

ブラヴァツキー『秘密教義 第一巻 宇宙発生論』 第三部 付録 第1節 (4)

2014年08月15日 01時23分22秒 | 秘教/オカルト科学
ブラヴァツキー『秘密教義 第一巻 宇宙発生論』 第三部 付録 第1節 (4)

The Sun is matter, and the Sun is Spirit.

Our ancestors --- the "heathen," --- along with their modern successors, the Parsis --- were, and are, wise enough in their generation to see in it the symbol of Divinity, and at the same time to sense within, concealed by the physical Symbol, the bright God of Spiritual and terrestrial Light.

Such belief is now regarded as a superstition only by rank materialism, which denies Deity, Spirit, Soul, and admits no intelligence outside the mind of man.

But if too much of wrong superstition bred by "Churchianity" --- as Lawrence Oliphant calls it --- "renders a man a fool," too much scepticism makes him mad.
しかし、もし「教会教」(とLawrence Oliphantが呼ぶのだが)によって育てられた誤った迷信が「人を阿呆にする」のが多すぎるという言うのなら、懐疑論が人を狂わせることも多すぎるのである。

We prefer the charge of folly in believing too much, to that of a madness which denies everything, as do Materialism and Idealism.


Hence, the Occultists are fully prepared to receive their dues from Materialism, and to meet the adverse criticism which will be poured on this work, not _for writing it, but for believing in that which it contains_.