we would do just that. Think only of the things you want, and that's what you'll be getting all the time, because the mind is only creative. Simple, isn't it?

"Also, take credit for creating all the things that you don’t like. Just say, "Look what I did." Because when you become aware that you've created things that you don’t like, you're in the position of creator, and if you don’t like it, all you have to do is to reverse it, and then you'll like it. [Lester did not believe this applies to affecting the outcome of another's life or circumstances.]

"After you can master matter by consciously creating that which you want, then master your mind and get beyond it. Any questions?"

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誰がセドナメソッドに影響を与えた、そしてなぜその答えはただ "面白い"感覚以上にあなたに重要ですか?この交換はちょうど一緒に従うことによってあなたに直接的な利益を与えるために設計されています。さらに探査を使用すると、一瞬にして、不要な感情を手放すと、あなたの心の欲望がすべてを持っている自分を解放できるようにあなたの自然な能力にアクセスする方法を一貫して学びます。









。。あなたがそれを好きなら "、あなたはそれらの思考が潜在意識の思考が支配的になるまで、あなたが本当にしたいことの方向に集中してそうしない場合、あなたの思考を変更し始めるそれを保持することができる、そしてあなたは意識的に小さな実証を開始するとき物事は、あなたは、あなたは大きなことを考えることを敢えてしていないので、彼らが小さい唯一の理由であることを実現するかもしれない。

ペニー万ドルを実証に適用を実証に適用される "とまったく同じ規則または原則。心サイズを設定します。








我々はちょうどそれであれば、 "だから、欲しいものを実証するために、1つは、私たちが行う必要があるすべては、私たちが望む行うことの唯一の考えることであるという事実を自覚する必要があり、それは我々が得ることすべてですあなたが欲しいものだけから考えて、心が唯一の創造的であるため、それは、あなたがすべての時間を取得することがメリットです。シンプルな、ですよね?

私がやったことを見て "また、あなたが好きではないすべてのものを作成するための信用を取る。ちょうど言う、" "あなたは、あなたが好きではないものを作成したことに気づいたときには、中にいるのでクリエイターの位置、そしてあなたがそれを好きではない場合、あなたがしなければならないすべてはそれを逆転させることである、そして、あなたはそれを好きになるでしょう。[レスターは、これは別の人生や状況の結果に影響を与えることに適用されると信じていませんでした。]







あなたはライブセミナー形式でこの情報を取得していた場合は、旅費、部屋代と食事代以上1892ドルを費やすだろう。 (1未満の価格のための4つのコースですね。)オーディオコースを使用すると、ライブセミナーにわたって膨大な量を保存します。


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How to Manifest What You Need, (あなたが必要とするものを明らかにする方法、) - 02
 2013-03-30 11:43:08 | Sedona Method
