


2014年03月25日 11時25分47秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学


 Woodgerの本、『生物学の諸原理:批判的研究 Biological Principles: A Critical Study』(1929; revised 1967)に、「p.266 エンテレキーの批判[Sattler, p.213に引用]」と、わたしの走り書きあり。229頁から272頁までの、「Part II Problems of Biological Knowledge Chapter V」は、「生気論と機械論の対照 The antithesis between vitalism and mechanism」である。
 そのWoodger (1967: 217)の頁は、

  「I have followed the tendencies of mordern thought in using the term 'event' for the spatio-temporal elements in the situation in which I am said to be 'seeing a lump of iron' ... 」

  「It is ridiculous to go on talking as though energy were
 a stuff. And it will be desirable, in view of the prevailing
 attitude of biologists towards this notion of energy, to call
 attention to some statements of recent mathematico-phisical
 writers on the question. Thus Mr. Bertrand Russel writes:
    ' Energy is a certain function of a physical system but is not
   a thing or s substance persisting throughout the changes of the
     ^2 Herbert Spence Lecture, Oxford, 1914, p. 10.

 And Professor Whitehead:

   ' The doctrine of energy has to do with the notion of quantita-
  tive permanence underlying change.'
   ' Energy is merely the name for the quantitative aspect of a
  structure of happnings.'^3
     ^3 Science and the Modern World, pp. 126-8.

 Thus energy is no longer thought of as an ' indestructible '
 metaphysical stuff or substance but gives expression to the
 recognition of a permanence in the quantitative characteriza-
 tion of events. Similarly the doctrine of the ' conservation
 of energy ' is an empirical generalization and not a ' principle '
 which can be used a priori to say

Woodger, J.H. 1937. The Axiomatic Method in Biology, with Appendices by A. Tarski and W.F. Floyd. 174pp. Cambridge University Press. [PR20001106]

Woodger, J.H. 1967(1929). Biological Principles: a Critical Study. Revised Edition. xix+496pp. Routledge and Kegan Paul. [B20031211, y15262 +763=16025]