


2014年03月25日 11時34分37秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学


=== Treatise-on-Cosmic-Fire
An Atom. 1031 In connection with the Atom, the Secret Doctrine says: 1. Absolute intelligence thrills through
every atom ---------------------------------- S. D., I, 298. 2. Wherever there is an atom of matter,
there is life ---------------------------------- S. D., I, 245, 269, 279. 3. The atom is a concrete manifestation
of the Universal Energy ------------------- S. D., I, 281. 4. The same invisible lives compose
the atoms, etc. ------------------------------ S. D., I, 218. 5. Every atom in the universe has the
potentiality of self-consciousness -------- S. D., I, 132; II, 742. 6. Atoms and souls are synonymous
inthelanguageofInitiates ---------------S.D.,I.,620,622. 7. The atom belongs wholly to
the domain of metaphysics --------------- S. D., I, 559.
8. Deity is within every atom ----------------- S. D., I, 89, 183. 9. Every atom is doomed to incessant
differentiation ------------------------------ S. D., I, 167. l0. The object of the evolution of
the atom is Man ---------------------------- S. D., I, 206.
11. A germ exists in the centre of
every atom ---------------------------------- S. D., I, 87; II, 622.
12. There is heat in every atom --------------- S. D., I, 112.
13. Every atom has 7 planes of being -------- S. D., I, 174.
14. Atoms are vibrations ---------------------- S. D., I, 694.
a. An atom consists of a spheroidal form containing within itself a nucleus of life.
Copyright ©1998 LUCIS TRUST
Twenty-Four Books of Esoteric Philosophy
?b. An atom contains within itself differentiated molecules, which in their totality form the atom itself. For instance, we are told that the physical atom contains within its periphery fourteen thousand millions of the archetypal atoms, yet these myriads demonstrate as one.
c. An atom is distinguished by activity, and shows forth the qualities of:
a. Rotary motion.
b. Discriminative power. c. Ability to develop.
d. An atom, we are told, contains within itself three major spirals and seven lesser 104Inner Life: Vol. II, 177-179. Occult Chemistry, p. 22. Occult Chemistry, Appendix II and III. Babbitt's "Light and Colour," pp. 97-1012. which ten are in process of vitalisation, but have not yet attained full activity. Only four are functioning at this stage, and the fifth is in process of development.
e. An atom is governed by the Law of Economy, is coming slowly under the Law of Attraction, and will eventually come under the Law of Synthesis.
f. An atom finds its place within all forms; it is the aggregation of atoms that produces form. g. Its responsiveness to outer stimulation:
Electrical stimulation, affecting its objective form.
Magnetic stimulation, acting upon its subjective life.
The united effect of the two stimulations, producing consequent internal growth and development.
An atom therefore is distinguished by:
1. Its spheroidal shape. Its ring-pass-not is definite and seen.
2. Its internal arrangement, which comprises the sphere of influence of any particular atom.
3. Its life-activity, or the extent to which the life at the centre animates the atom, a relative thing at this stage.
4. Its sevenfold inner economy in process of evolution.
5. Its eventual synthesis internally from the seven into the three.
6. Its group relation.
7. Its development of consciousness, or responsiveness.
Having predicated the above facts of the atom, we can extend the idea now to man, following the same general outline:
